Catholic Charismatic Spiritual Talk and Sharing

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Question for the other Charismatic Catholics in here: Anyone have much experience with visions? If so, could you share? How are visions in yopur prayer groups shared with the community? Do the ones having the visions go to the leadership first or do they go to the whole body?

A woman in our prayer groups has recently started having visions, and she is troubled by this new gift because she feels unworthy, and she has admitted that she has not always shared the visions she has with the leadership because she does not understand what they mean. Like most of us, she is cautious to test what she receives: is it me or is it from God? But her visions have thus far been born out as true in every case. In some cases, her visions were literally answers to prayers about situations which she knew nothing of, but about which the leaders of our prayer group were begging God for clear direction on. (sorry for the awful grammatical structures there!)

Just would like to hear other people’s experiences with visions.
Personally I would share it with the leadership first. I also would bring it up before the meeting takes place and not during.Visions can be decieving and sometimes they come from the enemy. Everthing needs to be tested to see that it is from God. Only after leadership approval should it be allowed to be shared with the body. Ive heard many speak on and share their visions at different prayer groups… If its from God there will be an annoiting on this vision.If not discard it. God Bless.
Good Morning Church

I have noticed increasing interest in the Catholic Charismatic Renewal here at CA.

Was wondering what is happening in the Renewal in your Parish/Diocese?

We look forward to another Charismatic Retreat next April, in the Redding, CA area.
The charismatic prayer group I take part in (which tends toward the more contemplative side) does this also. After a couple of readings, we focus on a certain word or phrase that strikes each of us, and we try to meditate on that word during the week. We’ve done this a couple of times so far (it’s a new-ish group), and some of the insights that were shared were very inspired.

That’s wonderful—do you care to share any of these insights?
That’s wonderful—do you care to share any of these insights?

We chose Luke 18:9-14, which was the Gospel passage for the following Sunday:

9 He also told this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous and despised others: 10 “Two men went up into the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. 11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee that I am not like other men, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even like this tax collector. 12 I fast twice a week, I give tithes of all that I get.' 13 But the tax collector, standing far off, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, God, be merciful to me a sinner!’ 14 I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other; for every one who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted.” (RSV)

Now, what we did was to listen to this read out a couple of times, and prayerfully meditate on it, and on any particular word that particularly spoke to us.

For me, the word was “sinner”. I had a greater understanding that, truly, everybody is a sinner, but pride gets in the way of admitting this. It struck me also that Saints often admit to their sins and lament about them so much, while people who are much less holy do not much care about, and sometimes do not know about their sinfulness. It also struck me that everything is relative to God, but we always have a tendency to see ourselves relative to man, and that also leads us to judge people because we judge them in relation to our own position, while forgetting about our own sinfulness and shortcomings

Another insight which was shared was that for the passage “… for every one who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted”, the extreme cases for these are Luciffer and Jesus, respectively.

That’s all I’ve got written down. Hope it helps!

God bless,
For me, the word was “sinner”. I had a greater understanding that, truly, everybody is a sinner, but pride gets in the way of admitting this.
Another insight which was shared was that for the passage “… for every one who exalts himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted”, the extreme cases for these are Luciffer and Jesus, respectively.

Yep the old pride thing----There is good reason that it is listed as the most deadly of the Capital sins.
(After it is how Lucifer–the most magnificent of the Angels became Satan)
John of Woking:
I can’t believe they let the gunman in :eek:
Yes,with Holy Spirit bullets, even penetrates the most hardened hearts. 👍 God Bless.
Hi Mysty,
Yep the old pride thing----There is good reason that it is listed as the most deadly of the Capital sins.
(After it is how Lucifer–the most magnificent of the Angels became Satan)
Yup. For us Christians, we have to particularly watch out for spiritual pride!

God bless,
As long as the masses are not like this:
(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
Not enough seats huh? Can’t have that! 😃


If you are bringing these photos into this thread for the purpose of debate or controversy, I remind you that this is prohibited here.
If you do it for this reason, please start your own thread for that purpose. This thread is not for debate.

Thanks for respecting the spirit of our discussion.
Hi, roberaf,

Is there a way for you to block messages with images or to remove the images? Images tend to slow the download of an already Sloooow message board. (at least it’s slow for me.).

In the same vein, what is the policy of this thread on posting links to external sites. The reason I ask is that I have a couple of longish articles on my own Web site that others may find interesting. Some message boards frown upon sending people to other sites.

Oh man, nutty! 😃

On a more serious note, I notice that that picture’s taken from a traditionalist website disapproving of the New Mass (!). Hmm. Slightly inappropriate for the thread, perhaps?

Is there a way for you to block messages with images or to remove the images? Images tend to slow the download of an already Sloooow message board. (at least it’s slow for me.).

In the same vein, what is the policy of this thread on posting links to external sites. The reason I ask is that I have a couple of longish articles on my own Web site that others may find interesting. Some message boards frown upon sending people to other sites.

EMK, on this forum the person to contact for information is Joseph Romero
If you experience difficulty in the Spirituality Forum, please use the private message system to contact the forum moderator, Joseph Romero.
Hi Miseri
That was a lot of fun. Thank you.

This thread was started for Charismatics to come here and share without worrying about debate or distraction. I am as playful as anyone and far be it from me to hamper anyone from play.

However, you have had your fun. In fact, I thought it was pretty entertaining. It is now time for you to leave the thread, unless you are willing to participate in the Spirit that the thread for which it was established.

Thanks for the (name removed by moderator)ut.

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