Do Protestants really hate Catholics?

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Like I said, I guess it depends on who’s ox is being gored…

What does that constitute then? A very mis-informed opinion about an entire subset of believers to which a negative judgement is laid upon a person without any real basis…if I only had one word for that. 🤔
I don’t know how you can guarantee that! The Catholic Church’s current stance of calling Christians from non-Catholic churches “brothers in Christ” is a more recent teaching within the scope of Church history.

It is not my understanding that those burned at the stake by the Catholic Church knew they were being martyred by fellow brothers in Christ.
It’s not ME who guarantees it, the Church founded by our Lord and guided by the Holy Spirit guarantees it.

It may be recent that “brothers in Christ” became a common expression, but it is certainly no new teaching! It goes all the way back to Luke 9:49-50.

Nobody was ever burned at the stake by the Catholic Church. Some people were burned at the stake by CIVIL government authorities. Where the civil government charged them with heresy or witchcraft, the Church often stepped in as the expert in these areas to make sure that they received a fair trial. In places where the church failed or was unable to do this, many innocent people were found guilty and many more were executed. Where the church was involved, the vast majority were found not guilty or were given multiple chances to correct their errors or clear up misunderstandings or false charges brought by enemies, and the vast majority of those convicted received very light “sentences” such as reciting certain prayers for a short period.
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He didn’t say the Mass was hateful.
OK, in charity I’m trying to think of some otheralternative meaning one could put onto his statement that “sitting in Mass with my wife and kids (3 boys I might add) we found it very hateful
Maybe you could help?
there are “some” Catholics here right now on CAF preaching that all non-Catholics are going to hell. True, they are a minority, but what I do not understand is why the Catholics that do not agree with them do not stand up to them on this forum and refute them.
I can’t say I’ve ever come across any such Catholic either online or in real life. But if you could point them out to me I will very gladly and strenuously refute them.
They mostly say this because they think we believe in works as justification which is completley false.
I think it goes deeper than that. If they think logically about it, they need to justify protestantism’s reason for existence. i.e. that (contrary to Christ’s promise) at some stage God deserted the church He founded and it got taken over by satan, so “true” Christians had to start a new church. The logical corollary of that false thinking is that Catholics are at best ignorant dupes of satan, or at worst (presumably including the leaders of the Catholic Church) actually in league with satan to deceive Christians and lead them to hell.

Ok but that’s a pretty useless comment unless he tells us what the priest said that was so “hateful”. I find it hard to believe that he “gored” anybody or his property.
Where the church was involved, the vast majority were found not guilty or were given multiple chances to correct their errors or clear up misunderstandings or false charges brought by enemies, and the vast majority of those convicted received very light “sentences” such as reciting certain prayers for a short period.
This is interesting. Could you please give me a reference. I’d like to read up on it. Thanks in advance.
Yep, and also a negative image of women who would “make the mistake” of marrying non-Catholic guys…so basically putting down their parents.

That’s pretty much everything here. We’re all taking each others’ word.
In a mixed marriage, there is 3 possible outcomes: 1. Each party practices their own religion 2. One party leaves the catholic church because of the other party. 3. One party brings another party to the catholic church.

It isn’t wrong to have mixed marriages, but it certainly isn’t easy. I have met many catholics who are more open to mixed marriages than protestants, but the ultimate outcome is for number three. The priest might have a bias as he doesn’t want the scenario of 1/2 to occur. There’s also issues of social justice, in the case that catholics marry non-catholics, then catholics who are searching for catholics might inevitably struggle to find catholics, especially for a diocese that is small.

As for non-catholic christians, I think might be bias again. Some examples are going to church on sunday for non-catholics is quite of an option, many doctrinal issues such as veneration of mother mary. Perhaps, he has a negative view against protestants, because he might have bad experiences with them in the past.
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The priest might have a bias as he doesn’t want the scenario of 1/2 to occur. There’s also issues of social justice, in the case that catholics marry non-catholics, then catholics who are searching for catholics might inevitably struggle to find catholics, especially for a diocese that is small.
Perhaps, he has a negative view against protestants, because he might have bad experiences with them in the past.
So then we should paint all with a wide brush, like saying men who are “others” will not respect women, only Catholic boys do…?

But, like you’re saying…even Catholic priests can have an uninformed bias…like some non-Catholic pastors? 🤔
There are two ways to see it: you can see it as non-catholic men will not respect catholic women and catholic men will respect catholic women or it is more difficult for non-catholic men to respect catholic women given the differences in beliefs.

Each person has their bias, in fact the non-catholic pastors that have preached to me, always quoted the unequally yoked verse and said it was unbiblical to have a mixed marriage. They are even more strict, which is why I was surprised coming from a non-catholic background, to find my catholic friend (guy) open to mixed marriages when my protestant friends would rather choose singlehood over that.

In my experience, protestants were even more bias against mixed marriage.
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It was this, more that “others” don’t respect women in general.
non-catholic men will not respect catholic women and catholic men will respect catholic women
Not this:
it is more difficult for non-catholic men to respect catholic women given the differences in beliefs.
Each person has their bias
Which is exactly what I’m saying. Posters upthread spoke of experiences of hate from non-Catholics, I said it can be a two way street and gave only one of my examples.

It isn’t a Catholic vs. non-Catholic thing…but a person to person thing. Like I said; People are gonna People.
Generally yes they do hate us, I’ve never experienced anything than discorn from protestants. Even one tine during interdenominational activities with other Church groups I was treated rather like a bad smell in the room for being Catholic, yet none of the other various Christian church members where. I think it’s mostly down to insecurity, and a failure to address their own short comings that fill most protestants with an extra zeal for hating on us.

I’d like to believe the fluffy “some do some don’t” argument but the fact is that Catholicism is fundamentally unharmonious with protestant worshio, and they can even be united with us in the shared love and worship of our Lord, citing the fact we also pray to Mary and don’t “Bible bash” as the reason they are Holier than us Catholics. I have felt more welcome by atheists than most other Christians, on the whole.

Don’t forget, to them, we and our one true churc, are “Babylon”. That is probably why they can’t stand us.
Generally yes they do hate us,
This is HIGHLY inaccurate. I’m sorry for your experience, but this does not speak for the general population or majority.
Don’t forget, to them, we and our one true churc, are “Babylon”. That is probably why they can’t stand us.
Highly inaccurate again, and does not speak for non-Catholics as a whole.
I have felt more welcome by atheists than most other Christians, on the whole.
In my experience I have felt more welcome by atheists than Catholics, on the whole. Does that mean that Catholics hate non-Catholic Christians, or that I’ve run into a vocal minority?

In General, to non-Catholics the Catholic Church is another church down the street full of believers doing the best they can to get to heaven.

That is the majority, or general, non-Catholic Christian.
I’m sorry to hear what you went through. Being treated badly for your faith isn’t much fun.
I see. That wasn’t clear to me from what he said. My fault I’m sure.
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