Connecticut school shooting: Lawmakers offer prayers amid calls for gun control

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Agreed. Fighting about gun control laws will not get us anywhere. The man’s mother had legally purchased the guns – so preventing “people like him” from purchasing guns sadly would not have prevented this… and as Jim said, if he didn’t have a gun he would have used some other weapon.

If we must argue politics, discussing our nation’s mental health treatment system and the laws regarding forcible mental health treatment seems like it would be more productive. (Although this shooter’s motive isn’t clear yet, many shooters involved in mass shootings have prior mental health history – I think it’s quite possible in this case too.)

But really, I don’t think any arguments about politics are appropriate right now. Prayer is the only appropriate action now. Let us pray for the souls of those who died. Let us pray that God would comfort those who lost loved ones in the shooting, especially the parents that lost children. May He hold them close as they mourn this unimaginable tragedy.
Taking a look at the history of school shootings and mass murders, it seems to be rare in the 1800s, common after 1900, and really jumps up after the 60’s. Not surprisingly, it coincides with the close of asylums.
It is pretty simple. Make it very very difficult for a person to obtain a gun and they will not get up one day and kill their mother and multiple children. I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t have thought of knifing all of them or taking a baseball bat and injuring them.

All said and done…it is much easier to just load up a firearm and shoot…

You’ll still get a tragedy here and there even with tighter gun control laws…but c’mon how many this year already…something different has to be tried
He could have but a gun was more convenient, especially since it was a suicide mission.
there are suicide bombers all over the world.all the speculations people are makin, who is to say that the guy would not have strapped a bomb to himself had guns been banned?

Banning firearms will NEVER be the answer, crime rates will sky rocket. such crimes as home invasions and robberies.

if u do NOT feel the need to own a firearm, that is fine by me, but for the life of me I can NOT understand why any person who is pro gun laws feel they know whats best for me!!

and the last institution I want for my personal protection is the federal gov’t!! this is the same gov’t who has NO problems with free abortions and lettin the hard workin tax payers pay for it. Same gov’t that regulates our gas and all we see from that is higher gas prices!!
It used to be that guns were easy to get, and bloodbaths like yesterday were unheard of. Today, it’s harder than ever to get a gun, and these things happen all too frequently.

Guns have been around for a LONG TIME… so riddle me this, Batman: years ago when guns were more widely owned, why did mass murders like Newtown and Columbine not happen then?

I think it’s PEOPLE who need to change. Not the Law. It makes me very angry that people DEVOLVED to the point where things like the Newtown shooting take place. The gunman took his weapons from his mother, didn’t he? She legally purchased them. He was NOT authorized to own them. They weren’t his. If we prohibit gun ownership, prohibition will only take them away from law-abiding citizens.
That’s the point that is constantly ignored by the media, politicians, and some members here. The guns weren’t his. All the laws regarding purchasing, background checks, age requirements, bans on different types of guns, etc failed to stop him because he stole them. Anyone arguing that more gun control would have prevented this is not being honest with themselves.
there are suicide bombers all over the world.all the speculations people are makin, who is to say that the guy would not have strapped a bomb to himself had guns been banned?

Banning firearms will NEVER be the answer, crime rates will sky rocket. such crimes as home invasions and robberies.

if u do NOT feel the need to own a firearm, that is fine by me, but for the life of me I can NOT understand why any person who is pro gun laws feel they know whats best for me!!

and the last institution I want for my personal protection is the federal gov’t!! this is the same gov’t who has NO problems with free abortions and lettin the hard workin tax payers pay for it. Same gov’t that regulates our gas and all we see from that is higher gas prices!!
And don’t forget has murdered and killed more people than any institution.

Let’s not forget our very own government shipped automatic weapons to the Taliban, Al-Qaeda and the Mexican drug cartels.

I think we need to ban psychiatric meds, before we go on the guns…the guy was another pill user who lost his mind…but does the gubbmint do that? Nooooooooooo they in fact legalized another mind-altering drug.
I submit that if he knew that even some teachers carried guns in that school… he would have never went there.

Or if he did go to that school… he would NOT have been able to walk uncontested from room to room, killing children at will.

BTW… anyone here like to offer an opinion as to why so many of these killers choose “GUN FREE” zones such as Schools or Churches… and not Gun Shows, Gun Ranges, and Gun Stores?
Coming to a FPS (first person shooter) video game near you.

What I would like to see is a correlation with mass murder by gun versus the general caliber of entertainment and the general morality of home life. These factors may be more indicative of what is going on in our present society.

I think the reason that so many of these shootings occur in churches and schools is not so much that they are gun-free zones but the fact that these locations represent those centers of teaching that should be making society better to an embittered individual that feels society is NOT meeting his/her needs. This feeling may be accentuated for an individual who lives in a good area, as opposed to an impoverished area, as the perceived misery versus the rest of society may be more pronounced. That is, misery can’t seem to find any company. I think this speaks to general morality.

