I want to illustrate a point here, not because I am for or against it, for I will say neither, nor indicate agreement or disagreement. This is simply to illustrate that people’s viewpoints are different and can be valid for different reasons.
I watched a nurse on television last night who apparently got caught speeding on the way home from the hospital, taking care of people with covid19. The police offer knew she was a nurse and stopped her to give her five N95 masks he was given by the force. He said, only condition, is don’t speed the rest of the way home.
She then proceeded to get angry about all of the people who were “stock-piling” and “hoarding” food because she was on the front line taking care of people and those people should be ashamed of themselves, and there is no need for this emotional reaction and you are taking away food from people.
My point in telling you all this is because, 1) I’m fairly sure none of you will jump on that nurse because right now she is doing great work, and 2) because I guarantee people are a buying more than what they need for the next week because they are scared, and they want to protect their family, and so her opinion is her opinion and simply because everyone here has expressed theirs doesn’t necessarily make them right, or wrong, and because I express mine does not make me evil.
Someone could easily say to the people who are now somewhat worried and doing things to maybe ensure your family is safe, by buying extra groceries (e.g.: rice, pastas, canned foods, flour, etc.) that they are all evil people, taking food away from others, and keeping 6 months of money on hand, and call them names… but that wouldn’t be the right thing to do would it?
So when I express my opinion about how I feel, I hope we can stop from calling each other names.