So you are claiming tongues and prophecy arent extraordinary consolations? Thats self evidently absurd, they are extraordinary consolations, they are extraordinary gifts to claim otherwise is simply dishonest. They are clearly not ordinary as for example faith, hope or charity which though supernatural all baptised people should possess and they do console as they are a particular and rare gift from God. Or do you claim that all people have these gifts and that actually there is nothing special or rare about them?No, they are not. I am right then, this is where you’ve confused things. No, they are not extraordinary consolations. Prophecy and tongues, first of all, we are explicitly told to seek in Scripture. Explicitly, at least for prophecy, “Strive eagerly to prophesy” and implicitly for “I would like all of you to speak in tongues” (among other places).
Speaking in tongues is sensational by its very nature. As is prophecy! I cannot believe we are actually going to have an argument about this! It is not ordinary, it will attract attention and curiosity, it is rare and something special, it is therefore sensational. Spiritual dryness does not mean something is not a consolation. St Maria Faustina, St Margaret Mary Alcoque and Sister Josefa Menendez all experienced spiritual dryness whilst receiving extraordinary visions of Our Lord, Our Lady and the saints as well as other mystical experiences. However no one would deny that they were receiving consolationsConsolations we are told, by nearly every saintly spiritual writer I can think of, not to seek. For may good reasons. Extraordinary consolations are generally meant to be rare, and usually for the use of weaker souls.
Charisms are given for the upbuilding of the Church, the edification of others (ex. Our Lord gives you a prophecy for someone, for his own edification). Or prayer tongues, for personal edification, a way of building up the temple of God within you and surrendering to the working of the Holy Spirit. Consolations may or may not accompany these. I almost never experience consolations or sensational phenomena while praying in tongues, though I sometimes have. I feel generally spiritually “dry” when I pray in tongues.
As for your claim that they are for weaker souls, do you realise the illogic in this statement? Weaker souls are all the more likely to be led astray by them and unable to discern them properly, why then would Our Lord use such a dangerous method with weaker souls? The tradition of the church is clear that it is rather the stronger souls who receive these consolations or would you claim any of the Church’s great mystics were ‘weak souls’?
Except that you arbitrarily reduce charisms to only the charasmatic gifts without any authority for doing so.Charisms are meant to be commonplace, and are part of the ordinary Christian life, and something essential. Consolations aren’t. If they happen, great. If they don’t, oh well. Nobody should go around seeking to have these. Everybody should go around “seeking to have an abundance of gifts for the upbuilding of the Church”.
On what basis do you argue they are not extraordinary consolations? Does anyone say this? Do they actually think they are commonplace, ordinary and not consoling?This is a crucial point in the widespread confusion about the charisms. They are not extraordinary consolations. You’re confusing two distinctly different things. In any case, you are making another bare assertion. You claim that tongues and prophecy are extraordinary consolations, and thus should not be sought (a statement openly contrary to Scripture). But you provide no evidence for the claim that extraordinary consolations and extraordinary charisms are one and the same thing.
- Don’t use such ridiculous terminology “pregnant with heresy” to play the alarmist. It simply sounds reactionist.
- You have never provided any evidence that the two books are pregnant with heresy, and even if there are many heretical things about them, that doesn’t mean there are key important truths that are contained.
- Yes it does make it suspect. However, the practices of the heretics we adopted were practices of the early Church, and which they took from the Church.
- I used the appropriate terminology, it may not be to your personal taste but that is not the point
2)Have you read those books? Have you even seen their titles?
3)A claim you cannot prove and if so why derive them from heretics? Why not follow the church’s mystics? Why even attend prayer meetings and sermons from and with heretics and be prayed over by them?
So you draw water from a poisoned well? You had no need to be influenced by them, the church has dozens of mystics but the movement chose instead to follow and be influenced by heretics, why? Further you make the unsubstantiated, rash and scandalous to catholic ears claim that the church has negelected something for something like 1,500 years.We are influenced by them. Yes. Not by their heterodoxy, but their orthodoxy. They have called attention to something essential in the Church that has been neglected.
See what I wrote aboveThat doesn’t necessarily follow, since the methods of prayer and practices of the heretics come from the Church’s long mystical tradition, as we have shown you. But the unfortunate fact is, an aspect of our tradition as a ‘people of Pentecost’ has been neglected. It has not been absent, but simply unused. The Church has always been complete, with all her parts. But some of those parts have, at times, not been put into use. The nose needs to be put to the grindstone once more.