Catholic Dating

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Lol. Sorry to hear it, bud.

To further complicate things, she calls me every now and then to say how much she loves me. A mature, sensible guy would run away…run away… But, I am not a mature, sensible guy.

And now this very pious, beautiful Protestant girl has caught my eye. Any bets as to whether I’ll be back on this forum with all new and improved problems? :rolleyes:
Amazing reading these posts. I’m 30, single…and have pretty much given up. I don’t want children so I think there’s really no point in getting married anyway (other than to have someone to share my life with). Even non-Catholics are shocked when I, as a woman gasp don’t want children! Yes, yes, I know. I"m abnormal. But I also reserve the right to change my mind if I ever meet the right man.

I’ve gone to CatholicSingles and it was useless to me…I can’t meet someone via computer because it makes me very uncomfortable. Maybe I’ll try it again…I don’t know.

I’m very frustrated by the fact that most of the “Catholic” men I meet are as liberal as society in general. The rest are either too old or too young…or too strange! The 30-something single Catholic men in my area are non-existant…and I have nowhere to meet anyone anyway.

I’ve given it to God. For now I"m focusing on just being happy as a single and enjoying the freedom I have to make my own decisions for myself according to Catholic faith. I have to admit, though, that I need a man! I never thought I would admit to this, but it’s true! I’m a new homeowner with no mechanical or craft-ability. I need a man who can take care of the simplest things like re-tiling the bathroom, snaking the drains, and replacing the toilet guts!

It’s hard…once I considered myself to be somewhat liberal and I have and still do work in a male-dominated field. I believe women can do just as well as any man professionally…but we still have our place and God-given abilities in the home. Even without children, marriage is a Godly institution and its one I want to be a part of. sigh

But I’m not looking anymore. As far as I’m concerned, since in the past I really didn’t do a good job of seeking for myself, God can seek and find for me. If he wants me to be the old maid on the corner with all the dogs and the horse in the backyard, then so be it. 😃

Praying for each other is a great idea. I wish I’d seen the novena idea long ago!
Good to see more single people in the forum! I am single but I realize that I don’t have it so bad at all. I’m 19 and I get pretty worried about it sometimes but I am also looking into the possibilty of the priesthood. God bless the older singles out there! I have nothing to complain about because it must be extremely more frustrating for you all. I have a college kid’s naive mind set that I can win the American Catholic Church back to its real faith. If God sends me a girl before I graduate, then praise Jesus but if not its off to Seminary I go! I have mixed feelings about celibacy though. I know that I can do it if its God’s will but I still have hormones…Some of my Protestant friends seem to think that if I have any feelings toward women at all that I am not meant to be celibate. Sometimes the thought of being celibate is like a huge relief because of all the bad relationships I’ve had in the past…if only these darn hormones would leave me alone!
… I have a college kid’s naive mind set that I can win the American Catholic Church back to its real faith. If God sends me a girl before I graduate, then praise Jesus but if not its off to Seminary I go! I have mixed feelings about celibacy though. I know that I can do it if its God’s will but I still have hormones…Some of my Protestant friends seem to think that if I have any feelings toward women at all that I am not meant to be celibate. Sometimes the thought of being celibate is like a huge relief because of all the bad relationships I’ve had in the past…if only these darn hormones would leave me alone!
Man, you took those words right out of my mouth. I also have a desire to win back the American Catholic Church to the true faith and have thought about the priesthood. I especially agree that the thought of the celibate life at times is “like a huge relief” due to past relationships. I just want to say that I can completely relate with you and good luck as you continue your journey with Christ! God bless you brother!
Man, you took those words right out of my mouth. I also have a desire to win back the American Catholic Church to the true faith and have thought about the priesthood. I especially agree that the thought of the celibate life at times is “like a huge relief” due to past relationships. I just want to say that I can completely relate with you and good luck as you continue your journey with Christ! God bless you brother!
Is there a new schism??? There is NO such thing as the so called “American catholic church.” There is the Roman Catholic Church in America(America for the Vatican is viewed as one single entity: North, Central and South). The Church here MUST always think with the church OF ROME.
Wow, I didn’t mean it in a schismatic sense…are you a linguist as well as a theologian? By the way, not all Catholics in America are Roman Catholic. What about the eastern rites? I meant the Catholic Church IN America meaning all rites in communion with Rome that are in the United States of America. I don’t see the charity in your comments that are picky and sometimes rude.
Okay, as an experiment I signed up for a freebie membership with I’ve gotten two hits. I responded to both and have heard nothing back. Do you need to sign up for full membership in order to get things rolling? Or, is this just that sad state of affairs for Catholics in the 21st century?

