He could have but a gun was more convenient, especially since it was a suicide mission.Even if we had gun control, he could have gone in there with a knife, a bat, ect.
He could have but a gun was more convenient, especially since it was a suicide mission.Even if we had gun control, he could have gone in there with a knife, a bat, ect.
Don’t the Israeli’s have better screening methods of detecting terrorists at airports as well?The nation of Israel has had many successful cases of armed civilians stoping terrorist shootings.
Well, the liberal HuffPo becomes a reliable source now! This may be true. I know there is a stop and frisk controversy in New York and, for sure, there are other policies instituted by Mayor Bloomberg that I disagree with. As I stated in an earlier post, I think a better policy to prevent mentally ill offenders should be instituted in high schools and colleges. Not that most mentally ill people commit crimes: that’s a stereotype. However, I believe there is a volatile interactive effect generated by certain disturbed individuals who have too easy access to guns, which contributes to the violence and death found in our culture. More guns on the street is not, in my view, the solution to the problem.Here’s the main factor:
**Manufacturing Low Crime Rates at the NYPD: Reputation Versus Safety Under Bloomberg and Kelly **
The practice of manufacturing artificially low crime rates increased substantially after 2002 under Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his police commissioner Raymond Kelly. New research based on interviews with 2,000 retired police officers from the NYPD reveals pervasive, system-wide corruption of criminal records and police practices. This research suggests that concern with the department’s reputation for reducing crime, much more than with public safety, drives police policy.
Mountains of scientific evidence supporting this are explored in The Crime Numbers Game. The bulk of the book’s evidence came from a survey of 500 retired police officers ranked captain and above, as well as from in depth interviews with over 40 retired and active officers.
Read More:
Anybody who has caught even one terrorist has a better record than the TSA. Sadly that’s not a joke.Don’t the Israeli’s have better screening methods of detecting terrorists at airports as well?
In your enthusiastic defence of guns, you forgot to post what the US Bishops wrote advocating a total elimination of guns in society.Page 144, Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, ‘The International Arms Trade: an Ethical Reflection’ in Origins 8 (24), 7 July 1994
2263 - 2265 and 2268 - 2269 Catechism of the Catholic Church
April 26, 1998|
Yesterday, Andrew Wurst, 14, was charged with fatally shooting John Gillette, 48, a science teacher at James Parker Middle School, as Gillette was chaperoning a prom for Wurst and his eighth-grade class at Nick’s Place.
After Wurst shot Gillette in the head, police said, the teenager entered the banquet hall where his dressed-up schoolmates were dancing Friday to the final song of the evening, ``My Heart Will Go On,’’ from the movie Titanic.
Wurst shot and wounded two students and another teacher, police said, then fled from the hall. None of the three was seriously injured.
As the 240 youngsters and teachers ran for cover - some diving into a closet for protection, singing and praying to stay calm - hall owner James Strand grabbed a shotgun and followed Wurst out the door, police said. Strand caught up with Wurst, who lives in nearby McKean, and held him until authorities arrived.
Posted: May 26, 2008
WINNEMUCCA (NV)-- Three men were fatally shot early Sunday, and two other people were injured, at a bar filled with about 300 people, and the shootings might have stemmed from a long-standing feud between several families, police said.
. . .
The 48-year-old patron from Reno who killed the shooter was taken into custody as a person of interest but was released after Humboldt County District Attorney Russell Smith determined the shooting was justifiable homicide.
Where’d they do that? The USCCB website summarizes the advocacy of the bishops over the years here. And yes, they are understandably concerned about gun issues. But they do not list a position advocating a total elimination of guns in society.In your enthusiastic defence of guns, you forgot to post what the US Bishops wrote advocating a total elimination of guns in society.
Yes they do. I am working remotely so can’t provide the link now but can do so later. There was a discussion about it on a previous thread - many pro-gun people said that the Bishops should mot get involved in this issue.Where’d they do that? The USCCB website summarizes the advocacy of the bishops over the years here. And yes, they are understandably concerned about gun issues. But they do not list a position advocating a total elimination of guns in society.
Are they getting involved in the issue as you claim though? Note, it is one thing to say that ideally no need exists for guns, and let’s all work for that tomorrow. It’s another thing to say let’s just ban all guns today.Yes they do. I am working remotely so can’t provide the link now but can do so later. There was a discussion about it on a previous thread - many pro-gun people said that the Bishops should mot get involved in this issue.
Responsible gun owners often have family members.Guns are not the problem.
Secularism, entitlement, atheism, materialism and other such words are the main issues with this country and it’s violence.
The vast majority of legally bought weapons are owned by responsible gun owners. My husband and I included.
I’ve said this so many times…law abiding citizens will never benefit from more gun control. Bad guys will be bad guys and will find a way to break the law.
