CDC Study: 85% of Coronavirus Patients Reported Wearing Masks ‘Always’ or ‘Often’

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North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin. These are right now at or near capacity in ICU space, and more importantly, doctors and nurses to care for these patients.
It appears that South Dakota is doing rather well among the 3 states even with their recent steady increase in cases. Do you see a reason for concern?

Hospitalization stats from 10/21:

COVID-19 Occupied Hospital Beds - 12.4%
Non-COVID-19 Occupied Hospital Beds - 50.8%
Available Hospital Beds - 36.8%

COVID-19 Occupied ICU Beds - 22.9%
Non-COVID-19 Occupied ICU Beds - 44.4%
Available ICU Beds - 32.7%

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FoxNews #Tucker

Tucker calls out CNN’s Chris Cuomo’s blatant mask hypocrisy​


Premiered 4 hours ago

‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ obtains letter warning CNN anchor about wearing mask in his apartment building. #FoxNews #Tucker


Tucker Carlson: Calling out Chris Cuomo's blatant mask hypocrisy | On Air Videos | Fox News

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The graph does not prove anything given what “positive testing percentage” means.

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It solely depends on the testing criteria of the individual country. Norway, Denmark, Finland & Sweden may be testing everyone( they have the resources to do so ) therefore they will have a lower percentage.

Mexico on the other hand may not have the resources, so they may be more restrictive on testing so they test those that have actual symptoms.

I prefer the “Population Percent Positivity” #Positive / #Population

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Sweden percent wise has more infections.

Mexico is doing better than the USA.

But we could also say the USA is also a nation that has more than it’s full share of Hypochondriacs.
I prefer the “Population Percent Positivity
Probably not worth arguing, but in context of the survey for mask compliance posted at the NYT, the numbers you posted show 3 of those 4 countries with the lowest mask compliance still have lower positive test percentage than does Mexico with the second highest mask compliance rating. Of course there are likely other variables that contribute to the numbers being what they are in different countries, but the question still remains of whether masking up is actually helpful or just a false sense of security.
Actual deaths CAUSED BY COVID-19 are highly overstated:
According to ABC 15 News in Arizona, ( )

Dr. Rebecca Sunenshine, with the Maricopa County Public Health Department, stated:
“I want to reassure everyone that every single person who has COVID-19 listed anywhere on their death certificate is in fact counted. Even if it’s not listed on their death certificate, anyone who has a COVID-19 positive test within a certain period of when they died, is also counted as a COVID-19 positive death.” Maricopa County officials told ABC 15 that it counts anyone who tests positive for COVID in 60 days and dies is counted as a COVID death.

ABC15 asked Maricopa County health officials about a hypothetical question — if a person dies in a car crash, and tested positive for COVID-19 within the 60 days, would they be counted as a COVID-19 death? The response: "Yes, the death would be added to the total because for Public Health, it is important to understand who died WITH the disease even if the disease was not the CAUSE of death.

According to Dr. Sunenshine, this is standard practice in public health, to count it as a death from COVID. – Obviously this will indicate numbers that are higher and difficult to discern how deadly the disease actual is.
Well considering Birx estimated death of close 2 million,unless we did thing which case maybe only 200K.
Clearly, we haven’t done things perfectly, according to her criteria,yet the deaths are no where near the projected 2 million.
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Well considering Birx estimated death of close 2 million,unless we did thing which case maybe only 200K.
You have a source for this claim?

Otherwise we have this transcript from FoxNews.
WALLACE: Early this coming week, we’re going to reach 100,000 deaths from the coronavirus and those models that you were citing now talk about close to 150,000 deaths by August. What happened, Doctor?

BIRX: I think a few things are together. So from the beginning, and I think when we had that first briefing we talked about 1.2 million to 2.4 million and 100,000 to 240,000 people succumbing to this incredibly aggressive virus. Those are the figures that we continue to stand by in this first wave and really understanding how to prevent future hospitalizations and future deaths is really what we’re focused on every single day.
The context of the 1.2 million to 2.4 million was to infections.

Source: Dr. Deborah Birx on COVID-19 death toll in US, timeline for coronavirus vaccine | Fox News
This is a rush transcript from “Fox News Sunday,” May 24, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
You just posted Brixs statements,what part of that do you have issues with?
You just posted Brixs statements,what part of that do you have issues with?
You said she said there would be 2 million deaths.

That is not what she said.

