Centering Prayer at my parish

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By the way, I saw your post about lectio divina, and just in case Bob is still watching this thread, I think lectio is also a great prayer form. Be careful, though, because as the article states, Omigod! Taking a lesson from Fr. Dreher or beng in analysis of prayer forms, this is very suspicious. Repeating a word to ourselves sounds an awful lot like a mantra, so it must be eastern, and therefore dangerous! Woo, woo, spooky! Not only that, lectio has MANY more steps to its “technique” than centering prayer, so it must obviously violate the intent of the Cloud of the Unknowing because it is a technique.
I don’t know about the specific Lectio Divinia. There are many form of Lectio Divina. Lectio Divina per se is not a condemnable practice and it could be use to foster spiritual growth, just like contemplative prayer. It’s the perverse version of it that could be dangerous (whcih is also the case with contemplative prayer).
That last paragraph was added not so much for your benefit, but that of beng’s. I know it was gratuitous and took a sentence out of context and misrepresented the Cloud, and anyone familiar with lectio would know it’s B.S. However, it is the logical equivalent of what Fr. Dreher has claimed about CP, and that beng incessantly repeats and claims I haven’t dealt with.

Alan, deal with the biggest stumbling block that proof CP to be erroneous first: Human Divinity.

That is clearly nonsense.
Regarding the “mantra” used in contemplative prayer:

From The Cloud of the Unknowing, chapter 7:

It is inevitable that ideas will arise in your mind and try to distract you in a thousand ways. …snip…word, remind yourself that its value lies in its simplicity. Do this and I assure you these thoughts will vanish. Why? Because you have refused to develop them with arguing.
The long paragraph from the Cloud of Unknowing doesn’t mention mantra like Thomas Keating Guideline.

And it still remain to be seen whether CP stays true to Cloud of unknowing.
OK, so that’s the part you object to.

To me, it didn’t sound like they were giving up on the Church in any way, but just becoming learned in another realm of thought. Thirty years ago I knew a priest who had a Ph.D. in psychology and had a secular private practice in addition to his pastoral duties in the church. Now one of the spiritual directors in our diocese has an engineering degree and used to work full time in that field, before he joined the seminary. Just because a priest became proficient at another way of thinking – speaking a foreign “love language” as it were – doesn’t necessarily mean he can no longer serve at home. In fact, I would think it would improve his ability to bring others closer to Catholicism.

What better way to infiltrate the ranks of the spiritually unaware than to pose as one of their own leaders? That old 1928 document by Pius XI or whoever it was, seemed to say we should evangelize by keeping strictly to ourselves and other religions will somehow come dancing to our tune because they will see how great we are – an ineffective strategy that our current Holy Father thankfully does not embrace.

Apple and orange. You can not equate being a Zen Master to being an engineer, MD or even an MBA. Zen is profoundly pagan phylosophy with elements of pagan religion.
One’s loyalty must only be to the Church which is the only infallible teacher. This way one has assurance of correct teaching to embrace. Furthermore one will not be too attach to an erroroneous doctrine (since the Church is infallible) that one can not let it go without much sacrifice
This amounts to “Church worship”, which is absolutely a form of idolatry. My loyalty belongs to God, and God alone. True, Christ gave us the Church, but you worship it to the point that the means have become more important to you than the end.
First of all, what do you think “mantra” is? It’s a vain repetitious words which is exactly what that Thomas Keating guideline says.
How often does one have to repeat a word before it becomes “repetitious” in your eyes? Once a second? Once a minute? Once a year? Gently bringing our attention back to a word every couple of minutes or so, is not, in my mind, repetition. I’d also offer that the word I use, “Jesus”, is certainly not vain. If you declare that Jesus is vain, I suggest you take it up with Him.
Those are actual criticism echoed by many, but you just easily brush them of. I don’t know why.
Because your criticism doesn’t hold water. You keep insisting you have a valid criticism, when in fact you can’t get past basic English definitions of words.
CP violates certain tenets of the Church. There are two I’ve mentioned above. The other is your whole concept of human’s divinity which is against every teaching of the Church. This is the big no no. And you even defended it.
Those two are erroneous and debunked. If you don’t have a mastery of the English language, that’s not my problem. Please come back when you, I, and Webster’s all agree on the same definition. I shared my definition (and Webster’s) of the word mantra in an earlier post. You seem to have your own.

