Connecticut school shooting: Lawmakers offer prayers amid calls for gun control

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Something snaped inside of him and all the security precautions that the school had wasn’t going to stop him. If he didn’t have guns, it would’ve been grenades or molative cocktails. NOTHING short of teachers defending themselves was going to stop him from the hell those kids went through today.
I agree in principle, but lets face with a semi-automatic weapon it is easy to take out a large amount of people. Other things are harder to get a hold of, put together, or utilize. However, maybe an armed policeman at each school would be a better solution than teachers with guns.
Think back to Back To The Future II when Biff gets his hands on the sports book and Marty has to travel to the “future” he doesn’t know to recover the sports book and make everything right. What did old man Strickland have to defend himself? Yep, a shotgun.

I’m beginning to think that Iowa’s right to carry a concealed weapon isn’t a bad idea. Who knows how many live’s would’ve been saved at that Colorado theater last summer or today if the princpal or whoever had a fighting chance.
I am starting to like the idea of an armed policeman at every school. However, to extend to all public areas it might pose a logistic problem.
We had a conversation about this in our small office room of 5. 3 of my co-workers were in favor of making guns illegals since they come from countries where guns are illegal. The other accepts that guns will not be made illegal but believes that those who support gun rights should remain silent when events like this happen and allow those who are against guns to vent their feelings. I tried to explain to the three that our 2nd Amend to our constitution is a cherished right and to give it up would lead to levels of government control that many Americans would find unacceptable.

I do not own a fire arm but I support the 2nd Amendment; however, man bu**t this incident has eroded a little bit my support for it and made me a little more inclined to support stricter gun control laws. **How do we find a balance here.
Even without special training, one or two people in the school today with say… “baby” Glock26s with lasers, and had practiced just a tiny bit… there’s an excellent chance he would have been stopped early.

That’s the best you can do. Evil can present itself in countless ways – it’s up to individuals to be prepared for it. You cannot wait for the cops to get there… as evidenced again sadly today.

Guns are just tools to protect the innocent from evil. If the good guys won’t keep one… they’re done. There was no sheepdog at the school to protect the innocent sheep. That’s real sad. Real men should look at themselves as protectors of the innocent and frail - and always be prepared to do so. The police in most cases are just body counters and report takers.

They cannot protect you or the children.

But anyway.… other than the Gun Free Zone in place at the school today, what restrictions would you propose?

And how would they have protected anyone in the last three massacres?
Even without special training, one or two people in the school today with say… “baby” Glock26s with lasers, and had practiced a just a tiny bit… there’s an excellent chance he would have been stopped early.

That’s the best you can do. Evil can present itself in countless ways – it’s up to indvuduakls to be prepared for it. You cannot wait for the cops top get there… as evidenced again sadly today. Guns are just tools to protect the innocent from evil. If the good guys won’t keep one… they’re done.

But anyway.… other than the Gun Free Zone in place at the school today, what restrictions would you propose?

And how would they have protected anyone in the last three massacres?
Bull. You don’t know this at all. You do know 80-90 percent of the people who work in elementary schools are women. Most who have no desire to bring a gun into a class filled with children. And the guy was prepared and wearing armor and had superior weapons to anything anyone would ever have in a school. And what if these “people” with special training were out sick that day, or in the bathroom, or eating, or outside, or didn’t have a loaded gun (because why would anyone carry around a loaded gun in school every single day of the year).

Dirty Harry and Deathwish are fiction. This is real life.
I agree in principle, but lets face with a semi-automatic weapon it is easy to take out a large amount of people. Other things are harder to get a hold of, put together, or utilize. However, maybe an armed policeman at each school would be a better solution than teachers with guns.
Thanks to the buffoons in Washington, when this country goes over the fiscal cliff on January 1, who’s going to pay for that?

How many lives would’ve been saved in that Colorado movie theater last Summer or today if just one person had a concealed weapon on them? Kids get suspended from school for bringing an orange peeler to school because it’s considered to be a “weapon”.