With all the talk of secession, you know that many are feeling this pull to flip out.
Dear God why do you allow so much violence in our schools ?
“Concerned Student”

According to FBI stats from 1991, homicide rates are lowest in states with few gun control laws
Aby, a lot of laws in the U.S. are passed AFTER the fact. Who knows what the stats would be had they not passed the laws they did? Politicians always react, sometimes in good ways, and most of the time, not.

Yesterday, I turned on the radio to listen to Rush Limbaugh. It wasn’t five seconds before he came up with some line about “Watch the liberals try to blame this on Republicans or guns.” Like that should be the focus of the discussion. And his callers seemed to be on his side. Where’s the compassion for the slain children or for their parents or for their friends? Why more concern for weapons in the other side of the world than right here at home? And then they wonder why all the people don’t vote for all the Republicans.
Has anyone here considered the possibility of demon possession?
Last year handguns killed
48 people in Japan
8 in Great Britain
34 in Switzerland
52 in Canada
58 in Israel
21 in Sweden
42 in West Germany
**10, 728 in the United States

God Bless America**
West Germany? A little out of date no?
If the Church is against guns than they might consider disarming the Swiss Guard and the plainsclothesman guarding the Pope. Obama can do same. Ain’t gonna happen. So what’s good for them is good for the ordinary citizen.

Consider too that fifty years ago, those suspected of having violent tendencies could be committed to a mental hospital by the family. We no longer do that. This killer was known by his elementary school mates to be a tad off. The kids probably knew to stay away from him and others were warned by parents not to play with Adam. It is called instinct.

Also what Mom would have guns in the home with a kid like this? And she was the one who took him to the gun range. Denial? Stupidity?
Source for the statistic? Apparently it is from 1979, not from last year. There is not even an official West Germany anymore. American population is much higher than any of the other countries above and the gun rate is probably not taken into consideration with the statistic. How many people were killed by guns in the countries above if the population of the countries equals America?
Here is the per capita rate of firearm related deaths per country. The US and Switzerland are not in very good company (both have the highest rate for gun suicides) but the US stands alone as the highest in the western world for gun homicide.

Doesn’t look very good does it?
Last year handguns killed
48 people in Japan
8 in Great Britain
34 in Switzerland
52 in Canada
58 in Israel
21 in Sweden
42 in West Germany
**10, 728 in the United States

God Bless America**
I don’t know where you got your figures but here is the relevant Wiki data:

Murder rates per 100k …Deaths by firearms/100k… Murder by firearm/100k
Japan …0.3 … 0.07 … 0.02
United Kingdom …1.2 … 0.22 … 0.03
Switzerland …0.7 … 6.4 … 0.58
Canada … 1.6 … 4.78 … 0.76
Israel … 2.1 … 1.86 …
Sweden …1.0 … 1.47 …
Germany …0.8 …1.1 …
US … 4.2 …9.0 … 2.98

It is certainly still true that both violence and gun violence are higher in the US than the other countries you mentioned but a little perspective is useful. (If your data is from last year why is there a number for West Germany? That country ceased to exist in 1990)

unfortunately the chances of us knowin why this ever happened n the 1st place is slim to none. and as sad as it is, there is NO way we can make our children safe a 100 percent of the time 😦
these events are tragic to say the least, and all the gov’t regulation and media and internet speculations will not change what has happened. hopefully we can learn form this and figure out a way to keep it from ever happening again
I’ve seen lots of stories on stabbings in the UK but acknowledge those are not nearly as lethal as a gun.

Problem with gun killings is I think you could break it down to demographics in a lot of cases while these mass shootings have a lot of shock value which they are.
West Germany? A little out of date no?
Out of date but sadly the story is the same as not much has changed in the last 30 years - gun deaths last year in the US were actually higher (11.100). Mind you the UK also rose - to the giddy heights of 39.
Why was Obama crying??? :confused:

After all, he believed a few short years ago that these children had no right to live.

Dear Lord bless and comfort all those genuinely affected by this awful tragedy.
Dear God why do you allow so much violence in our schools ?
“Concerned Student”

Absolutely, there have been a few posts like this.

Put God, Prayer fully back into the schools, Christian values too.
I don’t know where you got your figures but here is the relevant Wiki data:

Murder rates per 100k …Deaths by firearms/100k… Murder by firearm/100k
Japan …0.3 … 0.07 … 0.02
United Kingdom …1.2 … 0.22 … 0.03
Switzerland …0.7 … 6.4 … 0.58
Canada … 1.6 … 4.78 … 0.76
Israel … 2.1 … 1.86 …
Sweden …1.0 … 1.47 …
Germany …0.8 …1.1 …
US … 4.2 …9.0 … 2.98

It is certainly still true that both violence and gun violence are higher in the US than the other countries you mentioned but a little perspective is useful. (If your data is from last year why is there a number for West Germany? That country ceased to exist in 1990)

Doesn’t Japan also have a very high sucide rate along with Sweden? So they don’t kill other people, they just kill themselves.
If US has a higher homicide rate, that is largely inner city violence, sad to say.

It wouldn’t help much to make farmers in rural parts of the US give up their guns.
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