I’m done arguing with you modern-day Pharisees. You can reply all you want to my post, but I won’t be here to see it. Instead of sitting here like a shark, waiting to attack the first person who I don’t agree with, as you are so fond of doing, I’ll be in contemplative prayer, with God, and God alone. I wouldn’t quit your day jobs, though. Your careers as “Professional Amateur Apologists” don’t look very promising. Ta-ta!!
The nature and persistence of these articles simply aren’t backed up by any concrete claims, so it makes me wonder whether it has something to do with political factions within the Church. From what I’ve learned on this forum, Catholics have more to worry about than however many thousands of Protestant denominations there are, but how many warring factions there are within the Church herself. I even searched on the AAA forum for centering prayer and found the same thing there; the apologist dismissed CP as new age and dangerous and provided links to yet more articles with baseless criticism. It reminds me of the secular media; whatever the New York Times says gets parroted all over in print and on TV as if it were gospel.

Oh please… Political faction? Are you talking about the Black Pope? LOL Sorry couldn’t resist. Anyway… It seems that you’re still burshing of any claim to CP by saying that it’s not convrete. Be a little more honest. You have hinted that there are even more questionable practice (per my point of view, as you said) in CP seminar or whatnot. And as we see monks becoming a Zen Master that is indeed one concrete sign of what’s wrong with CP, not to mention the human divinity.
The long paragraph from the Cloud of Unknowing doesn’t mention mantra like Thomas Keating Guideline.

And it still remain to be seen whether CP stays true to Cloud of unknowing.
It’s obviously you didn’t read the Cloud of Unknowing, because the EXACT SAME terminology is used, suggesting the use of a word to bring ourselves back to God. Your ignorance is blinding. You can’t even lie well. If you didn’t read the book, you didn’t read the book. No need to claim you did. Those of us that have, however, can see you didn’t very quickly, and that you’re obviously uneducated in this area. Bye!
Dear beng,

I have read the thread now. Thank you for the link. Overall it sounded like a reasonably intelligent discussion; most of the negative comments about CP were speculative, but they were billed as such so they didn’t bother me. There were some good posts that refuted some of Dreher’s points better than I have so far, by jrpascucci and threadbare (posts 12 and 36).

I’m going to check with CO and find out if these people were supposedly trained to teach CP. Personally I thought the requirements for certification to teach CP were too strict (I wanted to do it but was unable to go to the required seminar/retreats) considering how simple it is, but this story, if true, shows that such quality control is certainly needed.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. This is finally something I have to go on. This still doesn’t show anything wrong with centering prayer, but it certainly could explain part of the reason people have such a bad opinion of it. This narrated thought adventure is represents centering prayer about as well as John Kerry represents Catholic political teachings.

Good that you finally able to not paint a broad brush.

Explain to me about human divinity. A subject that I’m very interested in.
This amounts to “Church worship”, which is absolutely a form of idolatry. My loyalty belongs to God, and God alone. True, Christ gave us the Church, but you worship it to the point that the means have become more important to you than the end.
Strawman. I didn’t even said that we should worship the Church.
How often does one have to repeat a word before it becomes “repetitious” in your eyes? Once a second? Once a minute? Once a year?
Repetition =/= Vain repetition.

If you mindlessly repetaing word then you’re doing the condemend vain repetition.
Gently bringing our attention back to a word every couple of minutes or so, is not, in my mind, repetition. I’d also offer that the word I use, “Jesus”, is certainly not vain. If you declare that Jesus is vain, I suggest you take it up with Him.
Why yes. the word “Jesus” could also be used as vain repetition.
Because your criticism doesn’t hold water. You keep insisting you have a valid criticism, when in fact you can’t get past basic English definitions of words.
And you pointing out to me that the name “Jesus” can not be used vainly and repetitiously show knowledge of basic English definition?

The criticisms are real. Deal with them instead of brushing it of.

But first, I’d rather that any supporter of CP deal with the “human divinity”.
Those two are erroneous and debunked. If you don’t have a mastery of the English language, that’s not my problem. Please come back when you, I, and Webster’s all agree on the same definition. I shared my definition (and Webster’s) of the word mantra in an earlier post. You seem to have your own.
Mantra. It seems that what Thomas Keating suggested on the guideline is indeed mantra according to that definition.
I’m done arguing with you modern-day Pharisees. You can reply all you want to my post, but I won’t be here to see it. Instead of sitting here like a shark, waiting to attack the first person who I don’t agree with, as you are so fond of doing, I’ll be in contemplative prayer, with God, and God alone. I wouldn’t quit your day jobs, though. Your careers as “Professional Amateur Apologists” don’t look very promising. Ta-ta!!
Ahh, the art of name calling.

