Connecticut school shooting: Lawmakers offer prayers amid calls for gun control

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The Fort Hood Massacre occurred in Texas but those soldiers sadly did not have guns to defend themselves.
I was stationed at Ft Hood myself many a year ago; military bases are also “gun free zones”.

Loaded weapons are only permitted during range training. Only the military polie carry loaded guns on base.

Our weapons were unloaded during guard duty, making them awkward clubs. 🤷
does anyone find it odd that politicians spend so much time on their " sincere apology speaches " and some how at just the right moment the politician slips in something about the need for gun regulation, the politician slips it in ever so nice an quiet an respectfully.

and then answer this, from a political party that supports and wants more funding for abortion, why would they blink an eye to a childs’ death after the fact ?

An you can tell which politician is sincere bout the " heart felt apologies" when said politician can avoid bringing up anything related to politics, and sticks to the tragedy at hand and gives all comments with out any political statements attached. Goes for News Media outlets as well,

the day the media can just offer a heart felt apology with out the political ties mixed in, will be a cold day.
No it’s true, they talked about it on the news, when the country had more faith, we didn’t have as many of these kinds of incidences. The country needs to turn to God, Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Oh well…If they said it on the news then it has to be true insert eyeroll.
There is no answer to what happened yesterday in Connecticut.

Trying to reason on why this happened, i.e. lack of gun laws, more gun laws, etc, doesn’t answer the question and it’s foolish to try and use gun control laws in searching for the answer.

A mad man went on a rampage, as other mad-men have done. If he couldn’t get a gun, he would’ve used other means to carry out his madness.

One thing is for sure, we are a godless society and our moral compass is broken.

I just hope we’re not too far gone.

I would suggest that shooting someone dead simply because they might steal or rob is excessive - and what are the chances that you would be at home if it happened.
Theres a recording from a 911 dispatch I can share of a woman being stabbed to death while on the phone with the dispatcher while waiting for the cops to come. The screams were unreal.

They came like 14 minutes later to find a corpse, the killer long gone.

When seconds count, the police are minutes away.
If there’s any U.S. states I’d want to live in, it would be Texas, Louisiana and Alaska. Why? At least I can get guns more easily to better defend myself.
There is no answer to what happened yesterday in Connecticut.

Trying to reason on why this happened, i.e. lack of gun laws, more gun laws, etc, doesn’t answer the question and it’s foolish to try and use gun control laws in searching for the answer.

A mad man went on a rampage, as other mad-men have done. If he couldn’t get a gun, he would’ve used other means to carry out his madness.

One thing is for sure, we are a godless society and our moral compass is broken.

I just hope we’re not too far gone.

If we had gun laws, okay, I wonder how one would do the gun sweeps in high crime areas of the USA say. I’m not sure, as people have pointed out, there are many guns in circulation.

But I certainly see the point that gangs, these mass shooters who have almost all been guys in their early 20s should not have firearms though I’m not saying that is so for the public at large.

What happened in CT. may just be down to the irrationality and psychosis of that individual, Lanza.
We have become a Godless people…I would say that is a huge problem.
I am a godless person as you call it and I am a good person, as is every atheist I know. I and every atheist I know do good things because it is the right thing to do. Saying atheism is the problem is ridiculous and just laying blame on something you don’t like or understand.
There is no answer to what happened yesterday in Connecticut.

Trying to reason on why this happened, i.e. lack of gun laws, more gun laws, etc, doesn’t answer the question and it’s foolish to try and use gun control laws in searching for the answer.

A mad man went on a rampage, as other mad-men have done. If he couldn’t get a gun, he would’ve used other means to carry out his madness.
Agreed. Fighting about gun control laws will not get us anywhere. The man’s mother had legally purchased the guns – so preventing “people like him” from purchasing guns sadly would not have prevented this… and as Jim said, if he didn’t have a gun he would have used some other weapon.

If we must argue politics, discussing our nation’s mental health treatment system and the laws regarding forcible mental health treatment seems like it would be more productive. (Although this shooter’s motive isn’t clear yet, many shooters involved in mass shootings have prior mental health history – I think it’s quite possible in this case too.)

