What is more important to people here:
Your ability to own guns, or the babies dying in the womb every day to a count of 3,000 or more?
Which one would Jesus have you care about more?

What is more important to people here:
Your ability to own guns, or the babies dying in the womb every day to a count of 3,000 or more?
Which one would Jesus have you care about more?
Why was there a time when almost every household had a gun but school massacres were unheard of?
But aren’t liberals against all guns?Going back in time guns were treated differently, and the majority of guns owned were designed for other purposes than killing another human. It is a minority of the time that we see average hunting guns used in these crimes we are witnessing today.
For his enemies, sure.Hitler was for gun control.
I am just sick of how stubborn both sides are…we can never help improve our culture like this. If we want a large advancement in the prolife cause, then we have to give up something big to get that. We have to entice the left to the table for a deal that both sides like, or at least can live with.
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (AP) - A man opened fire early Saturday at a hospital in Alabama, wounding a police officer and two employees before being shot and killed by another officer, authorities said.
Police were sent to St. Vincent’s Hospital around 4 a.m. to check on a report of an armed man inside the facility. Two officers who arrived separately converged on the suspect on the hospital’s fifth floor.
“When the officer encountered the suspect, there was immediate gunfire from the suspect,” Birmingham Police Sgt. Johnny Williams said. One police officer and two hospital employees who happened to be in the area were wounded.
I don’t know what is going to happen if we have a bunch of crazy as can be incidences…
It’s not a liberal, or conservative thing, as some make it out to be. It’s in the best interest, or should be, of society, especially the children.But aren’t liberals against all guns?
Why was there a time when almost every household had a gun but school massacres were unheard of?
Before the 60’s.What time was that when “almost every household had a gun”?
Which has killed more people, guns, abortions, or bombs?It’s not a liberal, or conservative thing, as some make it out to be. It’s in the best interest, or should be, of society, especially the children.
Go through each incident and measure how many times this has happened with guns specifically designed to hunt with.
Why do you avoid the discussion in reference to the commentaries provided on the passage you attempted to use to support all gun rights?
Still with the questions and overlooking the references to parts of the discussion you seem to deliberately overlook? Why?Which has killed more people, guns or bombs?
No, liberals are not against all guns; at least I’m not. We only want to ensure that guns are less likely to fall into the wrong hands: mentally unbalanced people, murderers, gangs, children and adolescents, and so on. We want to limit their accessibility. Therefore, we advocate the enforcement of the gun laws already on the books and also a tightening of gun-ownership requirements; but NOT the abolition of registered guns for hunters and collectors or for shopkeepers and homeowners for self-protection in their businesses and residences.But aren’t liberals against all guns?
Ahhh, edited at last minute to include abortion. Abortion is terrible, but we, who are pro life, have difficulties presenting ourselves as fully pro life when we say, ‘stop abortions, use the death penalty, keep gun rights safe, etc.’ Pro life is for ALL life, from conception to natural death. This is what makes some doubt the sincerity of the pro life movement.Which has killed more people, guns, abortions, or bombs?
Maybe the approach should be to hold the gun owner to strict liability standards, sort of like owning a dog. If your child, or anyone else, gets his or her hands on your gun, and uses it, then the owner would be held legally liable for the consequences. Further, most gun deaths are accidental. Therefore, I would advocate a requirement for gun safety training, just as there is for driving a vehicle.Which has killed more people, guns, abortions, or bombs?
Or, more specifically, Congress would be afraid of the large block of active voters that the NRA represents. That is really the only ‘power’ that the NRA has.. The NRA lobby rules.
In your opinion…but my opinion is it is a realistic and pragmatic view.That is a fatalistic view…that we are on the Titanic.
What you said is what conservatives want. Liberals act as if conservatives want to give a gun to every lunatic who wants one. Are you sure you are a liberal?No, liberals are not against all guns; at least I’m not. We only want to ensure that guns are less likely to fall into the wrong hands: mentally unbalanced people, murderers, gangs, children and adolescents, and so on. We want to limit their accessibility. Therefore, we advocate the enforcement of the gun laws already on the books and also a tightening of gun-ownership requirements; but NOT the abolition of registered guns for hunters and collectors or for shopkeepers and homeowners for self-protection in their businesses and residences.
Telling everyone that a school is a “gun free zone” is telling the potential mass murderer that if he goes there with his gun he will meet with zero resistance.Listening to the Radio…
In Israel, teachers are armed, they don’t have these incidences.
But that would be hard to do here.
You’re politicizing it beyond reality. No one, liberal or conservative, wants to see guns in everyone’s hands. It seems common sense would dictate we need some controls in place to prevent future incidents as these we’ve seen so far.What you said is what conservatives want. Liberals act as if conservatives want to give a gun to every lunatic who wants one. Are you sure you are a liberal?
Correct, which is why the Church has always stated that we have a right to defend ourselvesAhhh, edited at last minute to include abortion. Abortion is terrible, but we, who are pro life, have difficulties presenting ourselves as fully pro life when we say, ‘stop abortions, use the death penalty, keep gun rights safe, etc.’ Pro life is for ALL life, from conception to natural death. This is what makes some doubt the sincerity of the pro life movement.
If one has a family, one has not only a right, but a ‘grave duty’ to defend them. And that is in full accord with the teachings of the Church on the sanctity of life.Moreover, “legitimate defence can be not only a right but a grave duty for someone responsible for another’s life, the common good of the family or of the State”.(Catechism of the Catholic Church, No. 2265) Unfortunately it happens that the need to render the aggressor incapable of causing harm sometimes involves taking his life. In this case, the fatal outcome is attributable to the aggressor whose action brought it about, even though he may not be morally responsible because of a lack of the use of reason