It’s entirely possible that most women think I look like a horse has repeatedly kicked me in the face, but, without being ridiculously arrogant, I have never had that fear before… Maybe I came off as “too” Catholic in my profile.

I guess the point here is that Catholic Singles is a terrible site–at least for the D.C. area. At this point, I’ve had more luck the old fashioned way–passing out on some girl’s hood in the parking lot…

(Just kidding. That’s never happened. To me. Well, to the best of my knowledge…)
Don’t worry about it!! Just leave it all up to God, HE will find you the perfect girl for you.
CFC-Singles for Christ.There is are Catholic Family ministries called CFC-Singles For Christ (SFC) and CFC-Youth for Chrsit (Campus Base). THEY ARE NOT dating services. They are a ministry that helps build Spiritually Strong Christian men and women. Though lately, I have attended more weddings of SFC members marring SFC members. (it’s a bonus not a requirement).

Check out what SFC/YFC is doing at University of Illinois

If you would like more information on how to find or 😃 start this ministry at you Campus, please let me know.
I just wanted to comment on Catholic Singles. I didn’ t really like thier questionaire: it was a little…uh…boring. It didn’t allow for enough information about the other person. Not bad as an introduction, but sometimes just not enough to help one person stand out from another.

I think that if you have a free account, you can’t respond or contact others. I did try to respond to some people but later learned my e-mails had gone to a “pending” area so they were never recieved by the other person. I actually felt really bad when I learned that, especially for those who had contacted me!

I just got done checking out AveMaria Singles and on the surface it looks to be pretty good but given my past experience with internet “dating” I wonder if the fee is really worth it. But I may sign up anyway and hope that God will send me the $100 to pay for the fee.

Can anyone share any GOOD experiences they may have had on that site?

Oh, and as my personal ad: 😃

I’m 30, have 2 dogs (German Shepherd and Greyhound) and I hope to adopt a neglected horse or retired Thoroughbred someday. I don’t think I want kids but I’m open because God wills it. I can cook (sometimes when I feel into it), I can grill a mean steak and I can make a tasty garlic soup which will cure the nastiest cold! I love skiing, the outdoors, swimming, reading, writing, hanging out, etc…and I EVEN enjoy GOING TO CHURCH! My dream job is to start an animal ministry…adopt abandoned animals, rehab them and both re-home and train some to do various things in animal therapy–hospital visits, shelter visits, petting zoo especially for emotionally disturbed children, a “ranch” area for troubled adolescents…etc.

I’m nowhere close to this but a girl can dream, can’t she?

Seeking a husband to grow old together in our journey to heaven through Christ… 😛 On the ranch I/we don’t have because “WE” don’t exist.

OK! That was fun! NEXT! I wanna see more “ads” just for the fun of it! Be Goofy! Or should we start a thread in “MIscellaneous” and let our imaginations run (tastefully). ?
CFC-Singles for Christ.There is are Catholic Family ministries called CFC-Singles For Christ (SFC) and CFC-Youth for Chrsit (Campus Base). THEY ARE NOT dating services. They are a ministry that helps build Spiritually Strong Christian men and women. Though lately, I have attended more weddings of SFC members marring SFC members. (it’s a bonus not a requirement).

Check out what SFC/YFC is doing at University of Illinois

If you would like more information on how to find or 😃 start this ministry at you Campus, please let me know.
Do you know if there is a CFC-Singles for Christ in Houston, Texas? If so, is it only for university students or can anyone go? God bless you!
OK! That was fun! NEXT! I wanna see more “ads” just for the fun of it! Be Goofy! Or should we start a thread in “MIscellaneous” and let our imaginations run (tastefully). ?
Sorry but I’m not really good at writing about myself :whacky: . I never know what to write and what not to write! I’m a talker and could go on and on and on and…I think you get the point!

By the way, I don’t have a horse but if I did, I’d give it to you!

