Do Protestants really hate Catholics?

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America has not always been really friendly towards Catholics. : /
You could also argue, with some justification, that it STILL is not friendly towards Catholics.
Okay, I’ll bite. It’s a slow Monday, and @steve-b is asleep at his keyboard (on a different thread). How is America not friendly towards Catholics?
Not seeing that, at the link. Nor anything mentioning death penalty. What am I missing, and where?
.I am not saying all Americans, but many people in America have a hostility to Catholicism, from ideologues who see the Church as obsolete, to Baptists who see Catholics as Satan worshipers. The times have changed, but many of the feelings towards Catholics are still there. This is t be expected, we have been hated for the longest time. People often see the church and wish us gone. That is normal. : /
Okay, I’ll bite. It’s a slow Monday, and @steve-b is asleep at his keyboard (on a different thread). How is America not friendly towards Catholics?
I wasn’t completely asleep. I responded to you on another thread.
Ok, got it. So if hostility towards Catholics is a 10 in say…Tehran, Iran. What would you say it is in Atlanta, Georgia?
It all boils down to personal experiences, so yours and mine could be different by a wide scale due to geographical location and also, churches that we went before.
Yep, pretty much. All non-Catholics that I know and/or have met are respectively almost all a hard 2 with a sprinkling of 1’s and 3’s.
1 or 2. People don’t like us. I am not comparing us to Tehran, it is HORRIBLE what is happening there. But there IS an opposition to Catholicism in America that ranges from polite skepticism to outright hatred. particularly among those that hate the Church, such as certain Protestant sects. Many of which see the Catholic Church as the Whore of Babylon, like Baptists and Sedaventists. There has always been an opposition to the Faith, not just America, but the world in general
But there IS an opposition to Catholicism in America that ranges from polite skepticism to outright hatred.
You can say that about all religions/sects, including non-Catholic Christians. I read it here and have heard it in real life.

People are people…
Ok got it. We have a different view of the word “hostility”, but I understand where you’re coming from.

Outright “hostility” to me is something like, “I’m ordering the 422nd Infantry Division of the NVA across the DMZ tomorrow to engage the Americans across a broad front in conjunction and coincident with Viet-Cong sapper attacks on the Embassy in Saigon and Hue.”

A 1 or 2 on the scale - to me - is “I sure hope we beat Notre Dame this week - I hate those guys”.

As for me, I love Catholics. We wouldn’t have fish-fries or Scorsese movies or a third of the college lacrosse teams in the country without you guys! 🙂
Yes, and a lot of the anger is more of the unspoken type. Kinda like politics back then Vs Now. People often say, Oh we are divided politically. It has always been the case, But people didn’t like to admit it. Online discourse changes that, as people are often more open about their thoughts than they would in public.
Well…I am Southern Baptist, & I do not hate any denomination that preaches Christ crucified for our sins.
So I think some poster up above got it right when they said SOME Protestants hate Catholics, but MOST do not.
Well, in the first place, as Christians, we should not be HATING ANYONE in the first place…Love thy brother.
Now…that’s not to say I HAVENT hated Catholics. I did, in the past, when I was younger & was gullible to the lies of Protestants…until my eyes were opened by Jesus Himself.
My experience is that it varies. There are Protestants who have Catholic friends and get along very well with Catholics - I’m a Catholic Student in a Protestant University and never once was made to feel unwelcome - but there are also Protestants who insist the Pope is the Antichrist or that Catholics are idolaters (just as there are Catholics who insist Protestants are heretics or pagans).

While there was a lot of bad-blood between the two branches of Christianity in the past - especially during the Reformation and the 30 years war - I think these days there’s mostly cooperation as we realize that Christians need to stick together.
Generally speaking, no, I don’t think that most Protestants would say they hate Catholics. I do think there is a great deal of misunderstanding though of one another’s beliefs and confessions on both sides, which tends to lead to dicey dialogue.
Yeah, it certainly depends. Coming from Seventh-Day Adventism the teaching I received was that the Catholic Church was the beast of Revelation and the Whore of Babylon. As well that the Cathllic Church would combine with governmental powers and institute a Sunday Law and persecute Christians.
This is the accepted interpretation of Daniel and Revelatiom for a Protestant religion of around 20 million people.
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