Catholic School vs State School

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When in college, I frequently made jokes in my head about running away to Franciscan University of Steubenville Ohio and never coming back. I understand why you think this.
Please expound on how public schools are any where near comparable to prisons.
OK, then don’t.

Like I said, you just come off sounding ill informed and it’s not a good look.
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Maybe for some, but I don’t buy it for most.

It would cost us over 60K a year (gross) if my wife quit teaching…and went homeschool.
I guess it’s the price you pay to raise your kids vs. having someone else raise them.
I have a college degree and could easily bring home $60k as well. We are not wealthy by any means but raising my own children is priceless.
So you’re suggesting there are NO acceptable catholic schools? The only way to be ‘catholic enough’ is to homeschool?
Catholic schools might be okay. I don’t really have an opinion. But homeschool is superior in my opinion.
Indeed. I myself am a product of Catholic schools. My daughter is homeschooled, and my son goes to public school. There are advantages and disadvantages to whatever you choose to do, and there’s not necessarily a one-size-fits-all solution.
100% agree. I’m a product of public schools and coached at a Catholic high school.
Do you know about the Catholic Writer’s Guild Seal of Approval? Pre-vetted books, including kids books.
I was going to post the same things. The Good Bishop never said this.
We raised our son. Public schools K - 12 and he is a brilliant, gifted, caring young man.
Aside from the bullying issue, which is simply MO for being Christian in today’s world, I think the prime issue is the goal of OP’s education. If this school has a rainbow flag on every door, just what version of the truth is OP being educated on? I say stick with a school that has a primary goal to educate students on clear truth instead of wasting time on someone else’s politicized, spun social agendas. What are the books being used? How are you being enriched as a total person at this school? Is the school nurturing your talents and skills so that you can be the best version of yourself?
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No vaccinations
Kids have guns
Are you serious? You think it’s a good thing if children are not vaccinated but do have guns?

You do realise, do you, that the reason that a lot of us are today both alive and not disabled is because of vaccinations? And you realise that the more children are not vaccinated, the more people are going to die or have to live with life-changing disabilities? And you do realise that some people cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons, and they are protected by the rest of the population being vaccinated?

I have never owned a gun, and it doesn’t seem to have done me any harm. Possibly when I was at school the use of guns was taught as part of the cadet corps. Unless children are weighing up a career in the military I really don’t see why they need to know how to use a gun, let alone “have guns”, even if, to be fair, you qualify it with “and gun safety instruction”.
this is off topic (but ironically ON topic lol)
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The corps wasn’t very popular at my school either, though I think more through apathy than political views. That is an interesting story about education in the Soviet Union, but I’m not sure whether it is supposed to illustrate that children ought to have guns!
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