Do Muslims pray to the same God as Catholics or not?

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Muslims try to worship the God of Abraham. They may not do it well, but they try.

To me, I am reminded of the pagans that took over the land toward the end of 2 Kings (or Judges?). They obviously were messing up but they still tried.
Both Christians and Muslims pray to God. Both claim to receive spiritual goodness/happiness from God, both believe their way is right etc.
Well both can’t be if they contradict each other, so why hasn’t God told one “group” by now that they are wrong?
This is why god started the SDA who teach that they are the remnant. True Church

And the others are corrupt apostates
From one perspective, it ought to be understood as a Christian heresy; great thinkers such as Hilaire Belloc described it this way.
If that is the case, but all others have died out but Islam for some reason flourished.
Belloc explained why in his book The Great Heresies, in which he devotes an entire chapter to Islam. (And +Sheen borrowed some of that for his book The World’s First Love even though he didn’t specifically credit Belloc.)
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That isn’t an answer, is it?

Which of the following statements do Moslems disagree with:
  1. The Blessed Sacrament is not God, it is a piece of bread
  2. Even if the Blessed Sacrament could be proved to be Jesus, it is still not God, because Jesus is not God
  3. Those who worship the Blessed Sacrament are not worshipping Allah
No, and people who say it is the same god either do not believe in the trinity or they are just straight uninformed. Only the trinity makes god the god we believe in. Muslims do not believe in the Holy Spirit or in Jesus Christ. How could it be the same? Ofc Pope Francis Said it it, he can teach infallible but he didn’t in this case, and anyone should know that they don’t. Modernism and „accepting other religions“ is leading people to this conclusion. Don’t be a modernist.
Yes, my SSPX Priest told me the same. People who think Muslims worship the the same god should quickly change their mind, we believe in the Trinity, they deny it.
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Muslims do not believe in the Holy Spirit or in Jesus Christ. How could it be the same?
Agreed totally - it’s a simple use of “transitive property” from 9th grade Algebra.

Christ = God, so when you see “God” you may substitute “Christ”.
A Muslim says he does not pray to “Christ”, so by transitive property he does not pray to our God.
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That isn’t an answer, is it?
I repeat: When it comes to Yeshua (ʿalayhi s-salām) we do not share your theology.

It is what it is, and there is nothing more I can say.

We do agree, of course, that Yeshua was born of a Virgin, and that he is the Messiah.
Well, if you can’t or won’t answer a very simply phrased question there’s no point in debating is there?

Do you actually understand what Catholics mean when we refer to the Blessed Sacrament?
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I’m not here to debate Catholic theology.

I will say this: When I see a Catholic member of my family praying before the altar, I see someone worshipping the Beloved according to their conscience, and with the sole intention of pleasing Him.

I have no doubt at all that their prayers are heard; and that these folk are as precious to Him as any Jew - or any Muslim - who also worships Him according to their conscience, and with the sole intention of pleasing Him.

Does this help?
I meant “our God” as in “the God in our religion” - not to say we “own” him or anything. The Christian God
Does this mean there is a ‘Jewish God’; a ‘Biblical Unitarian God’, as well as a ‘Muslim God’…or is there just the One God, who is understood in different ways?
I meant “our God” as in “the God in our religion” - not to say we “own” him or anything. The Christian God
Does this mean there is a ‘Jewish God’; a ‘Biblical Unitarian God’, as well as a ‘Muslim God’…or is there just the One God, who is understood in different ways?
For Pete’s sakes. You guys know what I mean.
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Yep. That’s how I know what he thought about it. Read the book. Highly recommend it.
That there is only One God (One Creator) worshipped by Jews, Unitarians, Trinitarians and Muslims alike, albeit in different ways?
No, there is the Trinity worshipped by Christians, and then there are people who pray to something that doesn’t exist, or they pray to one of the boatload of demons (Baal, Marduk, Jupiter, Odin, Attanuwe, Loki…)

This is EXACTLY what St. Paul says explicitly: “But I say that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils and not to God; and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils” (1 Corinthians 10:20)

I will refrain posting from here, because I think I’ve made my position clear.
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