Connecticut school shooting: Lawmakers offer prayers amid calls for gun control

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The population is significantly larger so there are statistically a higher number of people with emotional problems. City life is also more stressful and triggers more disturbances. Guns are brought into cities from other locations. Finally, the crime rate might be even higher without the stricter gun laws. The crime rate in NYC has dropped dramatically in the past few decades.
Oooopsie Daisy… ["]"]](
It is pretty simple. Make it very very difficult for a person to obtain a gun and they will not get up one day and kill their mother and multiple children. I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t have thought of knifing all of them or taking a baseball bat and injuring them.

All said and done…it is much easier to just load up a firearm and shoot…

You’ll still get a tragedy here and there even with tighter gun control laws…but c’mon how many this year already…something different has to be tried
The shocking events in Connecticut struck me immediately as satanic. Twenty kindergarteners gunned down. Then came the news that on this very day in China another maniac stormed a school and slashed up 22 kids with a knife. It is as if Satan is laughing, mocking us. Like he knew full well we’d instantly sidetrack ourselves into pointless gun control arguments and avert our eyes from the real issue that’s staring us down: pure evil.
The shocking events in Connecticut struck me immediately as satanic. Twenty kindergarteners gunned down. Then came the news that on this very day in China another maniac stormed a school and slashed up 22 kids with a knife. It is as if Satan is laughing, mocking us. Like he knew full well we’d instantly we’d sidetrack ourselves into pointless gun control arguments and avert our eyes from the real issue that’s staring us down: pure evil.
You kill it.
Something snaped inside of him and all the security precautions that the school had wasn’t going to stop him. If he didn’t have guns, it would’ve been grenades or molative cocktails. NOTHING short of teachers defending themselves was going to stop him from the hell those kids went through today.
Maybe but his mother’s gun was much more convenient.
The shocking events in Connecticut struck me immediately as satanic. Twenty kindergarteners gunned down. Then came the news that on this very day in China another maniac stormed a school and slashed up 22 kids with a knife. It is as if Satan is laughing, mocking us. Like he knew full well we’d instantly sidetrack ourselves into **pointless gun control arguments **and avert our eyes from the real issue that’s staring us down: pure evil.
Maybe the control should be over any possible weapon then. Like they do at airports? It is the government’s function to protect life, after all. Why do we concern ourselves with some fictitious weapons far away from home (like in Iraq) when we have kindergarten kids so vulnerable to real attacks at home?
How many lives would’ve been saved in that Colorado movie theater last Summer or today if just one person had a concealed weapon on them? .
Quite possibly NONE, and quite possibly more would have died. To take the Aurora Colorado shootings (I live near there) if some movie-goers had been packing and firing back on the shooter (who was wearing armor) and the police come on the scene (they responded within a couple of minutes) and saw one moviegoer firing on another without knowing who was the oringial shooter, what do you think might happen? More innocent people dead, that’s what. Not to mention the very real possibility of other innocents being shot by accident by the concealed carry folks.

This isn’t a movie, time to get real.
It’s one of the factors along with effective policing.
Here’s the main factor:

**Manufacturing Low Crime Rates at the NYPD: Reputation Versus Safety Under Bloomberg and Kelly

The practice of manufacturing artificially low crime rates increased substantially after 2002 under Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his police commissioner Raymond Kelly. New research based on interviews with 2,000 retired police officers from the NYPD reveals pervasive, system-wide corruption of criminal records and police practices. This research suggests that concern with the department’s reputation for reducing crime, much more than with public safety, drives police policy.

Mountains of scientific evidence supporting this are explored in The Crime Numbers Game. The bulk of the book’s evidence came from a survey of 500 retired police officers ranked captain and above, as well as from in depth interviews with over 40 retired and active officers.

