our 2000 year old church has a rich history of spiritualities, united under one Eucharist, one sacrifice, one baptism, one faith, one Lord of all. From the early desert hermits, the abas and amahs who parented the contemplative life (Mary) to the active dimension of Christian service (the early deacons, holy women and widows, the “Martha”), to the monasticism of east and west, to saints drawn to extreme expressions of love and identification wtih Christ’s suffering - Simon Stylites, Joseph of Cupertino, come to mind. to the medieval monastic orders and mendicant friars, congregations of consecrated women in contemplative and active life, teachers, nurses and other apostolates.
To the great mystics - Teresa and John of the Cross. To Ignatian spirituality, Franciscan spirituality, Benedictine spirituality, various renewals of those traditions, and lay movements affiliated with them. Various devotions such as Sacred Heart, rosary, divine mercy etc. appeal to different people at different times, but none are required, and none appeal to everyone.
Opus Dei, Focolare and other secular institutes active today combine various spiritual orientations with various apostolates and methods of living the gospel in daily life.
The Catholic Charistmatic Renewal is one expression of this spiritual variety. It is valid, endorsed and promoted by this current pope and his predecessor Paul 6. like all movements, excesses and distortions sometimes arise in individual communities and are corrected by those charged with pastoral care, the bishops.
It is not for everybody, any more than Catholic Worker, Opus Dei, Latin Mass, Legion of Mary, Life Teen, Comunidades de bases, cursillo or any other lay association or spiritual expression are for everybody. This is a huge church, and there is a lot more to the definition of what is orthodox and authentic than one’s personal preference.
I would urge those who post on this thread and related topics to be extremely careful about your terminology, which is very fuzzy on this thread. The entire historical discussion is warped by imprecises terminology and inexact statements.