Good riddance.
It’s obviously you didn’t read the Cloud of Unknowing, because the EXACT SAME terminology is used, suggesting the use of a word to bring ourselves back to God. Your ignorance is blinding. You can’t even lie well. If you didn’t read the book, you didn’t read the book. No need to claim you did. Those of us that have, however, can see you didn’t very quickly, and that you’re obviously uneducated in this area. Bye!
I never claim to have read the book. So that’s a strawman.

And because of that I never lie. So that’s a false accusation.

And I thought you will leave the thread, so please go.
Be a little more honest. You have hinted that there are even more questionable practice (per my point of view, as you said) in CP seminar or whatnot. And as we see monks becoming a Zen Master that is indeed one concrete sign of what’s wrong with CP, not to mention the human divinity.
OK, I’ll be a little more honest. Here’s the big “secret” I have withholding from you. I actually heard Fr. Keating discussing concepts related to “evolution” in one video. Woo-oooh!

Now perhaps you should be a little more honest. How does a monk becoming a Zen master say anything about CP?
As I said, I forwarded the negative comments about CP from the poster on, along with a link to the article by Fr. Dreher to our regional Contemplative Outreach rep. I also commented about the possibility of politics, considering the nature of the intellectual struggle over this.

Here is his reply:

Thanks for the info.

I note Sr. Metz does not claim she is teaching CP she just used the word center. So thats OK. It just points up that there is lots on confusion and we will continue to be a target for all sorts of reasons including politics. It is good to be reasonably involved in explaining CP to those who do not understand. However we should not attach ourselves to defending CP. The Spirit will take care of the “big” picture.

We recently had the privilege of talking with Bishop Gerber. He noted that TM was derived from the “Cloud of Unknowing” just like CP. Difference was the TM folks took God out of TM. CP folks left HIM in. The Bishop also said he has been doing CP or a version of it for 30 years.

Your Brother in Christ.
Dan impresses me with his reaction to problems I bring him, but doesn’t always say what I want to hear. He seems perfectly at peace and just goes ahead and runs his prayer meetings and does his teachings, and places his faith in the Holy Spirit. I’m more like Peter, I guess, wanting to stand up for God as in chopping off the soldier’s ear. Sigh. I just find it so difficult to stand by and turn the other cheek while all this is being said. I suppose I am motivated through fear that people who may have a calling to this contemplative life including centering prayer or whatever methods of prayer they use, are going to miss it because they are dissuaded from it by some uninformed remark. He is right; I should have more faith.

I will try to have more faith and not be so defensive about CP, but I am weak. :o

Ahh, the art of name calling.
If the shoe fits… 😃
Good riddance.
This may show why you have such a problem with interreligious dialog. You seem to think that anybody who disagrees with you should be dispensed with. No wonder you embrace that disgraceful 1928 document over current day. From the way you argue, I thought you were probably very young and inexperienced, but from the way you cling to obsolete mindsets, you seem very old and closed minded.

Back to an earlier comment you made, you said you had a master’s degree. What is it in? Maybe if I knew your training I could understand better where you’re coming from and use examples and discussion methods that would be more compatible.

I haven’t read all the responses, but centering prayer is of the New Age movement and should not be used, try meditation on the life of Christ and adoration, but not centering prayer.

If you want to learn more about centering prayer go to cross and the viel website. I’m sure EWTN probably has stuff on this too. Go to

God Bless,
I haven’t read all the responses, but centering prayer is of the New Age movement and should not be used, try meditation on the life of Christ and adoration, but not centering prayer.

If you want to learn more about centering prayer go to cross and the viel website. I’m sure EWTN probably has stuff on this too. Go to

God Bless,
Dear Kaily,

The link you provided is a critique of centering prayer with some very strange assertions, such as that the “sacred word” used in CP is intended to “conjure up God.” That is an extreme and inflammatory misstatement and bears no resemblance to actual CP teachings. Therefore, the article does not honestly represents that which it condemns. So far every article I’ve been shown that criticizes CP does so by misstatement and false assumptions, so please do not be misled by false witnesses.

Do you personally know anything about CP other than what the CP detractors say? Are you interested in learning what CP is actually about, or do you have any particular questions? If so, please let me know here or by PM and I will try to get your questions answered.

I’m interested in centering my prayers on Christ.

