I just wanted to comment on Catholic Singles. I didn’ t really like thier questionaire: it was a little…uh…boring. It didn’t allow for enough information about the other person. Not bad as an introduction, but sometimes just not enough to help one person stand out from another.
I think that if you have a free account, you can’t respond or contact others. I did try to respond to some people but later learned my e-mails had gone to a “pending” area so they were never recieved by the other person. I actually felt really bad when I learned that, especially for those who had contacted me!
I just got done checking out AveMaria Singles and on the surface it looks to be pretty good but given my past experience with internet “dating” I wonder if the fee is really worth it. But I may sign up anyway and hope that God will send me the $100 to pay for the fee.
Can anyone share any GOOD experiences they may have had on that site?
Oh, and as my personal ad:
I’m 30, have 2 dogs (German Shepherd and Greyhound) and I hope to adopt a neglected horse or retired Thoroughbred someday. I don’t think I want kids but I’m open because God wills it. I can cook (sometimes when I feel into it), I can grill a mean steak and I can make a tasty garlic soup which will cure the nastiest cold! I love skiing, the outdoors, swimming, reading, writing, hanging out, etc…and I EVEN enjoy GOING TO CHURCH! My dream job is to start an animal ministry…adopt abandoned animals, rehab them and both re-home and train some to do various things in animal therapy–hospital visits, shelter visits, petting zoo especially for emotionally disturbed children, a “ranch” area for troubled adolescents…etc.
I’m nowhere close to this but a girl can dream, can’t she?
Seeking a husband to grow old together in our journey to heaven through Christ…
On the ranch I/we don’t have because “WE” don’t exist.
OK! That was fun! NEXT! I wanna see more “ads” just for the fun of it! Be Goofy! Or should we start a thread in “MIscellaneous” and let our imaginations run (tastefully). ?