Cream of Wheat will remove black chef from packaging

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Cartoonish depictions of all creeds and colors are used to sell products. That’s called advertising. If it weren’t cartoonish, it wouldn’t be advertising.
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It wasn’t so very long ago that there were complaints that black people were “underrepresented” in advertising
Maybe they wanted to be presented as they are instead of cartoonish depictions.
Cartoonish depictions of all creeds and colors are used to sell products. That’s called advertising. If it weren’t cartoonish, it wouldn’t be advertising.
That doesn’t sound like an endorsement of the practice to me. Aren’t we as a society beyond that?
One real oddity of recent advertising is the near-prevalence of mixed race couples in television advertising; far more common than you see in real life.
That really depends on where you spend your real life.
On the other hand, Amy Coney Barrett gets attacked for adopting black children.
Yes. One person’s misguided channeling of views of the sixties. Nice deflection, too.
For the militants, I don’t think anything will ever be adequate to satisfy their rage at whatever they’re enraged about.
I think that’s good. They should keep on raging about the subject so the majority folks don’t think that they are satisfied. Remember how the segregationists said that black folks were happy with their lot in the fifties and sixties and blamed ‘outside agitators’ for the protests? I do.
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In addition to mixed-race couples, an advertisement must always feature a hip, Millennial, light-skinned black woman with curly hair.
Not the ads I see. But have you ever seen an ad with an unattractive woman? What are models for anyway, if not to be something to aspire to? Such as hipness and attractive hair.

You familiar with Alek Wek?(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

I guess then you are unfamiliar with the Irish protests about the depiction of drunken Irishmen on St. Patrick Day cards and on plaster lamp posts.

And, do you know how citizen protests made the police call their arrestee carriers ‘squadrols’? I do.

Don’t think its just black folks who got tired of being stereotyped in pictures and terminology.
Will we get to the point where no images are ever used and products are only advertised by lettering and box color?
Not quite; society will just continue to go in an infantile direction and use more animals in their advertising… because there’s nothing strange about adults gathered around the TV, intently focused on cartoon animals selling them products.

Then again, in 20 years, the Laughing Cow could be deemed a “product of a zoophobic society that systematically exploits and oppresses underprivileged animals” and changed to something lifeless and boring. Abstract shapes, perhaps.
Irish Americans don’t get offended by those things, but have largely adopted them. Look at the Notre Dame mascot.
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I don’t see it.
I would think that the blues and jazz performers actually made their records.

This is a character that didn’t make the product.

Does it make a difference if a company changes packaging?

No one is forced to purchase it.

If it’s offensive people can buy “Farina” instead.

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Irish Americans don’t get offended by those things, but have largely adopted them.
I beg to differ.
" The Ancient Order of Hibernians - the nation’s largest Irish Catholic fraternal organization - have launched what they deem an “anti-defamation” action against national retailers who sell what the organization deems “denigrating merchandise” that promotes often humorous but nonetheless negative stereotypes of Irish-Americans.

In the weeks leading up to Saint Patrick’s Day, the group has called on Walmart to stop selling things like t-Shirts emblazoned with such mottos as “I may not be Irish, but I Can Drink like one” and “Blame the Irish for my Behavior”.

They want an apology too."

From 2018:

" “As Americans of all backgrounds are recognizing the countless contributions which Irish American men and women have made to our nation during Irish American Heritage Month, Amazon is profiting by promoting multiple products denigrating Irish ancestry.” …

"It is hard for us to reconcile a firm that makes great PR capital of 'empowering women through sponsoring “Girls that Code” with one that promotes during Irish American Heritage Month and Women’s History Month a product with “Kiss Me I’m Irish Girl Wasted.
"We ask if Amazon would sell a “Drunk O Meter” shirt where the reading beyond smashed was any other ethnicity? We would hope not and would equally condemn it if they did. It is hard for us to fathom any responsible company selling products promoting binge drinking on any day.

“There is nothing subtle about these items, no benign alternative interpretation. There is no explanation required for any reasonable person to understand the offensiveness of “F*** Me, I’m Irish”. Humor based on ethnic stereotypes has been conspicuously rejected in our society when the subject has been other than Irish. The Irish are no better than anyone else, they should certainly be treated no worse.”

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If it’s offensive people can buy “Farina” instead.

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I don’t know, a light hair, blue eyed white kid… seems like a white supremacists breakfast food. :roll_eyes:
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