As parents, we expect kids to be safe at school, because of the stupid zero tolerance policies adopted by school disricts all over the country, those entrusted to keep those kids safe today were POWERLESS to stop a monster.
Bull. You don’t know this at all. You do know 80-90 percent of the people who work in elementary schools are women. Most who have no desire to bring a gun into a class filled with children. And the guy was prepared and wearing armor and had superior weapons to anything anyone would ever have in a school. And what if these “people” with special training were out sick that day, or in the bathroom, or eating, or outside, or didn’t have a loaded gun (because why would anyone carry around a loaded gun in school every single day of the year).

Dirty Harry and Deathwish are fiction. This is real life.
Giving them a chance is better than forced disarmament every time.
In Switzerland, every male serves in the military, and essentially remains a reservist for life, keeping an automatic weapon at home. Israel has automatic weapons all over the place. Yet, neither country has a violence problem like this. I don’t think it is a problem to be solved with gun control. It is a social and moral issue.
In Switzerland, every male serves in the military, and essentially remains a reservist for life, keeping an automatic weapon at home. Israel has automatic weapons all over the place. Yet, neither country has a violence problem like this. I don’t think it is a problem to be solved with gun control. It is a social and moral issue.
Yet in Switzerland the gun in the home CANNOT be loaded as the ammunition box must remain sealed at all times unless they get their marching orders. So essentially all they have is an unloaded gun.

In Israel, very few people can own guns. It’s regulated. The only people allowed to own them live in the settlements, do business in the settlements, or are in professions at risk of violence.

Both countries require you to have a reason to have a gun. There isn’t this idea that you have a right to a gun. You need a reason. And then you need to go back to the permitting authority every six months or so to assure them the reason is still valid.
Poker1Bull. You don’t know this at all. You do know 80-90 percent of the people who work in elementary schools are women.

all the more reason to protect them.

Most who have no desire to bring a gun into a class filled with children.

That’s what would have saved there lives today.

And the guy was prepared and wearing armor and had superior weapons to anything anyone would ever have in a school.

**Nonsense. There’s been no confirmation of body-armor today. But even so, you could shoot him in the legs, or head, especially with a CT laser at 10 yds would be snap. **

And what if these “people” with special training were out sick that day, or in the bathroom, or eating, or outside, or didn’t have a loaded gun (because why would anyone carry around a loaded gun in school every single day of the year).

It’s a shame you have no confidence in your ability to be a protector, to responsibly own, carry and shoot a firearm. It’s so sad no one was there today to try and stop this guy. Sad.

edited for spelling
It’s a shame you have no confidence in your ability to be a protector, to responsibly own, carry and shoot a firearm. It’s so sad no one was there today to try and stop this guy. Sad.
Life is not as simple as a video game you know.
Life is not as simple as a video game you know.
Who said it was? Sadly you have a victim mentality.

I find it perfectly acceptable for you to choose to willingly put yourself at the total mercy of bad guys. (evil)

But pardon me for saying so… I do find it very odd that you are unwilling to protect your loved ones. Especially the youngest.

Reading through the comments thus far it seems that several factors have been identified as potentially to blame for this crime: the gun, drugs, the young man’s environment, etc.

These may all be contributing factors (although the elites still have not come to terms with the fact that we are never going to give up our guns regardless of how many of these tragedies they exploit), but at the end of the day, there were two culprits: this young man’s free will and the Devil.

Today’s society increasingly does not take seriously the reality of Hell. That is to be expected given that increasing numbers no longer believe in God and in fact many are shifting from rejecting Him to challenging Him.

I think it was at an apparition in Germany in the 1930’s that Our Blessed Mother warned us that society was worse off than just prior to the Deluge. I always thought that that warning applied to the tyrants of that time (and indeed it did) but looking at our sex-addicted and violence-saturated culture today, I think that Our Lady’s warnings are more relevant than ever. I think at Fatima and Akita she warned that if society keeps misbehaving we are in for a chastisement of fire. Every time one of these shootings gets publicity I am reminded of the lack of publicity given to the daily, much worse abortion holocaust.
Stop guys, really? We should be a unified force of prayer, not a thousand voices bickering among ourselves. I am extremely guilty of political debate, but this is not the time. May the Peace of Christ be with all of you.
Reading through the comments thus far it seems that several factors have been identified as potentially to blame for this crime: the gun, drugs, the young man’s environment, etc.

These may all be contributing factors (although the elites still have not come to terms with the fact that we are never going to give up our guns regardless of how many of these tragedies they exploit), but at the end of the day, there were two culprits: this young man’s free will and the Devil.

