Actually I did later look up Cream of Wheat and actually, I would be inclined to say the portrayal of the attitude of “Rastus” would be racist but only from the wikipedia article, people have a right to defend themselves. This doesn’t mean it’s a closed case.I agree.
I don’t see what is exactly racist about a black chef.
No more racist than Betty Crocker.
The character of Rastus had once been depicted as a cook who was barely literate and did not know about vitamins. Rastus is also a derogatory term traditionally associated with African Americans in the United States.[11] For these reasons, B&G Foods had been under public pressure for years to make changes.[10]
“Cream of Wheat” also went through changes, the first people came up with the idea to have him on their merchandise but then, just like Aunt Jemimah, they have had a few different owners.
Then, there are pictures at the wikipedia link of some past illustrations. So, I will save posting such an image here, they are at the webpage.
I have eaten in places, chefs, black and white had those cook hats. It’s not a totally easy call.
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