Catholic School vs State School

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But once kids are beyond daycare age the financial benefits are iffy.
It’s rule #1 of making a scientific claim. Be able to back it up. ✌️
I’m not trying to butt in but I know where he’s coming from. He could back it up. I know, because unlike you, I’ve also done the research. It’s out there and not terribly difficult to find. Not wanting to spend his time hunting down links for you to read and “being able” to back it up are two entirely different things.
He could back it up.
Then do it, it shouldn’t be hard to grab if you’ve done all the research.

If you’ve done it, the peer reviewed research should be at your fingertips. You know where you got it from, I’m just asking to see it.
I know, because unlike you, I’ve also done the research.
I wouldn’t say I haven’t done it all. I’ve done the research and I’m asking for your peer reviewed studies (that I’ve never found or seen) so I know what you’re working with and where you’re coming from.
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Yes, however, unfortunately when the Ven Bishop Sheen said this the following was true:
  1. there were dissents teaching in the Catholic Schools
  2. public schools teachers/administrations were not promoting sinful behavior
  3. public schools were open to prayer or at least moments of silence
  4. kids still had parents who received decent Catechesis
In other words, being Christian was not counter-culture back then, and the school was not going to over turn what was being taught at home.

Ven. Fulton Sheen, pray for us.
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I wouldn’t say I haven’t done it all. I’ve done the research and I’m asking for your peer reviewed studies (that I’ve never found or seen) so I know what you’re working with and where you’re coming from.
You’re totally missing the point. I agree with Lemuel and neither of us have the time or interest in doing your research. We don’t care what you believe. We don’t have any interest in persuading you.

I’ve been studying this for years and it’s always the same. It’s like the proverbial line in the sand. The vaccine believers stand firm on their side of the line. The anti-vaxxers on theirs. No amount of research ever persuades anyone. The only time I’ve seen people switch sides was when it affected someone close to them, usually a child. Some have switched one way and some the other. Most of the switching I have seen, by far, was from vax to anti-vax.

So believe what you want to believe and peace be with you.

Just FYI, I have three unvaccinated daughters. I can only think of once in over ten years that we even saw the inside of a doctor’s office and that was when one of my daughters had a bump on her ear that we were unsure about. Turned out to be nothing. Practicing good health habits and not juicing up on unnecessary meds has served my family well. I intend to keep it that way.

This is off topic as was earlier noted. I hope not to get in trouble over this post. It will also be my last on the subject.
You’re totally missing the point. I agree with Lemuel and neither of us have the time or interest in doing your research.
Actually, I’m not.

Like I said…I can “prove” the earth is flat by going online and doing research. I’ve never seen a peer reviewed study that was pro anti-vax. Just asking for the sources of your claims…

If you don’t want to provide that, then so be it.
Just asking for the sources of your claims…

If you don’t want to provide that, then so be it.
I don’t have any claims.

What do you mean “if”? I’ve told you and Lemuel has told you multiple times that we are not interested in doing your research. I’m not sure how many more times you will ask. I think I’m starting to see why you are so research challenged. You’re so determined to have others do the research for you.
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It would make sense to drop the issue since you don’t care.
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One more try…

The OP is in secondary/high school. OP started the topic for help with a very important personal decision. Vaccination is basically irrelevant to the OP. If allowed by forum policy it could be relevant in a discussion about state vs private vs homeschooling in general but this topic was about OP’s specific situation.
we are not interested in doing your research.
Last time… full stop. You wouldn’t be, you would be showing me research, peer reviewed studies, that I have never…and I mean never…been able to find, especially on Google scholar. That is why I would be so interested in seeing the unicorn you’ve been able to find.

It’s not “doing my research” it’s showing me the peer reviewed studies you’ve found but I seem to have trouble with. Full stop.

When someone makes a claim that vaccines do this, this this, kill people here, cause so and so there…I’m going to ask where that came from, because I’ve never seen a peer reviewed study that proves it.

I’ll read each and every link provided via PM, but in my background when anyone says “I won’t do your research for you” means they don’t have it…🤷‍♂️
Truly … remarkably … unbelievable!

