As Powe0186 stated when beginning this thread, forums are good for discussion, communication, and venting. Well, we’ve definitely done all three of these things, but the beautiful thing about being united in faith as sisters and brothers in Christ is that we can do more. Jesus promised us that when 2 or 3 of us asked something in His name, we would not be denied. So, I hope I’m not being too bold here, but I propose we start a prayer campaign, and then, as KellyEr suggested, start contacting each other. If you’re interested, just post a yes or no, but here’s what I’m suggesting…
Starting this Sunday (July 11), or whenever you read this, begin a novena to St. Joseph. St. Joseph is the model of the true Christian husband, and also the Protector of Virgins, so it makes sense for both women and men to ask his intercession. However, do not pray solely for yourself, but for everyone on this thread. Pray for 3 things: 1) That God will help you to see the beauty of your current vocation, single life, and ease your loneliness, if you have any. 2) That God will grant you knowledge of, and submission to, His will. 3) That He will give you the grace of meeting your future spouse.
After, and only after, you have completed the prayers for St. Joseph’s intercession, start contacting the other people on this thread. However, I would caution everyone that this is not necessarily because you will find your future spouse here. Rather, e-mailing each other will provide support from people who know exactly what you’re going through. And, hey, maybe it is God’s will for you to find your future spouse in this manner. The important thing for us right now is to stop venting and start praising. God knows what He’s doing, and we must praise Him for all His decisions (even if we don’t understand them). In the end, He is all that matters. If you are called to marriage, you should want it so desparately because it is a relationship with Christ. In the Sacrament of marriage, you become the domestic Church. That is why marriage is beautiful. However, we cannot possibly comprehend God’s plan, and if He has not yet revealed His will to us regarding our vocations, or if He has not yet presented us with our future spouses, we must trust Him. God is good!
So please, let’s start praying for each other. When we pray, we put all our trust in God and allow Him to act, and that’s when miracles happen! I hope God blesses all of you, and I’ll begin asking for St. Joseph’s intercession for your vocations this Sunday. Peace be with you!
In Christ,