I know someone who is heavily involved in the new age movement, she belongs to Unity village, in Lee’s Summit, MO. That is the kind of stuff they practice, for ex. they say they empty their minds and meditate on a flame, where is that going to get you? Not closer to God, and that is my only aim, is to become closer to Christ and meditate on His virtues and Passion and life, not on a flame. She is also into the power of the mind, All of that stuff is of the new age movement and the new age movement is not of God, it basically says we are all gods and gives the same lie that satan fed to Eve, you can be god too. So, try meditating on Christ, that is what He desires and contemplation and centering prayer are totally different, contemplation is the prayer of silence, the desire of God, a sigh for God, longing for God at all times and union with God.

God Bless,
OK, I’ll be a little more honest. Here’s the big “secret” I have withholding from you. I actually heard Fr. Keating discussing concepts related to “evolution” in one video. Woo-oooh!
Tell me more.
Now perhaps you should be a little more honest. How does a monk becoming a Zen master say anything about CP?
It’s compatible with pagan Eastern religion. And make people welcome the pagan concept.
If the shoe fits… 😃
Does it?
This may show why you have such a problem with interreligious dialog. You seem to think that anybody who disagrees with you should be dispensed with. No wonder you embrace that disgraceful 1928 document over current day. From the way you argue, I thought you were probably very young and inexperienced, but from the way you cling to obsolete mindsets, you seem very old and closed minded.
Recall that he’s the one who don’t want to have anything to do anymore. So don’t take it on me.
Back to an earlier comment you made, you said you had a master’s degree. What is it in? Maybe if I knew your training I could understand better where you’re coming from and use examples and discussion methods that would be more compatible.

I really don’t wanna say unless it’s not really pertinance to the discussion. It’s not in Art or Theology.
As I said, I forwarded the negative comments about CP from the poster on, along with a link to the article by Fr. Dreher to our regional Contemplative Outreach rep. I also commented about the possibility of politics, considering the nature of the intellectual struggle over this.

Here is his reply:
Dan’s reply
So. There’s a God of TM but CP is not like that. What about the human divinity?

And maybe there’s a little caution on saying, “Let’s the spirit take care of that”. Because The Spirit works through us. Remember the story about the Jesus statue with no arms?
Dan impresses me with his reaction to problems I bring him, but doesn’t always say what I want to hear. He seems perfectly at peace and just goes ahead and runs his prayer meetings and does his teachings, and places his faith in the Holy Spirit. I’m more like Peter, I guess, wanting to stand up for God as in chopping off the soldier’s ear. Sigh. I just find it so difficult to stand by and turn the other cheek while all this is being said. I suppose I am motivated through fear that people who may have a calling to this contemplative life including centering prayer or whatever methods of prayer they use, are going to miss it because they are dissuaded from it by some uninformed remark. He is right; I should have more faith.

I will try to have more faith and not be so defensive about CP, but I am weak. :o

But the thing is, CP is questionable. All the red flags are raising. You shouldn’t be too defensive of CP like it’s your livelihood. You shouled search for the truth. If CP is heretical then face it.
Recall that he’s the one who don’t want to have anything to do anymore. So don’t take it on me.
This is amazing. I was not talking about the fact the somebody else decided not to post, but that your comment was “good riddance.”

Then after that you said, “And I thought you will leave the thread, so please go.”

This type of diplomacy is what I was addressing. Please consider this lesson:
1 Cor 12:20-27:
But as it is, there are many parts, yet one body. The eye cannot say to the hand, “I do not need you,” nor again the head to the feet, “I do not need you.” Indeed, the parts of the body that seem to be weaker are all the more necessary, and those parts of the body that we consider less honorable we surround with greater honor, and our less presentable parts are treated with greater propriety, whereas our more presentable parts do not need this. But God has so constructed the body as to give greater honor to a part that is without it, so that there may be no division in the body, but that the parts may have the same concern for one another. If (one) part suffers, all the parts suffer with it; if one part is honored, all the parts share its joy. Now you are Christ’s body, and individually parts of it.
So even if you consider contemplatives as less honorable than yourself, should you really be telling them to go away? How are you going to evangelize with that attitude?
I really don’t wanna say unless it’s not really pertinance to the discussion. It’s not in Art or Theology.
OK, but I was just curious. I had conjectured that you might share on the basis that either your degree was pertinent, or that you didn’t mind sharing information that isn’t pertinent, since you offered, without anybody asking you, that you had an MS degree.

Besides, I was hoping maybe we’d have something in common. I have an M.S. degree too. I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.

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