Well well, look who’s here. I wonder if this will now turn into a multi-page post having to listen to another charasmatic bashing of some sort? Hmmm…
First of all, I will gladly argue that we all experience emotion during our worship of God. There is no arguing that fact. And yes, even those of you who claim to be completely non-emotional during mass are actually quite wrong. You just show your emotions at different levels than others. Being a charsmatic is not about emotion. It is simply about worshipping in a more open and often more joyous fashion. It is about allowing yourself to be fully immersed in the spirit of God. It is about being able to go deeper in your worship, and to experience the word of God at a much deeper level than most others do. It is not about being holier thatn thou, or being better than those who are not charsmatic, although, we do feel that you are really missing out on some good stuff!!!
Let me ask you this. Do you think that Jesus’ followers were completely non-emotional at the foot of the cross? I highly doubt it. Well, can you honestly say you have never shed a tear during the Eucharistic Rite? Or how about saying those truthful words, “Lord, I’m not worthy, but…”
We charsmatics simply enjoy a different style of worship than you do. If you don’t understand it, or don’t like it, then just continue to go to your regular parish and worship in the way that is best for you. Otherwise, there is no need to start bashing your fellow catholics.
Now, in regards to the word “Wicked”, it is being used much in the same way somone wold use the word “Cool”, or “Groovy”. So let’s just move on now…
But, before we do move on let me just add that although I may have appeared a little harsh in my response to Misericordie, I am only responding with the memory still very clear in my mind of a 3 page thread in which there were some very un-charitable exchanges going on with a great deal of very negative language directed towards us charasmatics. That thread can be found here.