Jn 6 the one who FEEDS ON ME will have life because of me.ArchStanton:![]()
That is the tradition for some.Jesus becomes our ‘everything’ in the Eucharist lanman87
Jn 6 the one who FEEDS ON ME will have life because of me.ArchStanton:![]()
That is the tradition for some.Jesus becomes our ‘everything’ in the Eucharist lanman87
Because you’re opposing literal words of God. And I mean literal, what is so unclear in words:Church authority and the Eucharist wasn’t the topic of my reply. But that seems to be what some people want to make every conversation with non-Catholic Christians about.
Meanwhile, there’s nowhere to be said in Bible that some accepting Jesus is what you need to do.“ Amen, amen , I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you DO NOT HAVE LIFE within you . Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life , and I will raise him on the last day. For MY FLESH IS TRUE FOOD , and my blood is true drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood REMAINS IN ME and I in him" .
That is your interpretation. 100 of millions of Christians have a different interpretation of John 6.Because you’re opposing literal words of God. And I mean literal, what is so unclear in words:
I never said anything about “accepting Jesus”.Meanwhile, there’s nowhere to be said in Bible that some accepting Jesus is what you need to do.
Of course they can when the Church is protected. Not since Jesus founded the Catholic Church has there been any Dogma proclaimed that was wrong.One can go to far in thinking leaders can be unholy and still teach and expound perfect understanding every time, as if a bad tree can’t give bad fruit.
What you write makes no sense. What does the verse mean? It is authority of the Pope and the Church. If the Pope declares you cannot eat meat on Friday, it will be upheld by God. If the Pope says you can make eat meat on Friday, that too will be upheld by God.Indeed if you take understanding of heaven’s binding away you have no conditions to binding on earth.
Understood… but you also seem to have a problem with Christ’s words ‘ whatever you bind…’
Church authority and the Eucharist wasn’t the topic of my reply. But that seems to be what some people want to make every conversation with non-Catholic Christians about.Jesus becomes our ‘everything’ in the Eucharist lanman87
It was brought up because you mentioned a close relationship with Christ earlier, and so, …
[ 1322 ] The holy Eucharist completes Christian initiation . Those who have been raised to the dignity of the royal priesthood by Baptism and configured more deeply to Christ by Confirmation participate with the whole community in the Lord’s own sacrifice by means of the Eucharist.
[ 1324 ] The Eucharist is “the source and summit of the Christian life.” 136 "The other sacraments, and indeed all ecclesiastical ministries and works of the apostolate, are bound up with the Eucharist and are oriented toward it. For in the blessed Eucharist is contained the whole spiritual good of the Church, namely Christ himself, our Pasch ."137
Ok, I see what you are saying. What you and @hope need to realize is that I (and some of us) live in a community where our Catholic neighbors tell us in their terms ( not mine) …“oh, don’t be so g______n religious, all you have to do is follow and obey the Church” …by which I take to mean, go tell the blankety blank priest your sorry at Easter. Maybe judgments against us nons about not “being in the center of God’s will” would be tempered if you realized the framework within some of us rub shoulders with Catholic neighbors.Wannano:![]()
That’s all part of what I meant by “follow and obey the Church”.If you are right, then I feel completely ripped off. I was taught my whole life that I actually had to believe with my heart and mind, and submit my will to His.
True this. However, I think this is one place where the idea of “acceptance” comes from:Meanwhile, there’s nowhere to be said in Bible that some accepting Jesus is what you need to do.
When you are a ‘Catholic’, you are part of the body. The issue centers on obedience to Christ and His commands.Does the Catholic church not teach that prayer, worship, study, and service are also part of a close relationship with Christ?
I mean, if you go to Mass every Sunday and don’t do anything else during the week in way of personal devotion and service, are you really in a close relationship with Christ?
Then look to the early Christian Church to see what they practiced.100 of millions of Christians have a different interpretation of John 6.
That requires truth…What I’m saying is that if Christ is truly the center of someones life then they are seeking first the Kingdom of God
Was it really a simple observation? Go back and reread your posts.Wow, all I did was make a simple observation and you seem to want to get into a huge theological debate (that has been rehashed over and over again both on this board and throughout history). I’m not interested in going through that debate again. It is futile.
I can honestly say as a Catholic that I don’t ever feel the ‘To Do’ list in my life. I am sure millions of other Catholics feel the same way. Hope that makes sense.While those things are good and helpful and positive. The fact is we can do all of those things because we were told to and miss out on truly knowing Jesus. And when we truly know Jesus the To Do list that you had to white knuckle though in order to be a “true Christian” suddenly becomes times of worship and joy and a sweet time of being the with Jesus instead of a yoke that weighs us down.
It has been my experience that To Do list Christianity either robs me of joy because I’m doing what I’m doing out of obligation instead of love and joy or because I feel guilty because I don’t follow the list or if I do follow the list I’m just going through the motions without any real meaning behind what I’m doing.