Why ask you?I wish moderators would have stepped in on this thread.
God Bless
Why ask you?I wish moderators would have stepped in on this thread.
According to Merriam WebsterOriginally Posted by blossom02
If you are Catholic, you know that your religion was founded in the year 33 by Jesus Christ the Son of God, and it is still the same Church.
We, the Catholic Church, are the FIRST Christians!
I agree Jesus expressed his plans to build His catholic or universal church for all mankind in the bible.1 aoften capitalized : of, relating to, or forming the church universal
now the question becomes, was it Jesus intent to build His catholic/universal church into what the Roman Catholic Church has become?relating to, or being a Christian church having a hierarchy of priests and bishops under the pope, a liturgy centered in the Mass, veneration of the Virgin Mary and saints, clerical celibacy, and a body of dogma including transubstantiation and papal infallibility
Question: I am an ex-Protestant and I hope to be received into full communion with the Catholic Church. I am not so much eager to become a Catholic, as I am eager to be united with the True Church that Christ founded (and I do believe there can be only one, not many), and to follow the apostles’ teaching.
Not the Roman Catholic ChurchAnswer: Tragically you mistake the Roman Catholic Church for the one true church of Jesus Christ. You want to become catholic - and yet by joining the Church of Rome, you will become “Catholic” in name only and not in truth. In Christian theology the word “catholic” describes the entire church of Jesus Christ. The word “catholic” simple means “universal”. All God’s people from every nation and in every era, all who are redeemed by the blood of Jesus, together form the catholic church.
Ephesians 5:24-30 (KJV)The Lord Jesus has one universal - or catholic - church. He is the head, and all the redeemed are members of His body.
word is the bible23 For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church: and he is the saviour of the body.
24 Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing.
25 Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;
26 That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word,
For more answers on the difference between catholic and Roman catholic visit27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.
28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.
29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:
30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones
Ephesians 5:24-30…
Prior to the Schism between East and West,there was only the Catholic Church. There was no talk of a “Christian Church”,and no official title of “Church of Christ”.Christopher’s is undoubtedly the best answer, but you might also point out that “Roman Catholic” isn’t the real name of the Church. It started out as a denigration that modern Catholics simply adopted as our own. I believe the official name is the Church of Christ.
Where did you get that idea?anthony
You are working a play on words and Apostolic Succession. I guess you disagree with Apostolic Succession???
I was Catholic and the bible says…
Matthew 16:18(KJV)
And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
which is the foundation of catholic teaching to which blossom said in another thread,
According to Merriam Webster
the definition of catholic is
I agree Jesus expressed his plans to build His catholic or universal church for all mankind in the bible.
Roman Catholic has a different meaning.
now the question becomes, was it Jesus intent to build His catholic/universal church into what the Roman Catholic Church has become?
I believe there are many catholic/universal churches in the world which are solely built on God’s word, the bible and no other book.
From the following web page
One True Catholic Church
When I was young it was always called the Roman Catholic Church why are they now dropping Roman, for the church is in Rome is it not. Is there not books written from our grandparents, great grandparents with this title on them? The Roman Catholic Church?
I believe it is Jesus Christ Church who is High Priest forever over his Church, we are all, whoever, where ever, through out all nations who believe will make up his church, God’s children make up his church, it is not a building, for we are the temple of the Lord. But for now until Jesus returns, which I believe his generation has not ended, not until all gentles are in. Are given from God our freedom to practice our faith, beliefs whereever we chose, whether it is the Catholic Church etc. For I have chosen the Catholic Church as my earthly place to worship God, based on their teaching and understanding of God’s truth and in whom they serve… God. It is not the name of the church that saves me that is important but my faith and belief in God.
For in the end when all is fulfilled God has given us in the bible what name he will be called, his church, his kingdom etc.
God Bless
The top of the page is not me, what I wrote it is at the bottom part of that same page me planter. My answered to the top part of the same page is written at the bottom to the one who said he was Catholic.Planter654
You said in your previous statement that you was Catholic.
