Connecticut school shooting: Lawmakers offer prayers amid calls for gun control

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Let me help you comprehend here. I said, ‘gun control’. I believe people have a legitimate right, and use for guns, but that more control is necessary in today’s world. Did that help?

I would have no qualms about checking my gun in and out at the sheriff’s department to go hunting.
I fail to see how more gun-control is gonna stop a psychopathic killer from going on a rampage. But regardless guns don’t disturb me as much as the violent culture we live in.

I think it would be a lot easier and better on the culture that we start censoring violent films and ban pornography…but something tells me a lot of people on here are clinging on to their sick culture…more than their 2nd Amendment rights…I’d rather have more guns and less films like Hostel and hardcore Pornography and songs dehumanize life and Abortion…then the other way around.

My two-cents…regardless I think I’m discern leaving this country, I can’t take the evilness of this nation. However I find it funny the gun-banners are looking to the same government that shipped automatic assault rifles to drug cartels that murdered far more kids than the ones that died here in CT.
We will never help improve the culture if we refuse to compromise. All we have seen is both sides remain entrenched in their positions–nothing changes because people are too prideful to give any ground to the other side.

Most people here are Catholics. Please, ask yourself a serious question: Would Jesus wants us to craft a compromise that lessens the number of guns, while saving 300,000 babies each year?

We are called to be the light of Christ.
The problem is, we have to give to show a true culture of life. It’s not something we give only to show we care in another area.
Bill Martin;10134248:
first of all abortion is a different matter, and i didnt even mention it. dont put words in our mouths. and just who do you think you are? honestly how dare you?
you conservative “catholics” think you are better when you vote for a WAR which kills millions of people as well? how can you conservatives claim ANY moral high ground. you hypocrites.
Please, conservatives do NOT vote for war.
These were 5 and 10 year old children being murdered. Your distortion of the discussion is noted, as is overlooking honest dialogue, as is your complacent attitude evident with the LOL and TATAs.
It amazes me how you believe a woman lying raped and dead in an alley, or helpless kids being slaughtered…
is somehow morally superior to a woman shooting her attacker, or school personal stopping the killing.

Your warped thinking process has been noted.

The problem is, we have to give to show a true culture of life. It’s not something we give only to show we care in another area.
I agree. Yet, we have to start somewhere and it won’t be without any pain.

People cannot see, the answer is God, the answer is to become a culture of life as God would want from us. Each step we take toward being a true culture of life will make horrific events like yesterday more rare.

It cannot happen overnight, mainly because people are so entrenched in their own ideologies. So, we have to take genuine baby steps…but, if we take those steps together, than years from now we will find ourselves far less divided, and far more safe as a byproduct.

If we inch toward a prolife culture, slowly more people will see the value in that…
I fail to see how more gun-control is gonna stop a psychopathic killer from going on a rampage. But regardless guns don’t disturb me as much as the violent culture we live in.

I think it would be a lot easier and better on the culture that we start censoring violent films and ban pornography…but something tells me a lot of people on here are clinging on to their sick culture…more than their 2nd Amendment rights…I’d rather have more guns and less films like Hostel and hardcore Pornography and songs dehumanize life and Abortion…then the other way around.

My two-cents…regardless I think I’m discern leaving this country, I can’t take the evilness of this nation. However I find it funny the gun-banners are looking to the same government that shipped automatic assault rifles to drug cartels that murdered far more kids than the ones that died here in CT.
Those things are a part of a dysfunctional society. Your accusation of people ‘on here’ clinging seems to be an ad hominem, since no one is promoting such. Those issues seem to cloud this issue. That’s a problem on these forums. We can’t discuss one issue, for someone throwing in more issues. If those things truly are of concern to you, start another thread.
If a lunatic is intent on killing many people, more gun laws will not deter him. There are more ways to kill than with guns. 9/11 was accomplished with box cutters. Oklahoma was done with bombs. The Mad Bomber used exploding packages. The crazy in Syria is using sarin gas.

Hitler was successful murdering people because he confiscated their guns. No guns, no way to protect yourself against a lunatic government. And please don’t be so naive to think that can’t happen here.
According to the best research on Hitler and firearms, the reverse is true: Hitler did NOT outlaw the ownership of guns by German citizens. This belief is a misconception of what actually occurred. The laws under the Nazi regime were in fact laxer than under the prior Weimar Republic. However, there were also separate regulations concerning the purchase of guns and carrying guns in public.
It amazes me that you believe that a woman lying raped and dead in an alley, or kids being slaughtered…
is somehow morally superior to a woman shooting her attacker or school personal stopping the killing.

Your warped thinking process is noted.

I never said anything like that, and you’re posting such shows a dishonest approach to the discussion, and I feel anyone can see through it.

As for the repeated condescension, I won’t respond to your posts anymore. I notice the majority of them are overlooked by others anyways.
I fail to see how more gun-control is gonna stop a psychopathic killer from going on a rampage. But regardless guns don’t disturb me as much as the violent culture we live in.

I think it would be a lot easier and better on the culture that we start censoring violent films and ban pornography…but something tells me a lot of people on here are clinging on to their sick culture…more than their 2nd Amendment rights…I’d rather have more guns and less films like Hostel and hardcore Pornography and songs dehumanize life and Abortion…then the other way around.

My two-cents…regardless I think I’m discern leaving this country, I can’t take the evilness of this nation. However I find it funny the gun-banners are looking to the same government that shipped automatic assault rifles to drug cartels that murdered far more kids than the ones that died here in CT.
We have to take baby steps toward a better culture.
Those things are a part of a dysfunctional society. Your accusation of people ‘on here’ clinging seems to be an ad hominem, since no one is promoting such. Those issues seem to cloud this issue. That’s a problem on these forums. We can’t discuss one issue, for someone throwing in more issues. If those things truly are of concern to you, start another thread.
I’m just frustrated at seeing people rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic…but regardless you’re right. I’m backing out and letting you guys fight it out over the guns.
How does your argument help elementary school children? Are you proposing we put guns in the hands of 5 to 10 year old children to protect themselves?
That’s what the Viet Cong did with their children and most of them got killed BECAUSE they were shooting with them.
I’m just frustrated at seeing people rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic…but regardless you’re right. I’m backing out and letting you guys fight it out over the guns.
That is a fatalistic view…that we are on the Titanic.
Why was there a time when almost every household had a gun but school massacres were unheard of?
Going back in time guns were treated differently, and the majority of guns owned were designed for other purposes than killing another human. It is a minority of the time that we see average hunting guns used in these crimes we are witnessing today.
Bible use to be a text in school, you can bet there was prayer in school yesterday.
What is more important to people here:

Your ability to own guns, or the babies dying in the womb every day to a count of 3,000 or more?

Which one would Jesus have you care about more?
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