She said there would be 100,000 to 240,000 deaths.
Well considering Birx estimated death of close 2 million,unless we did thing perfectly.
Just false. Brix said that estimated deaths would be close to 2 million with no interventions at all. But we have had interventions - masks, social distancing, selective business restrictions, group gatherings. That is why it is “only” 220,000 instead of 2 million.
So why argue this point? Isn’t that just what I said,seriously ?:woman_facepalming:t2:
You already posted it.We are going in circles here.I guess you just want to argue.Im done
We are approaching her 240k mark.
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It wont be long now. By election day it might be at 240k
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Jeanne_S . . .
Well considering Birx estimated death of close 2 million,unless we did thing which case maybe only 200K.
Clearly, we haven’t done things perfectly, according to her criteria,yet the deaths are no where near the projected 2 million.
Nice post Jeanne_S!

Although as you said, we didn’t do everything perfectly,
also as you mentioned,
we obviously did some things RIGHT
to not be anywhere near the 2 million projection.

When you look carefully at the numbers, it is not so clear that we are even at the advertized 223,000 and I have posted WHY on those shaky numbers before too.

But a lot of people WANT high death numbers.
Some want death and destruction in general (I have posted examples of that too).

They do not want the country to do well because our country is an uncomfortable living testimony against their socialism ideas.

So they adopt self-destructive views. Especially those in the media.

And we ALL get affected by that media shenanigans (which is part of the reason WHY it is so important to expose the phony media in an epoch like we are going through).

Even the New York Times mentions this common set of numbers that were being thrown around by many people just a few months ago.

Behind the Virus Report That Jarred the U.S. and the U.K. to Action​

It wasn’t so much the numbers themselves, frightening though they were, as who reported them: Imperial College London.

By Mark Landler and Steven Castle

New York Times

LONDON — When Boris Johnson was campaigning for Britain to leave the European Union in 2016 — a path that many experts warned would end in disaster for the country — one of his close allies, Michael Gove, famously declared that “people in this country have had enough of experts.”

Now, Mr. Gove and Mr. Johnson are leading the British government as it confronts the calamity of the coronavirus, and Mr. Johnson, now the prime minister, insists the process is being guided by experts. The trouble is, those experts can often disagree with each other or change their minds about the right course of action.

That messy back-and-forth has been on vivid display this week with the publication of a startling new report on the virus from a team at Imperial College in London. The report, which warned that an uncontrolled spread of the disease could cause as many as 510,000 deaths in Britain, triggered a sudden shift in the government’s comparatively relaxed response to the virus.

American officials said the report, which projected up to 2.2 million deaths in the United States from such a spread, also influenced the White House to strengthen its measures to isolate members of the public. . . .
Emphasis mine.

Keep up the great work!
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Well considering Birx estimated death of close 2 million,unless we did thing which case maybe only 200K.
Clearly, we haven’t done things perfectly, according to her criteria,yet the deaths are no where near the projected 2 million.
Let me repeat that your attempt to discredit statements from Brix is a fail, because you misquoted her. And the misquoting is the difference between her being right and her being wrong. What she actually said way back in March was that there could be close to 2 million deaths if there are no interventions. But there have been interventions, so her statement is not disproven. She never said there would be 2 million deaths unless we did everything perfectly.
Jeanne_S . . .
Well considering Birx estimated death of close 2 million,unless we did thing which case maybe only 200K.
Clearly, we haven’t done things perfectly, according to her criteria,yet the deaths are no where near the projected 2 million.
No, Cathoholic, it is not a “nice” post. It is a false post because it misquotes Brix.
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RidgeSprinter to @Jeanne_S . . .
You said she said there would be 2 million deaths.

That is not what she said.

She said there would be 100,000 to 240,000 deaths.
There was a wide range. What @Jeanne_S said was right on.

The New York Times (again) . . .
American officials said the report, which projected up to 2.2 million DEATHS in the United States from such a spread, also influenced the White House to strengthen its measures to isolate members of the public. . . .
Bold and all caps mine.

I suppose you could pretend Dr. Birx never discussed these scenarios that I distinctly recall her doing.

But your criticism will be predicated upon your wrong assertion of that.


Jeanne_S . . .
Well considering Birx estimated death of close 2 million,unless we did thing perfectly.

LeafByNiggle responded . . .
Just false. Brix said that estimated deaths would be close to 2 million with no interventions at all. But we have had interventions - masks, social distancing, selective business restrictions, group gatherings. That is why it is “only” 220,000 instead of 2 million.
What is “just false”??

You just repeated @Jeanne_S in a paraphrase, then you tell her “just false”!??

Also by the way, according to your own sentence (“That is why it is “only” 220,000 instead of 2 million”) evidently we are doing some thing RIGHT.
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