You make a good point here. Although all baptized persons
should/ have faith, hope and charity, we know they do not. In like manner, though all baptized persons
should******unwrap and use the charisms they were given at that time to serve the Church, they likewise do not.
I am not sure how you are using the term “console” in this context. There are plenty of instances where faith, hope, and love are anything but “consoling”. I can’t imagine Mary’s suffering as she watched the life pour out of her Divine Son, but it is hard to imagine that her expression of faith, hope and charity at the foot of His Cross was “consoling” to her.
Your argument is disintegreating into nonsense, the charisms include numerous things that have been present amongst the MAJORITY of The Church throughout its entire history. I showed this from the very same article you quoted. Because these gifts have always been present amongst the majority of The Church the entire supposed purpose of the Charasmatic movement falls apart, as does the motives and wishes of its founders. There is no need to speak in tongues, prophecise, heal or any of these things
nor is there any evidence these things should be common some people do these things, others will be active in the** apostolate or leadership or have more faith**.
If you therefore insist that there is a need for the renewal you must either claim that the very article you are referencing is wrong or narrow the charasmatic gifts to healing, prophecy and so on. If you do not, you accept that there was and is no need for the charasmatic movement whatsoever

The normative Christian life is to be filled with faith, hope, and love. The normative Christian life is to be filled with functioning charisms.
They certainly are, lets look at that list of charisms again:
**the Apostolate;
the cognate office of prophecy;
the discerning of spirits;
the office of teacher;
the word of wisdom and science;
the gift of governing.
Five belong to the second category:
increased faith;
the power of miracles;
in specie the healing of the sick;
the gift of tongues;
the interpretation of tongues. '**
There has always in the history of The Church been those with '
increased faith’, '
The Apostolate’ ,'
the office of teaching, '
the gift of governing’ and '
the word of wisdom and science’.
These gifts have never been rare nor are they today. How exactly does the charasmatic movement help people seek these gifts?

I don’t see the founders seeking or desiring '
The Apostolate’ or '
the gift of governing’ or
‘the office of teaching’. What I see them desiring and seeking are the stereotypical charasmatic gifts such as tongues and prophecy, something they have said with their own words! The movements stated purpose is to ‘renew these gifts within the church’ ‘to help rediscover the charasmatic gifts’
but these gifts were never rare therefore there was no need either to renew or rediscover these gifts! The only way their claims make
any sense is if they limit the gifts to the stereotypical charasmatic gifts and if they do this they do so
with no authority or support from The Church whatsoever. Therefore you in attempting to defend them by badly referencing and misquoting The Catholic Encyclopedia are at the very least engaging in intellectual dishonesty.
Not sure what you mean here by the word “sensational”.
The dictionary definition.
We will have to argue about it because you have a warped perspective of what happens. It seems that you have been watching too many Pentecostal videos on You Tube, and have mistaken the frenzy portrayed as something synonymous with the CCR. There is no need to attract attention over praying in tongues or receiving a prophetic word.
I didnt know you could remotely access my internet history!

Sadly I havent done any of those things, I have based my views on
what the founders and the movement itself says as well the teaching of the church, therefore this is merely another thinly veiled ad hominem attack.
However, this being the case, it makes it much easier to distinguish them from charisms. Charisms are given to the most immature, in fact, to complete novices. Tongues and prophesy were the most immediate and visible signs of those newly confirmed by the Apostles, who had absolutely no spiritual formation whatsoever. It is also clear from Paul’s letter to the Corinthians that they were very immature in the faith.
The Apostles had no spiritual formation whatsoever? Lets examine this statement. The Apostles taught by Jesus, helped by Mary Immaculate and led by St Peter had no spiritual formation whatsoever? I hope everyone can see
the absurdity of that statement.