CDC Study: 85% of Coronavirus Patients Reported Wearing Masks ‘Always’ or ‘Often’

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China’s experience shows that mitigation works.
You really believe that?
Not to the degree China claims. They claim their economy grew 4.9% in the 3rd quarter. It was probably more like 1%. But most other countries saw a decline in economic activity in the same period. The Chinese will try to distort data to make them look good, but there is no effective way to fake the fact that most Chinese cities are back to live as usual, but businesses open, etc. That part I believe because it is too hard to fake.
China shows that an authoritarian govt can squash a virus.
…using many techniques that can be copied by a non-authoritarian government.
The rest of the world has tried to mitigate, with varying degrees of success.
They have not all tried in the same way to the same degree - especially the US that has never had a national strategy.
Cases not deaths…
A rise in cases lead a rise in deaths by about 2-3 weeks.
350 million Americans,more die from the seasonal flu.
No seasonal flu in recent memory has killed 220,000 people in 7 months. You have to go back to the 1918 pandemic before antibiotics and modern medicine was developed. It is notable that even with all the advances in modern medicine, we were still unable to prevent those 220,000 deaths.
Majoity of these deaths were in age group above 80 with nursing home facilities.
Apathy toward that group is the very argument supporting euthanasia. I do not buy it.
It’s not apathy it’s stating the salient facts re this virus and resultant deaths.
350 million Americans,more die from the seasonal flu.Majoity of these deaths were in age group above 80 with nursing home facilities.
My mom died at 92 from CDif she caught in nursing home.
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It’s not apathy it’s stating the salient facts re this virus and resultant deaths.
If the purpose of stating this salient fact was not to downplay the importance of those deaths and the subsequent obligation to prevent them, what was the purpose?
The purpose was to highlight that this virus is dangerous to older individuals,especially 80 and above with comorbidities.
to disallow our youth to attend school and participate in sports is a form of abuse.To shut down the economy and allow people at lower risk to lose their business and livelihoods is a form of abuse to our economy. The president as an astute and successful businessman understood this from the start. The fallout of these knee jerk reactions has been far more deadly and detrimental to our society than the actual virus
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The purpose was to highlight that this virus is dangerous to older individuals,especially 80 and above with comorbidities.
to disallow our youth to attend school and participate in sports is a form of abuse.
It sounds like you are saying that having children miss a year of school sports programs is more important than saving the lives of those who will die from covid. It sounds like euthanasia for convenience to me. It is too much trouble to keep those people alive, right?
To shut down the economy
We don’t need to shut down the economy. Even the most modest mitigations are being opposed, like mandatory masks in public places and social distancing.
The president as an astute and successful businessman understood this from the start.
The President calls scientists idiots. That tells me all I need to know about what he understands.
The fallout of these knee jerk reactions has been far more deadly and detrimental to our society than the actual virus
On the other hand, the fallout from adopting common sense intensive testing, contact tracing, and narrowly targeted isolation of infected people would have been an economy that would now be open of business, like most of China is now.
Sounds like you are projecting your own emotions into what I posted.Maybe take up your concerns re the elderly in nursing homes with Cuomo and like governors who put covid patients in nursing homes .
My concerns re our youth being denied an education is a separate and equally concerning g issue. They aren’t at risk and as has been shown are t even carriers of this virus.
If the left/ Dems would just once operate under rationale rather than emotions ,we wouldn’t be in this predicament.It is a political season however,sooo of course they need to make the most of it🙄
That you would trust anything coming out of CommunistvChina is very concerning as well
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My concerns re our youth being denied an education is a separate and equally concerning g issue. They aren’t at risk and as has been shown are t even carriers of this virus.
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My concerns re our youth being denied an education is a separate and equally concerning g issue. They aren’t at risk and as has been shown are t even carriers of this virus.
That has not been shown. But school sports aside, there is still the matter of reluctance to wear masks at the grocery store, post office, church services. This would do a lot more good than cancelling school sports.
Not whereI live. Everyone wears a mask.Two of my younger grandkids attends a libertarian charter school,affliliated with Hillsdale College.
Under ten no masks .There haven’t been any issues so far regarding Covid .They go five days a week.meanwhile Denver county schools still have returned to class
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This premise has been updated in the past few weeks
Prove it. This was published Oct 13.

Children, including very young children, can develop COVID-19. Many of them have no symptoms. Those that do get sick tend to experience milder symptoms such as low-grade fever, fatigue, and cough. Some children have had severe complications, but this has been less common. Children with underlying health conditions may be at increased risk for severe illness.

A complication that has more recently been observed in children can be severe and dangerous. Called multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), it can lead to life-threatening problems with the heart and other organs in the body. Early reports compare it to Kawasaki disease, an inflammatory illness that can lead to heart problems. But while some cases look very much like Kawasaki’s, others have been different
LeafByNiggle. . .
North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin. These are right now at or near capacity in ICU space, and more importantly, doctors and nurses to care for these patients.
To the readers here.

I will be talking to someone personally this evening from one of these states who would know first hand.

I will get back here and admit if it is true, or correct it if false.
PaulinVA . . .
A complication that has more recently been observed in children can be severe and dangerous. Called multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), it can lead to life-threatening problem
To put this in perspective, what is the incidence of this occurring?

Are there any risks with the “risk-reduction” measures themselves?



“People sometimes claim it’s a question of health versus the economy, but it’s not – it’s health versus health,”


50,000 Children’s Surgeries Postponed, Deaths on Transplant Waiting List Near-Doubled Due to Lockdown: Report​


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20 Oct 2020

The UK’s coronavirus lockdown has impacted every area of healthcare, including cancer treatment, paediatrics, and cardiovascular care, resulting in excess deaths and delays to treatment, according to analysis.

Office for National Statistics (ONS) figures had already revealed on Monday that there were 25,000 excess deaths at private homes since the beginning of the year — with only nine per cent being as a result of coronavirus. Another piece of analysis predicted excess deaths would rise directly as a result of the government’s “Protect the NHS” message which deterred people from making medical appointments … >

. . Rates of depression and anxiety also doubled, according to analysis from the ONS. While the British Medical Journal of Psychiatry found that nearly one-in-five people had suicidal thoughts in the first month of lockdown.

University of Buckingham cancer specialist Professor Karol Sikora called the newspaper’s analysis a “stunning demonstration of lockdowns’ harmful effects across society”.

“If lockdown were a drug, you’d need to consider the side effects, and yet we’re not – even though we seem to be diving headlong into another one.

“People sometimes claim it’s a question of health versus the economy, but it’s not – it’s health versus health,” Prof Sikora told the Daily Mail .

London GP Dr Renee Hoenderkamp wrote for the Daily Mail that in “bitter irony”, the government’s “heavy-handed” approach to coronavirus “supposedly designed to save lives appears to have achieved the exact opposite”. . .
Bold mine.

Like I said. I will find out from someone first hand. Tonight.
Anecdotes over reported facts? What I posted was first hand.

Now, I cycled through the regions and the “Southeast” region is at 90% capacity for beds and ICU beds. One or two regions are under 80%
PaulinVA . . .
What I posted was first hand.
OK. Then I will just leave it as it is.

And we’ll see if the medical system is destroyed or over-run in two weeks.

I’ll be back here then. (And probably before that too.)
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