But really, I don’t think any arguments about politics are appropriate right now. Prayer is the only appropriate action now. Let us pray for the souls of those who died. Let us pray that God would comfort those who lost loved ones in the shooting, especially the parents that lost children. May He hold them close as they mourn this unimaginable tragedy.
Agreed. Fighting about gun control laws will not get us anywhere. The man’s mother had legally purchased the guns – so preventing “people like him” from purchasing guns sadly would not have prevented this… and as Jim said, if he didn’t have a gun he would have used some other weapon.

If we must argue politics, discussing our nation’s mental health treatment system and the laws regarding forcible mental health treatment seems like it would be more productive. (Although this shooter’s motive isn’t clear yet, many shooters involved in mass shootings have prior mental health history – I think it’s quite possible in this case too.)

But really, I don’t think any arguments about politics are appropriate right now. Prayer is the only appropriate action now. Let us pray for the souls of those who died. Let us pray that God would comfort those who lost loved ones in the shooting, especially the parents that lost children. May He hold them close as they mourn this unimaginable tragedy.
IT’s stating the obvious and I’m not for gun control per se but an “other weapon” like an axe would not have killed as many people, this is obvious. Only if someone has the smarts to make a bomb would one end up killing as many people.
IT’s stating the obvious and I’m not for gun control per se but an “other weapon” like an axe would not have killed as many people, this is obvious. Only if someone has the smarts to make a bomb would one end up killing as many people.
He was “smart” enough to use a bullet proof vest. This was a well planned and calculated attack as it is with most massacres like this. So, I think he could have figured out a way to kill more people even without a gun such as with a bomb. And as a matter of fact, bombs are the weapon of choice for most acts of terrorism in the world.
I am a godless person as you call it and I am a good person, as is every atheist I know. I and every atheist I know do good things because it is the right thing to do. Saying atheism is the problem is ridiculous and just laying blame on something you don’t like or understand.
I’ll bet this gun man didn’t believe in God or else he would not have done this.
We are “legitimately hold authority” via the US Constitution: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State…This “street vengence” stuff is pure fantasy. A responsible gun owner (there are 80 million in America) never will, or has done that.
Note the term “well regulated.”
The 2A is NOT about hunting or even self-defense, its intent was have an armed populace to serve as a check on tyranny. THAT is why anti-freedom types have been after it for years.
As above; note the term “well regulated.” The purpose of an armed populace was to have a national defense force in lieu of a standing army. That is no longer necessary despite the delusions of revolutionary grandeur held by the NRA.
I’ll bet this gun man didn’t believe in God or else he would not have done this.
Only a criminal using atheist reasoning would commit suicide after a crime like this thinking they are escaping punishment. Christians who believe in God, Judgment, Heaven, and Hell wouldn’t think they were escaping punishment by committing suicide.
Guns are not the problem.

Secularism, entitlement, atheism, materialism and other such words are the main issues with this country and it’s violence.

The vast majority of legally bought weapons are owned by responsible gun owners. My husband and I included.

I’ve said this so many times…law abiding citizens will never benefit from more gun control. Bad guys will be bad guys and will find a way to break the law.
I couldn’t agree more! Well said…THANK YOU!
Guns are not the problem.

Secularism, entitlement, atheism, materialism and other such words are the main issues with this country and it’s violence.

The vast majority of legally bought weapons are owned by responsible gun owners. My husband and I included.

I’ve said this so many times…law abiding citizens will never benefit from more gun control. Bad guys will be bad guys and will find a way to break the law.
Why would a Catholic person own a gun? Does the 5th commandment not apply to you? What else is a gun for?
I remember the other day it was reported in a lot of places that on 1 Monday NYC had no murders. The state of the crime level in NYC is that 1 day of no murders is worthy of being reported. NYC has extremely strict gun laws
15,000,000 or more people live in NYC.
Note the term “well regulated.”
You realize that “regulated” meant something different in that time period? It referred to something being in proper working order. Something that was well-regulated was calibrated correctly, functioning as expected.

In otherwords, properly trained and maintained. I’m all for proper training.
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