Well he has a lot of Catholics to save. :bounce:Ex, you joined yesterday and have 25 posts. Are you okay?
Well he has a lot of Catholics to save. :bounce:Ex, you joined yesterday and have 25 posts. Are you okay?
May I kindly correct you. The pope is the vicar of Christ on earth. That means he is his representative. My state representative is supposed to represent me in government - it doesn’t mean he is me.However the RCC does teach the pope to be god on earth. Apostasy I say.
Friend: I am sorry you came to the conclusion that I thought Job was in hell. I certainly don’t believe that. As I am sure you know, Moses gave us the law and established the Jewish faith. Trying to categorize anyone before the law as being Jewish would be a matter for debate. However God did have his chosen people prior to the law and Job was one of his favorites. Job lived in a time before the first covenant (the law) was established. I believe Job was released from Abraham’s bosom when Jesus came a preached the Gospel to all who dwelled there.No. But you will be damned if you have full understanding of the teaching and have a post-baptismal denial of a revealed truth. My guess is that you don’t have a clue, because if you really were a practicing Catholic they way it should be practiced, you wouldn’t be making such absurd remarks. My other guess is that you never were a Catholic, but use that screen name because it creates an illusion of credibility.
What the Church teaches is what Jesus teaches, and what Jesus teaches (which is the same as the Church) is what we rely on for our salvation, and the Catechism clearly states our salvation comes from God and God alone.
The anti-Catholic lies that you fall for are the product of hateful bigots who are getting rich by selling their books and tapes at your expense. They will be accountable for bearing false witness, violating the 8th commandment. Remember what I said about the Dallas Morning News. The spirit is the same.
Actually, in 1 John 4:6 I think St. John was dealing with heresy, not evangelism.I think it’s almost comical that this verse was used to validate the Cardinal’s opinion that the good & humble Buddist & Muslum are going to heaven. Please notice that in the first verse quoted Jesus said “He who LISTENS to you listens to me.” See- we actually NEED TO TALK ABOUT JESUS! He was talking about us sharing the Gospel. Also, in the second verse again St. John said they must listen to us… which means, obviously, we MUST TALK ABOUT JESUS.
The Cardinal, possible next Pope didn’t say he did that. Instead, he said they were heaven bound based on their own merits.
As you stated, if you want to follow Jesus, follow his church - that may be true. Unfortunatly, according to this article, the Cardinal didn’t present that option.
The bhudists and the muslims believe that there religion is the true religion just like we believe ours is the true one. Just because they have heard the name of Jesus and a few things about him does not mean that they are completely responsible to believe that Christ died for there sins. It takes a long time to gain the faith to believe this. I was born a Catholic but that does not mean that I always believed in God. There was a time when I was younger that I did not believe in God, or atleast was very confused. It takes much more than just a little discussion to gain faith, it takes a long time. I started reading about it and I began to believe it over time.3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour, 4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come to the knowledge of the truth. 1Tim2
Then Jesus said to them: Amen, amen I say unto you: Except you eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, you shall not have life in you. John6 *
I don’t know what gave you the idea that I think all non Christians are going to hell or that all non Catholics are going to hell. I never said that at all. And I certainly don’t believe that. Can you please explain to me what I said to give you that idea?If you accept that all non christians are going to hell then you must accept that all born agains and all protestants who do not believe in the true presence are going to hell because they do not eat the body of Christ. Judgement is based on our desire to know and to love God, in what ever form he takes, and our want to follow his commandments. If we desire to know and to love God, then we will be saved. If we do not, then we will go to hell.
You must remember that Christ sacrificed himself for all, not just for the Christians.
You have no idea what you are talking about. Why don’t you learn about the Catholic church before you post false statements.Jimmy read what you posted and then read this John14:5-6
5 Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?”
6 Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.
Yes Jimmy you are right when you say his sacrifice was for every one but God’ Word says in Romans 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. God is a meciful and just God. We have to believe on him for our salvation. John 3:18 "He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. Jimmy Jesus said it so I believe it, he is God and the RCC is not. However the RCC does teach the pope to be god on earth. Apostasy I say.
