Do Protestants really hate Catholics?

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I grew up in the Bible belt and there were always those who be ashed Catholics and some anti-catgolic bigotry.
Having said that, I do not think I ever met any Protestant who hated Catholics. They may have hated Catholicism, but not Catholics themselves. Indeed, I can think of a couple people who certainly thought we were likely destined for hell and all things Catholic were despised, yet they did not hate Catholics, indeed they wanted to save us from the Church. And they tended to be pretty good and moral people. Ready to lend a helping hand to Catholics in need just as they would yo others.
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There was a lot of bitterness between Catholics and Protestants in past centuries. Some of it still lingers.

Fanatically anti-Catholic Protestants are generally ignorant or misinformed, rather than malicious.
Around 2003 or so I went to a protestant church service with my then girlfriend who was a diehard protestant (what was I thinking?).

There was music and such for about twenty minutes and such. Then suddenly the preacher got up there to make his big sermon. Of course they had those jumbo theater screens for to visual aids. Up there flashed the title of his sermon and he remarked, "How to avoid the Cephas clique".

I was agog that someone would be so hideous in their thirty minute standup routine on why Matthew Chapter 16 didn’t imply that Peter was the Rock, and that later in Revelations the Church is the Whore of Babylon, etc. But his routine fell flat, was uninspiring, and yeah I refused to shake his hand on the way out.
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I live in a the middle of the Bible Belt. In fact as a state, Catholics are only 6% of the religious population. A kind estimation in this city is 35-40 protestant churches for every every one Catholic Church here. I used to work with a very kind elderly woman in my office. Sweetest person you’d ever meet, and then one day I heard her talking down about Catholics and how we all “worship Mary over there”. I was floored.

The ex girlfriend’s church was a standard ***** Baptist Church. Last protestant joint I visited were my in-laws. Not a single crucifix or even a cross to be found. Then again I’m particular to caring less what protestants think. I don’t hide my catholicity just because they don’t like seeing the corpus on the cross.
Those who want respect…get respect. I suppose I subscribe to Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus. I try to educate about the Church to the sincere.
As to the simple question in the title: Yes, a few do. Others hate both the Church as well as dislike those in her. Yet others feel that Catholics are victims and must be rescued. Others are more relativistic and think that the Church is but one of the 31 flavors of dessert. Fine for some, but not their taste.
When one has the sanction of theology to hate then one will find reasons to justify hate. If Protestants see the RCC as doing the work of Satan, then hate will come most naturally - and it would not be hate for hate’s own sake, even if it may be, because it will be bolstered by theological reasons…

Aren’t Catholics supposed to hate sin? Protestants may see the RCC as an inherently sinful thing because of reasons. So, it is incumbent on Catholics to show those reasons as false.
Around 2003 or so I went to a protestant church service with my then girlfriend who was a diehard protestant (what was I thinking?).
No clue… I’m not Catholic and have been married to a Catholic for over 16 years. She would never say that about going to my church. TBH, she actually quite enjoys my churhc.
Then suddenly the preacher got up there to make his big sermon.
Ditto at my wife’ parish. It was prom weekend and the priest’s homily was about how he didn’t understand why Catholic girls would go for “other” boys. “Others” won’t respect them…only Catholic boys would. That was an awkward moment for my boys to look at me…I guess disrespect and “hate” can be a 2 way street…?? ¯_(ツ)_/¯.
standup routine
But his routine fell flat, was uninspiring, and yeah I refused to shake his hand on the way out.
Some Protestants hate Catholics. Many do not.
Some Catholics hate Protestants. Many do not.
True. But Protestants who hate Catholics are at least 1000 times more common than Catholics who hate protestants. I don’t recall ever meeting a Catholic who truly hated protestants.
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Do Protestants hate Catholics that much???
As one who grew up in a fundamentalist Protestant church that I left in my mid-20’s (I’m now 74), some definitely do, and sometimes this is pushed by some of the pastors. However, even the church I grew up in has largely changed, and much of the anti-Catholic propaganda has dropped or at least declined.

But there are some others, such as the SDA and some Baptist groups, as well as some others, such as the JW’s, that still are hard-line Catholic haters.
True. But Protestants who hate Catholics are at least 1000 times more common than Catholics who hate protestants.
Eh… I don’t know about that…
I don’t recall ever meeting a Catholic who truly hated protestants.
I believe I have…and I don’t recall ever meeting a non-Catholic that hated Catholics. I guess our experiences are quite different.
The USA is a WASP country. Now that it’s no longer white or anglo-saxon (or more than notionally Christian, if that), it can only be Protestant by being anti-Catholic. Which it very much is.

But mere negativity can’t be the Foundation of a country - which is why the USA is tottering and will fall.
The Western media are chock-full of anti-Catholicism (though more often liberal and secular, than Protestant).
Makes me wander if some protestants do have a strong dislike of Catholics (I’m thinking about my friends and family) I haven’t come across anyone who does but it still makes me wander if they just say that they like me now that I am catholic or they are just saying that to my face.
My experience only! But when I’ve met a Christian that hates Catholics or, at least the church, they also seem to hate a lot of other people, too. They seem to like to spread out their hate. Thankfully, these are few and rare and are also more from past years than recently.
Makes me wander if some protestants do have a strong dislike of Catholics
I’m sure some do, the same way some Catholics have a strong dislike for non-Catholics.

I’m sure it’s a vocal minority, but people are gonna people…
Pretty much the same things Protestants say about Catholics that are derogatory about their religion.
In this discussion I think the words “really hate” were not a good descriptive choice.
I’ve heard them say things like “they don’t respect women, only Catholic “boys” do”

Sometimes actions also speak louder than words…
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