Connecticut school shooting: Lawmakers offer prayers amid calls for gun control

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Until you change the culture that seeks to dehumanize life through television, movies, music and video games…you’re just putting new sails on a rotting ship.

Once again if it’s not guns it will be something else…but you wish not to see that, you wish not to think through your arguments and look ahead…you and neither do the CCW-agenda pushers…Y’all don’t want to see ahead cause y’all are blind to the true cause of all of this.

We have devalued human life in this nation, so it’s no surprise to see human life be treated so carelessly and without remorse.
You fail to see that guns for everyone is a part of the culture of death…🤷
Ok, let’s say a teacher had the gun and did stop the shooter in this instance. How many children deaths would have been an acceptable number, assuming the armed teacher was in the exact vicinity at the time? Or, how many killed in a crossfire would have been acceptable?

On the Gospel message, it seems you’re overlooking the new teaching Christ gave on the ‘eye for an eye’ laws.
Even the “old” teaching on an ‘eye for an eye’ did not mean to extract the maximum penalty but rather the MINIMUM penalty. IOW, the intent was that one should not go BEYOND an eye if the crime did not merit it.
How would the Pope, or Jesus, respond to my proposal?

Would the Vicar of Christ, and Christ Himself, support fewer guns and less abortions?
The Pope would have to give up his Swiss Guard who carry automatic weapons not semi-automatic, automatic. He’s not going to do that. If he thought he’d be safe, the Swiss Guard would never have a place at the Vatican. You will never have peace on this earth.
No I didn’t. My response was the lowest number of deaths possible

Nice try. 🙂

So you do agree that self defnse is not revenge?
I’m not trying anything, and I don’t see the same humor as you do in this discussion. You’ve LOL’d, using condescension, and twisted others words to be something they did not say.

As I said, you’re ‘lowest number of deaths possible’ shows there was an acceptable death toll, so that gun rights could be maintained.

Repeating the same question, while overlooking the answer, does not change the Gospel teaching of Christ. Those that live by the sword, die by the sword. Our society is choosing to live by the gun, and our society is dieing for it.
The Pope would have to give up his Swiss Guard who carry automatic weapons not semi-automatic, automatic. He’s not going to do that. If he thought he’d be safe, the Swiss Guard would never have a place at the Vatican. You will never have peace on this earth.
Why? Is there not legitimate authorities to carry out protection of society? This was not a police action that killed these children. It was a single individual gone wrong.
Yes, I own a gun, and you seem to be arguing for that right with anyone.
Then you are being hypocritical for saying guns need to be banned when you yourself are a gun owner. Give up your gun, then come and tell me we need to ban guns.
I submit that if he knew that even some teachers carried guns in that school… he would have never went there.

Or if he did go to that school… he would NOT have been able to walk uncontested from room to room, killing children at will.

BTW… anyone here like to offer an opinion as to why so many of these killers choose “GUN FREE” zones such as Schools or Churches… and not Gun Shows, Gun Ranges, and Gun Stores?

Probably because his mother didn’t work at any Gun Shows, Gun Ranges, and Gun Stores.
This will bring forth tougher gun laws in the U.S. Which is good.
Then you are being hypocritical for saying guns need to be banned when you yourself are a gun owner. Give up your gun, then come and tell me we need to ban guns.
Let me help you comprehend here. I said, ‘gun control’. I believe people have a legitimate right, and use for guns, but that more control is necessary in today’s world. Did that help?

I would have no qualms about checking my gun in and out at the sheriff’s department to go hunting.
If a lunatic is intent on killing many people, more gun laws will not deter him. There are more ways to kill than with guns. 9/11 was accomplished with box cutters. Oklahoma was done with bombs. The Mad Bomber used exploding packages. The crazy in Syria is using sarin gas.

Hitler was successful murdering people because he confiscated their guns. No guns, no way to protect yourself against a lunatic government. And please don’t be so naive to think that can’t happen here.
I agree…and I never once said take all the guns, and I know the second amendment is there for a reason. However, I think saving 300,000 babies every year is worth finding some compromise regarding gun control.

Besides, the world is vastly different than it was during WWII…if we never turn toward a culture of life, than we will never be a culture of life.
It amazes me that many on this forum believe that a woman lying raped and dead in an alley, or kids being slaughtered…
is somehow morally superior to a woman shooting her attacker or school personal stopping the killing.
That’s some warped thinking.

ta ta for now. Gonna fill my thermos at Starbucks and head to the range to sight in my new Stag AR and run a few mags through it… a pre-Christmas gift from the wife.

But anyway.… other than the Gun Free Zone in place at the school today, what restrictions would you propose?

And how would they have protected anyone in the last three massacres?
I do not think restrictions would work, this guy was out to do something evil. However, para-military semi-automatic weapons are highly effective and have a small foot print versus any other things or devices a killer can use.

I care about the the 2nd amendment, because I am a small and limited government guy. I have a 7 year old and it fries my mind thinking about what the families have gone through.

What is the happy medium that we can find, I have no idea. :confused:.

God bless
Why? Is there not legitimate authorities to carry out protection of society? This was not a police action that killed these children. It was a single individual gone wrong.
I have NO problem with the Pope wanting to protect himself nor with Obama having the Secret Service. I do have a problem when people don’t want citizens to be able to protect themselves. Rosey O’Donnell was big on gun control while she employed burly body guards carrying guns to protect her and her kids. I have the right to protect my family and my home too.
I have NO problem with the Pope wanting to protect himself nor with Obama having the Secret Service. I do have a problem when people don’t want citizens to be able to protect themselves. Rosey O’Donnell was big on gun control while she employed burly body guards carrying guns to protect her and her kids. I have the right to protect my family and my home too.
I have never heard a rational person say all guns should be taken. Yet, why is we want an absolute ban on abortion, but we want to stop any restrictions on guns.
It amazes me that many on this forum somehow bealive that a woman lying raped and dead in an alley, or kids being slaughtered…
is somehow morally superior to a woman shooting her attacker or school personal stopping the killing.
That is some warped thinking.

ta ta for now. Gonne head to the range and sight in my new Stag AR, a pre-Christmas gift from my wife.
These were 5 and 10 year old children being murdered. Your distortion of the discussion is noted, as is overlooking honest dialogue, as is your complacent attitude evident with the LOL and TATAs.
I agree…and I never once said take all the guns, and I know the second amendment is there for a reason. However, I think saving 300,000 babies every year is worth finding some compromise regarding gun control.

Besides, the world is vastly different than it was during WWII…if we never turn toward a culture of life, than we will never be a culture of life.
The world isn’t different just new players.

I think your proposal is flawed. You’ll never be free of abortion. Even if it is outlawed, it will go underground. It should never have been allowed. Murder is wrong and especially heinous when it is the parents killing the baby. Protecting yourself is a right and a responsibility.
We will never help improve the culture if we refuse to compromise. All we have seen is both sides remain entrenched in their positions–nothing changes because people are too prideful to give any ground to the other side.

Most people here are Catholics. Please, ask yourself a serious question: Would Jesus wants us to craft a compromise that lessens the number of guns, while saving 300,000 babies each year?

We are called to be the light of Christ.

Do you not want to live in a world where doors are unlocked and guns for self defense are NOT required?
first of all abortion is a different matter, and i didnt even mention it. dont put words in our mouths. and just who do you think you are? honestly how dare you?
you conservative “catholics” think you are better when you vote for a WAR which kills millions of people as well? how can you conservatives claim ANY moral high ground. you hypocrites.
So we can assume you did not vote for Obama?
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