Connecticut school shooting: Lawmakers offer prayers amid calls for gun control

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Who said it was? Sadly you have a victim mentality.

I find it perfectly acceptable for you to choose to willingly put yourself at the total mercy of bad guys. (evil)

But pardon me for saying so… I do find it very odd that you are unwilling to protect your loved ones. Especially the youngest.

Black hats, white hats, bad guys, good guys, laser sights, pow pow. . . .

So you advocate gunfights at the OK corral between teachers and criminals with children caught in the crossfire? And should teachers therefore be mandated to have special training in the use of firearms as part of their educational credentials and certification?
Hey you know your experiment of having gunfights with only the bad guy shooting - you know… to avoid any crossfire?

it kinda failed today.

Hey you know your experiment of having gunfights with only the bad guy shooting - you know… to avoid any crossfire?

it kinda failed today.

And the answer to the second question of my last post? I hope the teachers are well trained so they don’t miss their target and shoot another teacher or a child by mistake.
Twisted people will always have access to firearms, legally or illegally…
Guns are not the issue here, that will make people more vulnerable!

It actually scares the heck out of me to imagine civilians completely disarmed…

The fact is that the current security system in places as schools, are not the best in order to protect students and it needs to improve drastically!

My condolences go to the families that lost their angels and God be with them.
And the answer to the second question of my last post? I hope the teachers are well trained so they don’t miss their target and shoot another teacher or a child by mistake.
You too, solve the problem of someone who is intent on killing people.
Guns are not the problem.

Secularism, entitlement, atheism, materialism and other such words are the main issues with this country and it’s violence.

The vast majority of legally bought weapons are owned by responsible gun owners. My husband and I included.

I’ve said this so many times…law abiding citizens will never benefit from more gun control. Bad guys will be bad guys and will find a way to break the law.
I hope they round up the guns and dump them into the ocean.

I don’t care what argument anyone uses or what anyone thinks of me. I hope they outlaw them, round them up, melt them down and make shopping carts out of them.

lets gather up spoons and forks cause they cause people to gain weight and die of heart diseases
Lax gun control laws and failure to screen out the criminally minded.
that would be considered profiling wouldn’t? how can u know what is n anyones mind?

I live in Ga, and years ago mayor of a small town named Kennesaw Ga, passed a law stating every citizen n the town HAD to own a firearm. Check the statistics on their crime rate back in the 80’s 👍 Criminals knew better!!
OK, you’re smarter that the rest of us, solve the problem.
I certainly never stated that I could. Some here think that these types of tragic situations are simple affairs and I am speaking to that.

lets gather up spoons and forks cause they cause people to gain weight and die of heart diseases
that would be considered profiling wouldn’t? how can u know what is n anyones mind?

I live in Ga, and years ago mayor of a small town named Kennesaw Ga, passed a law stating every citizen n the town HAD to own a firearm. Check the statistics on their crime rate back in the 80’s 👍 Criminals knew better!!
Maybe that law works well for a small town in GA, but I don’t think it would be such a good idea for NYC.
And the answer to the second question of my last post? I hope the teachers are well trained so they don’t miss their target and shoot another teacher or a child by mistake.
I agree. I could easily train you or a teacher to safely handle carry and accurately fire a gun in one day, especially one with a laser. No guarantee you would not hit an innocent. But your odds of stopping a monster - and saving the lives of babies - go way up from the odds the sitting ducks had at the school today.

Not counting the benefit of eliminating the Gun Free Zones that many of these guys look for. The Gun Free Zone sign effectively put a target on each child in that school.

Improve the detection of mentally ill and deranged individuals and get help for them before they commit the crime.
Not a bad idea, but you realize that many would still go undetected. Would you force the detected to get treatment?
Not a bad idea, but you realize that many would still go undetected. Would you force the detected to get treatment?
Yes, I would. Many of that population would include high school and college students, in which school psychologists and counseling centers might provide treatment options and also refer them to clinical psychologists and psychiatrists for therapy. Of course some will slip through the cracks, but lives might also be saved: both theirs and others.
I certainly never stated that I could. Some here think that these types of tragic situations are simple affairs and I am speaking to that.
Maybe if you stated your views without being sarcastic about it some of us would be more open to them. :):rolleyes: Look familiar.
So why do the major cities with strictest gun laws have the highest felony crime rates?

The population is significantly larger so there are statistically a higher number of people with emotional problems. City life is also more stressful and triggers more disturbances. Guns are brought into cities from other locations. Finally, the crime rate might be even higher without the stricter gun laws. The crime rate in NYC has dropped dramatically in the past few decades.
Guns are not the problem.

Secularism, entitlement, atheism, materialism and other such words are the main issues with this country and it’s violence.

The vast majority of legally bought weapons are owned by responsible gun owners. My husband and I included.

I’ve said this so many times…law abiding citizens will never benefit from more gun control. Bad guys will be bad guys and will find a way to break the law.
Well said 👍
The population is significantly larger so there are statistically a higher number of people with emotional problems. City life is also more stressful and triggers more disturbances. Guns are brought into cities from other locations. Finally, the crime rate might be even higher without the stricter gun laws. The crime rate in NYC has dropped dramatically in the past few decades.
You evaded the question.

Why are crime rates in large cities with less gun control, much lower than crime rates in large cities with high levels of gun control?
You evaded the question.

Why is the crime rates in large cities with less gun control have MUCH less crime than large cities with more gun control?
I answered the question. NYC, one of the largest cities in the US, has rather strict gun control laws and LESS crime.
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