If you are not Catholic now you know the difference and cannot wait till the day you come back home.
You realize it was the Church founded by Christ and given to Peter to watch over.
You understand Universal.
Well Universal is that I can go to an Eastern Ortrodox, greek Orteodox Roman Catholic and understand everything that is occurring with some very minor differeces which is mainly to customs.
These Churches will once again join back with the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern already pretty much has. The Greek Orteodox is in constant collaboration with Rome. These are Universal.
The protestant and Anglican are not and as is evident in the Sacraments, the Eucharist, and Communion,
They do not follow Sacred Traditions except when it is convienent.
They do not follow Sacred Teachings as every other Protestant church has a different analysis of the Bible.
Abortion not in agreement with the congregation lets re-analyze so it can fit.
Divorce well lets remove that sectionor not quote it at all.
Jesus states you must do something well he must have meant it as a symbolism because we are not authorized to complete such a sacrament.
The Roman Catholic Church gave other Catholic Churches the authority to perform such sacraments such as the miracle of turning the bread and wine (not grape juice) into the body and blood of Christ.
I was just stating a fact. The Church was always called Catholic. It was not called the Christian Church or the Church of Christ.Anthony,
Your remarks:
"Prior to the Schism between East and West,there was only the Catholic Church. There was no talk of a “Christian Church”,and no official title of “Church of Christ”.
Was not sure what you are driving at.
That I agree with what you wrote as only one Catholic Church before the schism.
Left unanswered was
Who was the Churches that left Christ’s Church and caused the Schism. Who broke the Apostolic Succession with Rome.
The part of my last post between the arrows is not mine,by the way – it’s from the linked article by Mark Bonocore. He’s an apologist at The Catholic Legate.I thank you for that information. You are well versed with the history of the Catholic Church and in shows in your writtings Sorry about the prior confusion but I was unsure where you were heading.
I totally agree with the history as you described it and it is what I was taught.
It was founded by St. Andrew, but yes, its position it owed to its imperial authority, which, according to the Ecumenical Councils, is where Rome got her primacy.I was just stating a fact. The Church was always called Catholic. It was not called the Christian Church or the Church of Christ.
It was not called the Orthodox Church either – the faith was called orthodox.
It was the Church of Constantinople that broke away from the Catholic Church over the “filioque” clause in the Western creed,and the other Eastern Churches followed suit.
The Church of Constantinople was not founded by an apostle,like Rome,Antioch and Alexandria,but its ecclesiastical authority in the East was built up on Constantinople’s imperial authority.
Oh, pleeease! the emperor gave, and the Pope of Rome took, the title of Pontifex Maximus, which was the title for the head of the imperial state cult.The Western Church, on the other hand, never fundamentally associated itself with the imperial “state cult”
After the fall the pope assumed much of the persona of the emperor. Heard of the Donation of Constantine?; and this was the case both before and after the fall of the Western Roman Empire.
Unam Sanctum.Rather, the West, along with the monastic communities in the East, always maintained a view of the Church as that old, underground society that was distinct from the secular world, and which was once persecuted by it.
And yet not one Ecumenical Council defined unity and orthodoxy by communion with “Peter’s personal successor.” One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic ChurchIn this more ancient understanding, the teaching authority of the Church (what St. Cyprian called “the Chair of Peter”) was held by all Catholic bishops, whose unity and orthodoxy was identified and maintained, not by the Empire, but by their communion with Peter’s personal successor in the church of Rome
He also called on, and translated Firmilian’s words that the pope of Rome excommunicated himself.–a church that St. Cyprian called “the womb and root of the Catholic Church” and “the principal church in which sacerdotal unity has its source” (Ep.liv.).
Then how was the Inquisition such a success?Because of this, the West has always been able to distinguish between the Church and a given civilization in which the Church (or an area of the Church) happens to reside." >
HiI would ask what the point is?
The Roman rite is merely a label distingushing it from other rites, but does not imply any change in doctrine or morals.