I don’t either, and it is not the point, which the point being your narrow unbiblical unhistorical view of salvation. Cardinal Arinze, when NOT taken out of context, is completely in line with scripture.Friend: I am sorry you came to the conclusion that I thought Job was in hell. I certainly don’t believe that.
And where exactly did they dwell? Will you admit to that reality? Besides, I just read a Protestant web site that says Job predates Abraham, so how could he, a Babylonian, before Abraham, be favoured by God and come from Abrahams bosom??However God did have his chosen people prior to the law and Job was one of his favorites. Job lived in a time before the first covenant (the law) was established. I believe Job was released from Abraham’s bosom when Jesus came a preached the Gospel to all who dwelled there.
You admit you don’t know how Job could accomplish “this feat”, but claim to know more about salvation than a good bishop, you post a catchy misleading headline from a bigoted newspaper that defends witchcraft, you take a bishops quotes out of context, you ignore sound reasonable defenses of this bishop who, like you, attack him just like vicious cults, you ignore anything that requires thoughtful honesty. Then, in typical mindless anti-Catholic behaviour, throw in red herrings like the rapture and the Koran!Job lived in a different dispensation and he was righteous in the sight of God. I don’t know how Job accomplished this feat, as I need his grace every day for my unrighteousness. Maybe sin was not abounding like it is today? Who knows, but I am confident I will see Job in heaven. I hope to see you too.
Oh, but that is the problem I am encountering with many protestants on this forum, Jimmy. They profess to know what the Catholic Church teaches and to also understand it because they have their *Catechism of the Catholic Church *handy. I think it is a waste of typing time to sit and argue with people who are completely closed to the true teaching of the Catholic Church, for they already know the error of the Catholic Church’s ways and have come to correct them. They refuse to even be open to the possibility that what the Catholic Church teaches could be the correct interpretation of the faith. And when we offer passages of scripture to support our teaching, of course, we are wrong because they have the right to interpret those passages any way that they want. It is very disheartening to sit and try to make a charitable point only to be told that we are in heresy or we are wrong or we have corrupted the gospel. I just don’t think it is productive at all to be that way.You have no idea what you are talking about. Why don’t you learn about the Catholic church before you post false statements.
Just because someone is born in China and has never heard of Christ does not mean they are going to hell. Christ died for all, even those who never heard of him. He desires all to be saved as it says in my post above. Yes, Christ is the one and only way and no one shall be saved without him but his sacrifice was for everyone. You do not have to know it happened for it to be for you. All who get to heaven will get there by the sacrifice of Christ but that may include a hermit in China who has never heard of him. It is not the hermits fault that he has not heard of Christ, that is what he was born into. God does not predestine people to hell. Your view of God is not a mercyful God. Gods not racist against the chinese hermits who have not heard of him. He loves all, and he will save all who love him. They will get there by the sacrifice of Christ.
Maybe someone can help me here. I recall a statement of Jesus that said something to the affect that the judgement will be easier on those who have not heard of him than those who have and did not adhere.
Kepha1, that is a wonderful question that I have never even thought to ask. I will give you my answer to that question since I am a convert. It is because when a protestant comes home to the Catholic Church, they are fulfilled. They take everything that their protestant teachers gave them and they fill what is lacking by the teachings of the Catholic Church. When a Catholic leaves the Church, he is settling for a reduction in the fullness of that faith. Naturally, he has to defend his decision for giving up some of the fullness of the faith, and so he does it by criticizing the very institution that has the fullness of the faith. For if he doesn’t criticize it, then he must admit that his protestant church is lacking.Why is it that when a Protestant comes home to the Church Jesus founded, they still revere their former faith, and can even attend their old church, but when a Catholic turns his back on his faith, he becomes an anti-Catholic? You have not answered this question, excatholic, because admission of the truth says a lot about your platform
Some of the Pope’s titles:However the RCC does teach the pope to be god on earth. Apostasy I say.
You need to post this to Myhrr over on the Non-Catholic forum. It seems that Myhrr believes that we are required to believe that the Pope is God on earth.Some of the Pope’s titles:
Vicar of Christ
Servant of the Servants of God
servant =/= God
get your dictionary, if you cant even believe that![]()
Check it out for yourself.Myhrr is saying no such thing.