COVID 19 Vaccines

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Do you agree that if everyone made the same vaccination choices as you, childhood well-being would be quite adversely affected?
I believe that if everyone made the same choices as me, childhood well being would be positively affected.
So @RuthAnne what vaccine choices are you referring to here? To vaccinate your children or not to vaccinate them?
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Vaccines for me and my family–no thank you!
What? Unbelievably, two people have liked your post! No vaccines for you or your family? Perhaps you are able to make that decision for yourself, but for your family? That is totally irresponsible. You are exposing them to the risk of entirely avoidable diseases. In fact, not having vaccines for yourself is also totally irresponsible. The only reason why diseases such as polio have been all but eradicated (except in a handful of the least developed countries) is because of vaccines. However, there is an ever-present threat of many of these diseases being resurgent, which is entirely due to people not taking up vaccines. The vast benefits of vaccines overwhelmingly outweigh the negligible risks involved. If we all take up the vaccines that are available to us, we can hope to eradicate more and more diseases. You also have to remember that there will always be a very small number of people, such as children having cancer treatment, who are unable to have vaccines. For the sake of these people, we all owe it to society to have ourselves vaccinated if we can.
I get your opinion and I’ve heard it expressed a lot. I don’t happen to agree with it and the nice thing is that I don’t have to! 😊
Emily - Ruth told us she has researched the matter and that has informed her decisions about vaccination. What could be clearer? 🤷‍♂️
Hardly. What I said and what you inferred are two different things. Ever heard of cause and effect?

My statement obviously went way over your head.
The point was you were enjoying the thought. Delighted is just in my words but you clearly saw it as positive.
The point was you were enjoying the thought.
The thought of what? That’s where you made an incorrect assumption. I’m guessing you’re looking at this as a matter of health and safety but I’m looking at it as mostly political and control of people. I believe that health and safety is not the agenda.

My delight had nothing directly to do with the efficacy of immunizations.
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Vaccines for me
When it comes to this one I fervently agree with you. I live in Saskatchewan, the number one Canadian province voicing resistance to it. At this stage of the research we are nothing more than Guinea Pigs.
I get your opinion and I’ve heard it expressed a lot. I don’t happen to agree with it and the nice thing is that I don’t have to! 😊
The difference is that my opinion is based on the consensus of scientific opinion and on scientific evidence for the efficacy and safety of vaccines dating back to the 18th century, whereas your opinion is based on… well, I have no idea, but whatever it is, it’s not science.

The other difference is that my opinion does not risk inflicting needless death and disability on other people.
Emily - Ruth told us she has researched the matter and that has informed her decisions about vaccination. What could be clearer? 🤷‍♂️
What would be clearer would be if she were able to cite peer-reviewed research published in reputable scientific journals or clear guidance emanating from respected medical schools, governments, or international bodies.

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