Andrew Larkoski:
No doctrinal proclaimation that a pope has made ex cathedra in the entire history of the Church has ever contradicted another, nor ever changed. The Catholic Church’s beliefs (doctrinal matters of faith and morals) today are the same as they were in Cardinal Newman’s time, in St. Francis of Assissi’s time, St. Augustine’s time, and yes, even in Jesus’ time. LDS CANNOT say that by any means.
First, I have really looked at the concept of consistency. The most troubling thing for me was the universal subordinationism pre-Nicea that almost melted away. But the term “co-equal” to my knowledge is not canonized and thus a Catholic may (and prolly should) recognize a miniscule amount of subordination that may be on the extreme edge of the spectrum of pre-Nicea thought. This is troubling for me but not a fatal flaw. So I would say change occurred, but there is an ability to point to seeds that resulted in flowers (although not adolescents that resulted in adults because the development was to radical).
Second, Peter cannot say that he did not introduce anything NEW. So I enjoy being in his company when you say that LDS CANNOT say that they didn’t introduce anything new.
Andrew Larkoski:
Interesting to note, the original Bible documents (the Septuagint, New Testament writings) weren’t swept off to Heaven, and weren’t in Biblical form until the fifth century, yet the Book of Mormon came to Joe Smith “pre-packaged” and only to him.
Actually, we have no originals of the Biblical texts, not one, zero.
Andrew Larkoski:
“The Papacy is not evidence before 200AD, and Tertullian claims it is a usurpation.”
One must be careful when citing Tertullian, for in his later years (when he said this) he taught heresy, and broke away from the Church. Therefore, I must disregard this statement.
Actually, this was most like written before he left the church. And, we already have the very real problem that regularly documents in opposition to developing orthodoxy were burned/destroyed. If you disregard totally the witness of everyone who says something (and it actually survives) contrary to orthodoxy, you will ensure your conclusion before you even investigate. This is fine, but we are not talking about what you ignore rather about what data I use to come to my conclusions.
The history of the CoJCoLDS would look radically different if printing presses did not start rolling three years after its inception producing anti-Mormon works.
Andrew Larkoski:
Hmm, let’s see here. Since the beginning of time, there has been an authority chosen by God on Earth to teach and spread His Word. In the Old Testament, God connected with individuals (most notably, Abraham) and then led His Chosen People (the Jews). In the New Testament, when Jesus Christ was on Earth, He chose His Apostles as the SOLE AUTHORITY to teach in His Name and to spread His Church to all corners of the world.
But as I pointed out before, the witness is that the fullness was withheld from the Jews when Moses came down from the mountain. We have the apostate authority of Caiphas who continued to exercise his priesthood while Jesus Christ and/or the Apostles walked the earth.
Adam started by talking face to face with God. Abraham next speaks with God and is held up by 3 major religions as the man through whom monotheism came. The old testament witnesses to dispensations. Moses seems to be the only place were we see some evidence of the withholding of authority.
Charity, TOm
No doctrinal proclaimation that a pope has made ex cathedra in the entire history of the Church has ever contradicted another, nor ever changed. The Catholic Church’s beliefs (doctrinal matters of faith and morals) today are the same as they were in Cardinal Newman’s time, in St. Francis of Assissi’s time, St. Augustine’s time, and yes, even in Jesus’ time. LDS CANNOT say that by any means.
First, I have really looked at the concept of consistency. The most troubling thing for me was the universal subordinationism pre-Nicea that almost melted away. But the term “co-equal” to my knowledge is not canonized and thus a Catholic may (and prolly should) recognize a miniscule amount of subordination that may be on the extreme edge of the spectrum of pre-Nicea thought. This is troubling for me but not a fatal flaw. So I would say change occurred, but there is an ability to point to seeds that resulted in flowers (although not adolescents that resulted in adults because the development was to radical).
Second, Peter cannot say that he did not introduce anything NEW. So I enjoy being in his company when you say that LDS CANNOT say that they didn’t introduce anything new.
Andrew Larkoski:
Interesting to note, the original Bible documents (the Septuagint, New Testament writings) weren’t swept off to Heaven, and weren’t in Biblical form until the fifth century, yet the Book of Mormon came to Joe Smith “pre-packaged” and only to him.
Actually, we have no originals of the Biblical texts, not one, zero.
Andrew Larkoski:
“The Papacy is not evidence before 200AD, and Tertullian claims it is a usurpation.”
One must be careful when citing Tertullian, for in his later years (when he said this) he taught heresy, and broke away from the Church. Therefore, I must disregard this statement.
Actually, this was most like written before he left the church. And, we already have the very real problem that regularly documents in opposition to developing orthodoxy were burned/destroyed. If you disregard totally the witness of everyone who says something (and it actually survives) contrary to orthodoxy, you will ensure your conclusion before you even investigate. This is fine, but we are not talking about what you ignore rather about what data I use to come to my conclusions.
The history of the CoJCoLDS would look radically different if printing presses did not start rolling three years after its inception producing anti-Mormon works.
Andrew Larkoski:
Hmm, let’s see here. Since the beginning of time, there has been an authority chosen by God on Earth to teach and spread His Word. In the Old Testament, God connected with individuals (most notably, Abraham) and then led His Chosen People (the Jews). In the New Testament, when Jesus Christ was on Earth, He chose His Apostles as the SOLE AUTHORITY to teach in His Name and to spread His Church to all corners of the world.
But as I pointed out before, the witness is that the fullness was withheld from the Jews when Moses came down from the mountain. We have the apostate authority of Caiphas who continued to exercise his priesthood while Jesus Christ and/or the Apostles walked the earth.
Adam started by talking face to face with God. Abraham next speaks with God and is held up by 3 major religions as the man through whom monotheism came. The old testament witnesses to dispensations. Moses seems to be the only place were we see some evidence of the withholding of authority.
Charity, TOm