Read More:
*“The policy of the American government is to leave its citizens free, neither restraining them nor aiding them in their pursuits.” --Thomas Jefferson

“For a people who are free, and who mean to remain so, a well organized and armed militia is their best security.” --Thomas Jefferson

“That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves.” --Thomas Jefferson

“The most fortunate of us, in our journey through life, frequently meet with calamities and misfortunes which may greatly afflict us; and, to fortify our minds against the attacks of these calamities and misfortunes should be one of the principal studies and endeavors of our lives. The only method of doing this is to assume a perfect resignation to the Divine will, to consider that whatever does happen, must happen; and that, by our uneasiness, we cannot prevent the blow before it does fall, but we may add to its force after it has fallen. These considerations, and others such as these, may enable us in some measure to surmount the difficulties thrown in our way; to bear up with a tolerable degree of patience under the burden of life; and to proceed with a pious and unshaken resignation, till we arrive at our journey’s end, when we may deliver up our trust into the hands of Him who gave it, and receive such reward as to him shall seem proportioned to our merit.” --Thomas Jefferson*

As a “pop” culture, we seem to lack vision and values. Without them there is hopelessness, no sense of direction and a lack of ambition and motivation. We don’t seem to “value” life. Where does this come from… mmm… I think we need to be “pro-life”. But more than that we need to understand why? Why be pro-life? It sounds simple but that’s how far we have apparently fallen. Freedom isn’t free. It requires a responsible, well formed, well informed and educated populace. Do we focus on that?

It is education, evangelization and enlightenment.

Tune In - to the Holy Spirit, Turn On - to Jesus Christ and drop out of the culture of death…
Maybe the control should be over any possible weapon then. Like they do at airports? It is the government’s function to protect life, after all. Why do we concern ourselves with some fictitious weapons far away from home (like in Iraq) when we have kindergarten kids so vulnerable to real attacks at home?
Would you place our safety firmly in the hands of the Keystone Cops? You did put a nice little dig in there about Iraq’s WMD, and remember these are the same guys who showed up today too late to help anybody at the school, launched an investigation, then rushed out fingering the wrong man as killer?

The question of where one should place his faith is indeed interesting. My faith sure ain’t in Man.
LOL, its you conservatives and libertarians who are emotional. libertarians are like a bunch of insolent children who just dont want anyone to tell them what to do. by the way i cant speak for anyone else, but im not a liberal.
but yeah im leaving too, its no use arguing, you can lead a horse to water but you cant make it drink 🤷

i agree with realjulienne, we should pray for the families and the deceased.
When you specifically used the word vigilante outside of its dictionary definition you were being either A: emotional or B: dishonest to the uninformed. Giving subjective meanings to words that already have objective meanings is a recorded tactic of the left ( 1984 newspeak) and also a recorded act of satan through the serpent in the garden of Eden. and we he tempted our Lord in the wilderness. Im giving liberals the benefit of the doubt by saying they are being emotional and not deceptively dishonest by using words in a vague way.
You migt not be a liberal, but you use the English language like one.
Even if we had gun control, he could have gone in there with a knife, a bat, ect.

But what we really need to do is pray, and PRAY HARD.
Quite possibly NONE, and quite possibly more would have died. To take the Aurora Colorado shootings (I live near there) if some movie-goers had been packing and firing back on the shooter (who was wearing armor) and the police come on the scene (they responded within a couple of minutes) and saw one moviegoer firing on another without knowing who was the oringial shooter, what do you think might happen? More innocent people dead, that’s what. Not to mention the very real possibility of other innocents being shot by accident by the concealed carry folks.

This isn’t a movie, time to get real.
The nation of Israel has had many successful cases of armed civilians stoping terrorist shootings. Thats why terrorists resort to suicide bombings because they were tired of getting stopped by mothers and elderly with pistol permits. The police show up to make sure terrorist is dead. Remember…when seconds count, the police are only minutes away
remember these are the same guys who showed up today too late to help anybody at the school, launched an investigation, then rushed out fingering the wrong man as killer?
It’s a learning experience, what can I say? Let’s make sure it doesn’t happen again. We have to.
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