Connecticut school shooting: Lawmakers offer prayers amid calls for gun control

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Abortion is wrong, and for several decades nothing has changed because the RIGHT takes an absolutist position. Let me tell you, I find abortion to be just plain evil, yet I also would love to save 300,000 babies each year. If the deal is crafted well, then babies will be saved.

I never said get rid of all guns…I am saying we should agree to additional controls in order to move the nation toward a more prolife position.
Hi Patrick
:thumbsup:I believe this is indeed the crux of the matter. Once society decided its ok to kill, {murder babies} life became not so important in some minds unseen consequence of human behavior.

God bless
more specifically i talked about self defense alone. i didnt mention anything else. please dont twist my words.
if the public would not not have access to guns, there would be less gun related crime. this isnt rocket science. however as i said before, the fiight against violence shouldnt satop at gun control. that is only the first step.
So now you’ve moved from “gun control” to “gun bans”? Nice.
Hi Patrick
:thumbsup:I believe this is indeed the crux of the matter. Once society decided its ok to kill, {murder babies} life became not so important in some minds unseen consequence of human behavior.

God bless
I agree completely. So, do we just sit and do nothing, or do we work for a real compromise that will move our entire nation toward a more prolife position?

Wouldn’t we all like to live in a world in which we do not have to lock our doors? Well, how are we going to ever get there if we never try?

What happened to those precious children is so hard to fathom, so hard for us to handle in our minds…and it should NEVER happen again. Yet, I fear the left and the right will learn nothing, again.

Baby steps people–baby steps!

If we start taking those baby steps together, I firmly believe God will be right there with us. Yet, if we once again refuse…well, how can the future get brighter if we do not work today to make it brighter?

We must strive to bring tiny rays of the Light Of Christ back into this fallen world. People need the hope that only Jesus can provide.
LOL… look you made a funny.

If the shooter knew there were a few teachers with state training and C/C permits he would have went elsewhere… and if not the teachers would have at least had the opportunity top stop him early.

Is that so hard to comprehend?

Believe me, I was not attempting to make anything funny and can’t see anything to laugh out loud about in reference to the topic of this discussion.

Your plan to put guns into the schools also places guns within reach of those very children we are discussing.

Don’t be condescending, it reflects back to you and I assure you does not reflect well.
If the shooter knew there were some teachers
with state training and C/C permits he would have went elsewhere…
and if not, the teachers would have at least had the opportunity top stop him early.

If the shooter knew there were some teachers
with state training and C/C permits he would have went elsewhere…
and if not, the teachers would have at least had the opportunity top stop him early.

Share with us, the Gospel teaching that supports such a view.
Can we please stop talking about the dang gun! :mad:

It’s not about the gun…it’s the culture. Guns were prevalent during the 50s…but few mass killings? Gee I wonder why?

Why must people ignore serious analysis in favor of spouting their goofy rhetoric. :rolleyes:
Can we please stop talking about the dang gun! :mad:

It’s not about the gun…it’s the culture. Guns were prevalent during the 50s…but few mass killings? Gee I wonder why?

Why must people ignore serious analysis in favor of spouting their goofy rhetoric. :rolleyes:
People who do these things, normally, go for the tool designed specifically to kill. In this instance, and other recent instances, the killers used those tools; guns.
Can we please stop talking about the dang gun! :mad:

It’s not about the gun…it’s the culture. Guns were prevalent during the 50s…but few mass killings? Gee I wonder why?

Why must people ignore serious analysis in favor of spouting their goofy rhetoric. :rolleyes:
I agree…we need to move toward a true culture of life.
True. But then movies like “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” came along and pointed out that that could only make things worse. “The Snake PIt” was another memorable movie.
Care for the mentally ill has improved since the days of “The Snake Pit” and “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest.” Good films though.
Can we please stop talking about the dang gun! :mad:

It’s not about the gun…it’s the culture. Guns were prevalent during the 50s…but few mass killings? Gee I wonder why?

Why must people ignore serious analysis in favor of spouting their goofy rhetoric. :rolleyes:
The attachment to guns is part and parcel of the violent, excessively individualistic (the term used by the late Pope John Paul II) culture that led to this atrocity.
Easy: Thou shall not kill.

It seems to lack a qualification for some to be allowed to kill. That is what is coming across with your posts. The greatest majority of all your posts seems to convey that message.
The attachment to guns is part and parcel of the violent, excessively individualistic (the term used by the late Pope John Paul II) culture that led to this atrocity.
It is not individualism–it is the casting aside of so many moral and Godly pathways.
The attachment to guns is part and parcel of the violent, excessively individualistic (the term used by the late Pope John Paul II) culture that led to this atrocity.
👍 And that Culture of Death thrives all throughout the Western World if not at least globally. 🤷
Can we please stop talking about the dang gun! :mad:

It’s not about the gun…it’s the culture. Guns were prevalent during the 50s…but few mass killings? Gee I wonder why?

Why must people ignore serious analysis in favor of spouting their goofy rhetoric. :rolleyes:
Father Giuseppe Piemontese — an Assisi-based official of the Franciscan order, founded to further the cause of peace — lamented that there are “so many, too many” tragic shootings that “raise the question about the ease with which you can legally procure arms in the United States, to then use them in a murderous way.”
something that came up while watching some of the news casts of all this stuff. it seems like the majority of these crimes happen to people who aren’t correct in the head and are alittle crazy. Do you think things like this could be prevented if our health care system could identify and help these people?

First of all I believe Catholic Social Doctrine necessitates that man has a right to own a gun and a right to protect himself. So I believe complete banning of all weapons wouldn’t be in lines with Catholic Social Teaching.

second most gun laws don’t do much to save people, what prevents someone, who can’t get a gun, from getting a gun from a person who can buy a guy. Can we control the black market for weapons (probably not). I understand that the gun is instrument of death but the person behind the instrument is the one really doing the killing and because of that maybe stopping someone who would have the mental make up to think killing lots of people would be would me more effective then making it illegal for him to buy a weapon or make certain types of weapons illegal.
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