Verisimilitude, the USCCB still doesn’t advocate breaking laws. But as Father Trigilio said, neither the Bishops nor we are obligated to conform to unjust laws.
My personal position (the question of whether or not I would break any civil laws to aid illegal immigrants) was probably always the same in the back of my mind, although through the course of these discussions it has moved from the back of my mind to the front of my mind, and has solidified into a strong conviction.
Touché for finding these posts! Now, please come up with the posts I challenged you to find: me comparing Mexicans to Jews.
You won’t have any luck.
My personal position (the question of whether or not I would break any civil laws to aid illegal immigrants) was probably always the same in the back of my mind, although through the course of these discussions it has moved from the back of my mind to the front of my mind, and has solidified into a strong conviction.
Touché for finding these posts! Now, please come up with the posts I challenged you to find: me comparing Mexicans to Jews.
You won’t have any luck.