Catacheism of the Catholic Church 883In your enthusiastic defence of guns, you forgot to post what the US Bishops wrote advocating a total elimination of guns in society.
Catholic teaching and neither Pope Benedict has called for the eliminations of guns from society so if the Bishops call for elimination of guns that is not authoritative but is a prudential judgement is it not?The college or body of bishops has no authority unless united with the Roman Pontiff, Peter’s successor, as its head." As such, this college has “supreme and full authority over the universal Church; but this power cannot be exercised without the agreement of the Roman Pontiff”
I remember the other day it was reported in a lot of places that on 1 Monday NYC had no murders. The state of the crime level in NYC is that 1 day of no murders is worthy of being reported. NYC has extremely strict gun lawsHere’s the main factor:
**Manufacturing Low Crime Rates at the NYPD: Reputation Versus Safety Under Bloomberg and Kelly **
The practice of manufacturing artificially low crime rates increased substantially after 2002 under Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his police commissioner Raymond Kelly. New research based on interviews with 2,000 retired police officers from the NYPD reveals pervasive, system-wide corruption of criminal records and police practices. This research suggests that concern with the department’s reputation for reducing crime, much more than with public safety, drives police policy.
Mountains of scientific evidence supporting this are explored in The Crime Numbers Game. The bulk of the book’s evidence came from a survey of 500 retired police officers ranked captain and above, as well as from in depth interviews with over 40 retired and active officers.
Read More:
On Your World this afternoon, Mike Huckabee sat down with Neil Cavuto to discuss the horror that unfolded this morning in Newtown, Conn. A 20-year-old man fatally shot 20 children, six adults and himself at Sandy Hook Elementary School. He also shot his mother, a kindergarten teacher at the school, at their house before the rampage.
Cavuto pointed out that after tragedies like this, many people ask, “How could God let this happen?”
Huckabee responded by pointing out that God and references to religion have been systematically removed from so many schools in the United States. The former Arkansas governor said the issue of being accountable to a higher power in judgment is not discussed in public schools.
“We ask why there’s violence in our schools, but we have systematically removed God from our schools. Should we be so surprised that schools would become a place of carnage? Because we’ve made it a place where we don’t want to talk about eternity, life, what responsibility means, accountability. That we’re not just going to have to be accountable to the police if they catch us, but one day we stand before a holy God in judgment. If we don’t believe that, then we don’t fear that,” said Huckabee.
He added, “Maybe we ought to let (God) in on the front end and we wouldn’t have to call him to show up when it’s all said and done at the back end.”
Watch the full discussion:
My point was that gun control is not going to stop people from killing others.Driving is regulated and the rules enforced far more than gun ownership. You can be pulled over and questioned for just looking suspicious. Nothing happens if you buy your own personal arsenal.
It would be a lot more difficult to stab 18 children to death with a pencil before someone stopped you.
Wrong again!:Catacheism of the Catholic Church 883
Catholic teaching and neither Pope Benedict has called for the eliminations of guns from society so if the Bishops call for elimination of guns that is not authoritative but is a prudential judgement is it not?
This is the link I referred to earlier:Are they getting involved in the issue as you claim though? Note, it is one thing to say that ideally no need exists for guns, and let’s all work for that tomorrow. It’s another thing to say let’s just ban all guns today.
Yes, ideally, we would have no guns. Nor any wars. Nor any lawyers, even. I’m sure the Catholic bishops would endorse the elimination of all three, and who would blame them?
But, aren’t they capable of a little realism along the way?
The differences are stark between Switerland, Israel, and the US. In Switzerland, those guns are the guns of a “well-regulated militia”. Everyone has had military training and is a reservist, in a country that is officially neutral. In Israel, the people with the guns are living in what may be turned into a war zone at any moment.Yet in Switzerland the gun in the home CANNOT be loaded as the ammunition box must remain sealed at all times unless they get their marching orders. So essentially all they have is an unloaded gun.
In Israel, very few people can own guns. It’s regulated. The only people allowed to own them live in the settlements, do business in the settlements, or are in professions at risk of violence.
Both countries require you to have a reason to have a gun. There isn’t this idea that you have a right to a gun. You need a reason. And then you need to go back to the permitting authority every six months or so to assure them the reason is still valid.
I did not watch the entire coverage yesterday as I was very busy with a few families that we serve in our business, but I did have the TV on up in our apt. Every once in a while I would hear the mention of God which surpised me in this age of secularism in our Country. But that said, I do think you are entirely correct Irishpatrick. It’s the lack of our original Judeo Christian values in this Country that is causing all the violence, insanity and pure EVIL that is beginning to become so very prevailent. And now, it is killing our children, even our 5 year old babies en mass.I believe that a storm is on the horizon, and these horrible things that are happening are just the rumblings from a distance. Our only hope is God, and our nation had better wake-up soon. Christians have been saying this for several decades, precious few want to hear the message.