Did you have any children who didn’t understand the meaning of no?
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To the OP,
Can you visit the other school, maybe for a whole day? Are the test scores / admissions stats etc significantly worse than the great secular school you are attending, or just not quite as good?
If you tried the Catholic school, and decided you want to go back to the secular school, is that an option?
It is not addressing the topic, but I wonder whether @Lemuel and @RuthAnne are aware of smallpox, a disease that has been eradicated through vaccination, and polio, a disease whose incidence has been reduced by 99 percent over 30 years through vaccination and is now found only in three countries.

You are right, none of this is answering @catholic03’s question. My suggestions would be as follows:

You are already at an Anglican state school which is regarded as one of the best in NZ. This school may offer you opportunities that are not available at the Catholic school. Without knowing more about the two schools, it would be hard to say. You say on your other thread that you are hoping to get a place at Oxford. You will need to have the University Entrance Certificate with NCEA at Level 3 endorsed with Excellence (unless your school offers A-levels, in which case you will need AAA minimum). You will also need to submit written work and attend an interview or a series of interviews (these may be conducted over Skype if you cannot visit Oxford). You need to think about which school will better prepare you for this process (e.g. experience sending students to Oxford, teachers educated at Oxford, teachers with experience in the UK). You also need to consider whether moving to a different school at this stage may disrupt the continuity of your education. You need to focus on getting the most out of your education and moving on with the next stage of your life.

As for the religious aspect: (1) instead of running away from the problem, I think you may gain more from staying put and learning how to deal with it; (2) you may run into the same difficulties at a Catholic school, albeit in more subtle ways.

You could learn to talk to people about your faith in a way that they will find less confrontational. The way in which you express yourself on these forums does sometimes come across as judgemental and even bigoted. E.g., when you insist on using the term “sufferer of SSA” to refer to somebody most of us just call “gay or bisexual”, you are clearly going to begin to alienate people already. You could try meeting them where they are. Similarly, putting the word “marriage” in quotation marks every time you mention same-sex marriage is unnecessary. I’m sure they already get the point that you don’t recognise it. You also don’t help yourself when you resort to some stereotypes such as gay men favouring particular styles of furniture. Also, while I know what you are referring to when you talk about the peccata clamantia, most people will at best roll their eyes when you begin to talk about sins that cry out for vengeance. In fact, perhaps you could try to shift your focus away from homosexuality, which does seem to be a bit of a preoccupation for you. There are other ways in which you could more effectively bear witness to your faith.
For class film study, we are forced to watch a pro homosexual film that denigrates conservative values and promotes effeminacy in males.
I am curious to know what this film was! Victim, in which Dirk Bogarde plays a bisexual barrister who is a victim of blackmailers?
There’s one other big elephant in the room that no one has brought up yet:


In this day and age (at least in the USA) you can get a masters/licentiate from a good state college and earn a family wage—it’s not necessary to go to Oxbridge (here, the Ivy League) in order to do that.

But getting a degree like that is easy compared to finding a faithful Catholic spouse. I mentioned earlier we are sending out daughter to Catholic school in large part because of the peer support she will have. And one of the reasons for that is that it took me 10 years to get married after I got my terminal degree. It took that long to find a spouse who actually believed in sacramental holy matrimony. That put me in my late 30s. Your age at marriage has an effect on your ability to have children—and if marriage is your vocation, children are your goal. If you are not part of a stable Catholic community in college, you have to find one in the place where you will be working. An Oxbridge degree is not a ticket to marriage; it can be a means to the end, but it alone doesn’t get you there.

So as you plan your future, don’t just think about degrees and jobs. Think about faithful Catholic community.
I have no idea what you mean. My wife is our teacher and she earns nothing
I mean your wife cannot earn a wage as she is teaching your kids. Often when people exclaim how cheap home schooling is they don’t factor in loss of potential wages.
The things is she doesn’t know what peer reviewed means.

We have had this debate before. Her links are not peer reviewed or even close to reliable. When reminded of what makes something credible…silence.

But to no avail…same old argument. With no evidence.
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Thanks, ya…that’s kinda what I expected. I would have been extremely surprised to see a peer reviewed study from a credible source.

That’s good enough for me to bow out.
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