COVID 19 Vaccines

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What would be clearer would be if she were able to cite peer-reviewed research published in reputable scientific journals or clear guidance emanating from respected medical schools, governments, or international bodies.
Emily - That doesn’t exist! You are being unreasonable. (😉). Ruth never told us her research sources! Which does leave me feeling uneasy. You’d think she’d want to share that information. 🤔
I’m guessing the Russians are very happy that their anti vax message is taking good hold in USA.
The Russians and all rivals of the USA have many reasons to be happy at the moment.
You also risk that they could pass on these diseases to people who, for legitimate reasons, cannot be vaccinated. Your attitude is stupid, selfish, and irresponsible.
Emily - That doesn’t exist! You are being unreasonable. (😉). Ruth never told us her research sources! Which does leave me feeling uneasy. You’d think she’d want to share that information. 🤔
You’re not going to get anywhere with this. This is kind of RuthAnne’s thing. Take an over-the-top provocative stance, claim to have secret evidence you refuse to share, and finally retreat to “neener neener neener, you can’t tell me what to do!”

It’s best to just ignore it.
I have to admit that I thought the “neener neener neener” part was funny too. It’s kind of fun watching control freaks blow their gaskets when they can’t control someone.
Such drama 🤣
Tell me something. Were you a bully at school? Because I’ve seen this sort of behaviour before. The bully winds up the victim, and then when they’ve got the victim really wound up, they burst out laughing, because they think it’s all a big joke, and they enjoy seeing people getting upset. That’s how you come across.

Well, you won’t get to me. I know that I am right and you are wrong. I would just love to be able to convince you of it. Not because it is important for me to be right, but because it is important for you to know that your ridiculous attitude to vaccines actually costs lives and causes permanent disability.

This is what kids who have had polio look like:

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Actually, that’s one of the less horrifying photos available.
This is kind of RuthAnne’s thing. Take an over-the-top provocative stance, claim to have secret evidence you refuse to share, and finally retreat to “neener neener neener, you can’t tell me what to do!”
Such as claiming that democracy is the most vile form of government and that the United States is not a democracy. And claiming that both major political parties in the US are socialist.
Well, you won’t get to me. I know that I am right and you are wrong. I would just love to be able to convince you of it.
I’m not trying to get to you. It’s not important to me how you believe.

You are not likely to convince me that you are right. Because I don’t think you are!
I was the one who always stood up for the ones being bullied. But thanks for asking.
That’s good to know. It makes your way of interacting with people on the internet all the more incomprehensible.
It makes your way of interacting with people on the internet all the more incomprehensible
There’s not much to comprehend. A lot of people on this forum seem to get a kick out of trying to control me and I get a kick out of resisting it. Like the old saying goes, “When you fight with a pig in the mud, you eventually come to realize that the pig is actually enjoying it” 🤣
I have to admit that I thought the “neener neener neener” part was funny too. It’s kind of fun watching control freaks blow their gaskets when they can’t control someone.
Sort of off topic but true.
Your intellectual dishonesty is grating. You should not be able to avoid taking a moral or ethical position or belief but still hold a conviction.

I believe in aliens
Because there’s evidence
Which is?
The evidence Ive read.

Do you see how frustrating that is? That’s what talking to you about vaccine is like.
I would be doing those things if I were interested in convincing you of why I believe what I do, but I am not interested, because like I’ve said many times, I don’t care what you think of my beliefs. It’s not important to me. All I really care is that I have the right to choose. And for now at least, I do.

I have read hundreds of articles on both sides of the argument. I don’t bother to save links for another day. I just read or listen and then I move on. My journey has brought me to where I am. If someone wants me show where I got my information I would have to go and research it for THEM, not for me, and I’m not willing to spend my time doing your research. You don’t believe I’ve researched this stuff? WHO CARES? Certainly not me. I know the truth and that’s all that matters to me.

I’m sorry if I don’t conform to your ideas of how things are done. I’m sorry if you’re frustrated. Actually, I’m not sorry!

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So if you’re not actually interested in having a back and forth where beliefs are examined and critiqued, why participate in the discussion at all? If you don’t care about other peoples’ opinions or what they think of yours, why weigh in in the first place?

It almost looks like you just enjoy riling people up, since half your posts end with some variation on “lol you control freaks are so mad lol 😂 “.

Posting just to get people wound up is the definition of “trolling.” Not to mention it’s just grating and juvenile.
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Friends, this thread is not about @RuthAnne, and you shouldn’t make it so. Be at peace.

Now, what was it about?
A family friend contracted Rubella during pregnancy, her child is now profoundly deaf. @RuthAnne I’d hardly call that “no biggie”, unless your definition of that term is dramatically different to mine.
From what I remember in having used the term “no biggie” was in reference to my husband and I and our siblings. To use that in reference to your friend is a non sequitur.

There will always be some unfortunate outcomes to diseases. We don’t need to over react. That’s all.
Because there’s evidence
Which is?
The evidence Ive read.

Do you see how frustrating that is? That’s what talking to you about vaccine is like.
Wow; that’s the exact reason the president gives to say he is right about the trumpvirus cure he says he took.
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