It was not about getting paid it was about our Pope being poor!Exactly what?
Some hearsay story about “a church in Toronto” that was supposedly all over the news, with nary a link to be found and NOTHING at all to back up the assertions but somebody’s ‘sayso’?
What strikes me is that we can offer up various proofs like the fact that the late John Paul II’s will showed that he had no assets to bequeath to anybody vatican.va/gpII/documents/testamento-jp-ii_20050407_en.html
(so much for the theory that Popes get PAID) --a story which was “all over the news” back in April of 2005, I might add, yet the standard answer is, “You’re not the accountant and everybody KNOWS that lawyers, etc. can fudge documents to make it LOOK like rich people are really poor.”
Nothing like the Christian charity of calling your fellow Christians liars, thieves and cheats, on the ASSUMPTION that you just can’t trust what they say, show or do, because “anybody can fudge documents”.
No, The Catholic Church in Toronto is fact! God is my witness. All over the news in our area and in the paper. Because alot of churches are closing it drew interest and great concern. Liar is that not what you are calling me? That is the truth!
Documents are done professional. It is a reality. That is why we have special lawyers in that field, do we not? Ever of hear of fraud those are people who get caught. Look at Enron how long was that going on? Not till a honest truthful soul exposed it?
Saying that the Pope is poor was the point I was making, our Dear Pope is well provided for, loved etc.
If you think Christians have not lied, stolen, been thieves and have not cheated I do not know what planted you are living on.Priest are human also are they not? Are we not all sinners. We are all being tested daily in our lives.
As far as a will you can have more than one, with one not knowing about the other. Personal and Corportate. A will within a will with family members not knowing ever of the other.
I am not saying this about the Pope only please do not tell me he is poor, know what the true word of poor means first when it comes to basic needs to live.
God Bless