I will put this to you as you are a Muslim it is hard to make sense how one God can make a Catholic become a deeper Catholic, and a Muslim become a deeper Muslim.
It’s not hard at all, once we realise that wherever God is, He is there in His entirety (He has no parts, and cannot be divided). He is with Rozellelily right now, just as much as He is with, say Eric, or Niblo.
The Beloved loves each of us as though we are the
only ones He knows. Each of us is precious in His sight; and His desire (if I may use that word) is to draw us to Himself with ties of love, and to have us remain there, at peace with Him.
The Qur’an says that He could have made humankind all the same, walking the same path; but He chose otherwise, as a test for us. At the end, He will explain to us our differences.
We become deeper in our respective Faiths
only when we live that Faith to the best of our ability; at all times putting love of God - whatever we perceive Him to be - above all things. Time spent looking at the behaviour of other folk - in the manner of this thread, for example - is time that would have been better spent looking at Him!
As for why I became a Muslim, may I suggest you read my profile. To repeat it here would be seriously off topic!
May the Beloved continue to guide you, and to bless you. Be the best Catholic you can be. That is what He wants of you.