…and Thankfully so, as Christ is the Bridegroom and we are the Bride. Let us be thankful that our head is Christ, and in him the Bride( the Church) has salvation.
We probably all are aware that women are just as(if not better) qualified to be Church leaders than men. Yet, in God’s wisdom he forshadows our salvation through the different roles The apostle tells us that Eve was in the transgression, and Adam went in with open eyes. The Apostle tells us this is the reason for the different roles. Let us give Praise to God that our head is Christ, and that the Bridegroom is the head not the Bride.
…and Thankfully so, as Christ is the Bridegroom and we are the Bride. Let us be thankful that our head is Christ, and in him the Bride( the Church) has salvation.
We probably all are aware that women are just as(if not better) qualified to be Church leaders than men. Yet, in God’s wisdom he forshadows our salvation through the different roles The apostle tells us that Eve was in the transgression, and Adam went in with open eyes. The Apostle tells us this is the reason for the different roles. Let us give Praise to God that our head is Christ, and that the Bridegroom is the head not the Bride.