I have seen in most cases that many women want to find a nice decent guy according to what they say. However, when one presents himself to them, they tend to not want anything to do with them, and at times this means even friendship. Wow, it seems they want the all perfect flawless guy, but their actions state they want no one.
I know two women in their late twenties, who claim they are "discerning" a vocation to either nunhood or married life, but yet they close themselves OFF to any posibility of dating, or of even establishing a friendship with any good Catholic guy. What are they sooo afraid of?? I cannot understand? Then they should never say they are open to any possibilty of marriage. How are they to "discern" a vocation, if at least they don't establish a friendship which can lead to dating, even if one guy a year? I beleive these types are just hiding from some inner fear of commitment, and they use the "I want to consider being a nun" argument as an escape. Any thoughts on this anyone???:)
Do you know if there is a CFC-Singles for Christ in Houston, Texas? If so, is it only for university students or can anyone go? God bless you!
Yes, we are in Houston and have the blessing of the Diocese of Galveston-Houston.

NO IT IS NOT UNIVERSITY exclusive. All are welcome. Student or working professionals or unemployed. All are children of god and All are welcome.

If you would like me to have someone contact you, please send your contact information to me at :

God Bless,
Davis Gray
CFC-SFC Chicago
I have seen in most cases that many women want to find a nice decent guy according to what they say. However, when one presents himself to them, they tend to not want anything to do with them, and at times this means even friendship. Wow, it seems they want the all perfect flawless guy, but their actions state they want no one.
I know two women in their late twenties, who claim they are "discerning" a vocation to either nunhood or married life, but yet they close themselves OFF to any posibility of dating, or of even establishing a friendship with any good Catholic guy.  What are they sooo afraid of??  I cannot understand?  Then they should never say they are open to any possibilty of marriage.   How are they to "discern" a vocation, if at least they don't establish a friendship which can lead to dating, even if one guy a year?   I beleive these types are just hiding from some inner fear of commitment, and they use the "I want to consider being a nun" argument as an escape.   Any thoughts on this anyone???:)
Sounds like nunsense to me.

The pun truly is the lowest form of humor. 😃
Hi people!!!:tiphat:

I know I’m young (13):D, but I do have some advice from Greg & Lisa (Heart, Mind, & Strength on Relevant Radio) To make a long story short, I called in the program on a question that had to do with my friends. I also asked a second question on how I could find a strong-in-the-faith guy (when I’m older) who would be like me & if there was one out there…they told me to pray for that guy every night, and to help me be everything he will need. I keep doing it and hope it works!!!🙂
It is almost predictable that Newman Centers and parishes directly connected to college campuses are going to be more, um, avante garde than what you are looking for.

There is an old saying, “Don’t marry for money. Hang around rich people and marry for love.” I’m thinking along those lines. I can almost bet there is a parish within 10 miles of you that is more traditional than your campus community. Call the chancery office and ask if there is a parish with perpetual adoration near you. Try joining that one. Then volunteer. A lot. You don’t have to meet any young women. If the people you volunteer with at church hear your lament, they’ll keep their eyes and ears open.

Getting set up by someone’s married sister or their Aunt Rose may not sound great, but it beats bars and the other places people find their dates.

Via con Dios… and remember, you only have to find one!
My daughter who will be a senior (age 23) next year feels the same way as you do. It’s hard to meet faithful catholic men.

Maybe we should start a ‘fixing up young catholics’ thread!

(Did I mention that I am 23? 😉 )
I go to Bible study with my parents and their friends and they were just talking about how they wished that they had a daughter my age…I think it would be a great idea if parents and their friends could help out in this area.

I thought the last girl I was with was the one I would end up with…unfortunately, she is protestant, and the more we tried to talk about faith and why we believe what we believe, the less she would listen. I was hurt by the fact that I wasn’t important enough to work things out…I haven’t always been Catholic, I came home to Holy Mother Church April 15, 2001…and I will never compromise the Faith for anything, but I firmly believe that if two people love each other and are truly seeking the Truth, that with the help of the Holy Spirit the Truth will eventually be shown. I would love to meet someone who is faithful to the Church in all of Her teachings…
Hi all,

I think its time to raise this thread back from the dead :cool: …has anyones’ situation improved?

Unfortunately Im still single… even after my Novena to St Joseph

sigh :crying:

Hi all,

I think its time to raise this thread back from the dead :cool: …has anyones’ situation improved?

Unfortunately Im still single… even after my Novena to St Joseph

sigh :crying:

I am improving my situation - at least I am starting to feel better!
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