I had the good fortune to purchase a book on St Vincent Ferrers life a few days ago which arrived today and included his *spiritual treatises* in which he says the following which is relevant to this subject '**..The first remedy against the spiritual temptations which the devil plants in the hearts of many persons in these unhappy times, is to have no desire to procure by prayer, meditation, or any other good work, what are called revelations, or spiritual experiences, beyond what happens in the ordinary course of things; such a desire of things which surpass the common order can have no other root or foundation but pride, presumption, a vain curiosity in what regards the things of God, and, in short an exceedingly weak faith. **
This is very true I think. It is not appropriate to “desire to procure” anything from God. All we have from Him is by His grace, and nothing is owed to us. When we have done all that is commanded of us, we should say “we are unworthy servants, and only done that which is our due”.
The difference for charismatics is that we consider the manifestation of the gifts of the Spirt as “the ordinary course of things” so for us, we are not seeking anything unusual.
It is also true that the gifts are given to those who are weak in faith, so that they can be built up in it. This is clear from Paul’s comments to the Corinthians, who were clearly amateurs in the faith. These gifts, unlike characterological gifts, are given to the novice and the inexperienced.
It is to punish this evil desire that God abandons the soul, and permits it to fall into the illusions and temptations of the devil, who seduces it, and represents to it false visions and delusive revelations… Be thoroughly persuaded, then, that true revelations, and the extraordinary means by which God’s secrets are known, are not the result of the desire of which we have spoken nor of any dilgence or effort on the part of the soul itself; but that they are solely the effects of the pure Goodness of God communicationg itself to a soul filled with humulity
This humility is a key. When one approaches the HS with an attitude of supplicance, and desired to be filled with all and only what God desires, then such a soul will not suffer disappointment if one does not get a certain “gift”, as you often see, and such persons will not have to “fake” having received gifts.
Nor ought we even to exercise ourselves in acts of humulity, and in the fear of God, with a view to being favoured with visions, revelations and extraordinary sensations, for this would be to fall into the very sins to which such desires lead…
I have always had a problem with Penitentes, but even with those activities I consider excessive, I don’t think the seekers are trying to be favored by God with any of theses things.
The Soul that attaches itself to these false consolations falls into very dangerous errors; for God justly permits the devil to have power to aaugment in it these kinds of spiritual tastes, to repeat them frequently and to inspire it with sentiments that are false, dangerous and full of illusions, but which the misguided soul imagines to be true. Alas! How many souls have been sdeuced by these deceitful consolations?
It would be interesting to know how many souls, certainly!
The majority of raptures and ecstasies, or to call them by their proper name, the frenzies of these forerunners of Antichrist spring from this cause.
Sounds like some of those frenzies you see in Pentecostal circles, for sure.
Hence the only consolation you should admit into your soul in time of prayer, is that which is produced by the consciousness of your nothingness and misery, a consciousness which will preserve you in humulity, and inspire you with profound reverence for the grandeur and majesty of God, and the desire that he may be honoured and glorified.
This is definitely an attitude that should be fostered throughout the Church, not just in the Renewal. This attitude places the Gifts. of the HS in the proper context.
Consolations such as these cannot mislead you… If however their sentiments and language are in perfect accord with the dogmas of religon, with what we are taught in the sacred writings, and there is nothing in them offenseive to reality we must not despise them…
This is all the people in the Renewal are saying, jmj, and the Holy Fathers. There are valid gifts that are to be received. They are not offensive, when received in the right spirit and attitude.