Do Protestants really hate Catholics?

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Rather than stating that Protestants hate Catholics, it might be better stated that (some) Protestants hate Catholicism.
The age we live in, it seems easier for a lot of people to use the hate word
That might have been true 70 years ago, that Protestants and Catholics “hated” each other, but in 2020 we have become much less insular and sheltered. Now, protestants and catholics live together, work together, and our friends.It’s much harder to hate someone who you spend that much time with. It’s also become much less socially acceptable (even in our own religions) to admit you “hate” another believer in Christ, even if you disagree with the theology.

The growing threat to all churches is secularization, not other Christian faiths. Perhaps people stuck in the 1600’s who still “hate” those with different theologies should focus on the bigger issues facing Christians.
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All of the places I have lived have been pretty much all Christian. Come Sunday morning, everybody gets up and goes to church—some to the Lutheran church, some to the Methodist church, some to the Catholic church, some to the Presbyterian church, some to the _____ (fill in the blank). The Protestants never hated the Catholics, in my experience, simply because they never gave them much thought one way or the other. They were just another Christian church. I really don’t think that most Protestants know or care how or if the Catholic church is appreciably different from other Christian churches. There might be some Protestants obsessing over how the Catholic church is “different,” but I think they are very few and far between.
100% agree. I’ve written almost the exact same post on here before.

To most non-Catholics…the Catholic church(es) in town are another Church down the street full of Christians doing the best they can.
To most non-Catholics…the Catholic church(es) in town are another Church down the street full of Christians doing the best they can.
That’s beautifully said. Since it’s highly impractical to expect everyone to agree on religion 100% of the time (heck, even Catholics don’t agree with each other sometimes!) the best we can do is probably think the way you are describing.
Protestants vary wildly from one another, so it just depends. I’ve met some Pentecostals that absolutely hate Catholics. I’ve met Baptists who were skeptical, but respectful. I’ve met Methodists who were almost deferential to Catholics.
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Can only speak for me and not others.

I was a cradle Catholic who left the church and I guess would now be considered a protestant as I attend an Episcopal church. I do not hate the Catholic church or it’s congregants. The Catholic church just isn’t for me. Too much I disagree with and feel the church is so very wrong on, but hate? No, there is no hate there.
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I’ve heard them say things like “they don’t respect women, only Catholic “boys” do”

Sometimes actions also speak louder than words…
I’s call that being critical and making a sweeping statement. Hardly “hate”.
It’s also become much less socially acceptable (even in our own religions) to admit you “hate” another believer in Christ, even if you disagree with the theology.
I can’t speak for all of the protestant churches, but I guarantee you that the Catholic Church has ALWAYS taught that it is absolutely wrong to hate anybody (even a persecuting Satanist) and doubly wrong to hate any brother in Christ, even if he believes heresies.
So you agree? Only Catholic “boys” respect women…“others” don’t?

As an “other” sitting in Mass with my wife and kids (3 boys might I add…), we found it very hateful, but I guess the line between hate and criticism is who’s ox is being gored… 🤷‍♂️
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So you agree? Only Catholic “boys” respect women…“others” don’t?
No of course not. All I said was that it doesn’t constitute “hate”. Some people these days seem to think any time somebody criticises them or even disagrees with them, it means that they “hate” him. Buy a dictionary for goodness’ sake.
As an “other” sitting in Mass with my wife and kids (3 boys might I add…), we found it very hateful
You found THE MASS “hateful”??? That’s nuts. (I guess by my saying that you now reckon that I “hate” you.)
Some do, some dont. But there is something that i do not like about Protestanism. Many of them(Not All) claim that all Catholics will go to hell and even go and make plenty of youtube videos about it. Are they prophets? All the Catholics i have seen say that even Protestants can be saved, it depends on Jesus himself. They mostly say this because they think we believe in works as justification which is completley false. Even though there are priests who say that, i absolutley disagree.Faith is the most important factor and most Catholics agree. Works are aspired by faith. Like God caused the Universe, faith causes works.
I appreciate your response. I am not sure that “many” non-Catholics teach that all Catholics are going to hell but certainly there are some. By the same token, there are “some” Catholics here right now on CAF preaching that all non-Catholics are going to hell. True, they are a minority, but what I do not understand is why the Catholics that do not agree with them do not stand up to them on this forum and refute them.
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