yes you do because you are giving china and india a green light to increasing emissions.Do I really need to explain how using Coal, Natural Gas and Oil is bad for you, the environment and the world!?
how can it be bad if you think it can be increased by developing countries.
i don’t care about china’s solar because it doesn’t stop china from planned emission increases of up to 30%
the paris executive order is voluntary and china will voluntarily reduce zero emissions and donate zero dollars before reconsidering in 2030.
however by 2030:
Widespread areas are likely to see storm surges on top of sea level rise reaching at least 4 feet above high tide by 2030,
can we wait for china to act?Nearly 5 million U.S. residents currently live on land less than 4 feet above high tide, and more than 6 million on land less than 5 feet above. from Ben Strauss