Today’s society increasingly does not take seriously the reality of Hell. That is to be expected given that increasing numbers no longer believe in God and in fact many are shifting from rejecting Him to challenging Him.

I think it was at an apparition in Germany in the 1930’s that Our Blessed Mother warned us that society was worse off than just prior to the Deluge. I always thought that that warning applied to the tyrants of that time (and indeed it did) but looking at our sex-addicted and violence-saturated culture today, I think that Our Lady’s warnings are more relevant than ever. I think at Fatima and Akita she warned that if society keeps misbehaving we are in for a chastisement of fire. Every time one of these shootings gets publicity I am reminded of the lack of publicity given to the daily, much worse abortion holocaust.
Reading through the comments thus far it seems that several factors have been identified as potentially to blame for this crime: the gun, drugs, the young man’s environment, etc.

These may all be contributing factors (although the elites still have not come to terms with the fact that we are never going to give up our guns regardless of how many of these tragedies they exploit), but at the end of the day, there were two culprits: this young man’s free will and the Devil.

Today’s society increasingly does not take seriously the reality of Hell. That is to be expected given that increasing numbers no longer believe in God and in fact many are shifting from rejecting Him to challenging Him.

I think it was at an apparition in Germany in the 1930’s that Our Blessed Mother warned us that society was worse off than just prior to the Deluge. I always thought that that warning applied to the tyrants of that time (and indeed it did) but looking at our sex-addicted and violence-saturated culture today, I think that Our Lady’s warnings are more relevant than ever. I think at Fatima and Akita she warned that if society keeps misbehaving we are in for a chastisement of fire. Every time one of these shootings gets publicity I am reminded of the lack of publicity given to the daily, much worse abortion holocaust.

Except the gun is no more to blame for the crime than Oprah Winfrey’s fork is to blame for her figure.

Yet in Switzerland the gun in the home CANNOT be loaded as the ammunition box must remain sealed at all times unless they get their marching orders. So essentially all they have is an unloaded gun.

In Israel, very few people can own guns. It’s regulated. The only people allowed to own them live in the settlements, do business in the settlements, or are in professions at risk of violence.

Both countries require you to have a reason to have a gun. There isn’t this idea that you have a right to a gun. You need a reason. And then you need to go back to the permitting authority every six months or so to assure them the reason is still valid.
Ammunition is easily acquired. The automatic weapon is the hard part. Yet, you don’t see the Swiss massacring their kids and teachers. It would be a much easier thing to do in Switzerland than in the US.

In Israel, there is literally an automatic weapon on nearly every block. They are so prevalent, that it would be a simple matter to “borrow” one from a friend or relative, if one did not possess one. And, it would have a magazine or two already loaded.
As a parent of a 10 year old elementary school student, i’m beside myself as to what happened today, espically with Christmas being 10 days out and the shooter allegedly targeted his Mom and her classroom. I’m not going to spend time going through all 28 pages in this thread, but the 4th post in this thread is SPOT ON and here’s the link to the post:

Something snaped inside of him and all the security precautions that the school had wasn’t going to stop him. If he didn’t have guns, it would’ve been grenades or molative cocktails. NOTHING short of teachers defending themselves was going to stop him from the hell those kids went through today.
So you advocate gunfights at the OK corral between teachers and criminals with children caught in the crossfire? And should teachers therefore be mandated to have special training in the use of firearms as part of their educational credentials and certification?
Guns are not the problem.

Secularism, entitlement, atheism, materialism and other such words are the main issues with this country and it’s violence.

The vast majority of legally bought weapons are owned by responsible gun owners. My husband and I included.

I’ve said this so many times…law abiding citizens will never benefit from more gun control. Bad guys will be bad guys and will find a way to break the law.

Take a look at Chicago gun control laws and one of the highest murder rates in the world.
For the record…I am a woman. I teach college in a major city. I have already has a student threaten to shoot me once. There are no locks on our classroom doors. I fear for my safety (and that of my students) on a daily basis. I am considering getting firearms training and a concealed carry permit. You better believe that if I ever (and I pray Never) am in a situation like that,I would shoot to kill the gunman.

I have a toddler in daycare. I would feel much better knowing a member of the staff ha a gun and weapons training.
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