You can’t seriously believe that. Take a look at an ultrasound taken as a child–yes a child with limbs, with a beating heart–flinches away from an abortionist’s suction device that is tearing off its limbs, and then tell me that the motivation of pro-lifers is to ‘punish’ anyone.I’m not sure that is what pro-lifer conservatives really want. I think they want to punish those who have abortions or are involved in abortions.
Take a look at the torn limbs of a child after it is aborted. Or read the stories of those who have worked in abortion clinics recounting how they had to lay out those limbs and head and torso to account that ‘it’ was all accounted for and nothing left in the woman’s body to fester and become toxic…read about the nightmares and drinking many abortion workers end up having. And then tell me with a straight face that any pro-lifer’s concern is ‘punishing’ others.
Dig into the statistics of injury, even death, of women having abortions, and then look at the high rate of depression, alcoholism, drug use, and other emotional, mental, and spiritual problems that follow abortion–and tell me with a straight face that pro-lifers just want to ‘punish’ people.
There is a living human being killed in every single abortion. There is a woman in every single abortion who often suffers physical or emotional damage. There are fathers, grandparents, and other children who suffer from the abortion of a child they already loved. Even many abortion workers end up suffering trauma from what they are doing and seeing.
Opposing abortion has less than nothing to do with wanting to ‘punish’ anyone. It has everything to do with opposition to an act that is hurting many, many people.