Do you think fake news is used on CNN and msnlsd? to deceive and control?

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What’s with that Tucker guy on Faux News, the one that use to wear a bow tie? He is constantly cutting people off, he asks a question and never lets them answer…even my conservative friends agree, sometimes folks you really do want to hear someones answer. I think there was more enjoyment watching Jon Stewart before he retired from the Daily Show, more truth too…haha…Why don’t they just let Trump talk to Meuller and be done with it all? 😜
ps: Edited to answer the OP question. NO…I believe it’s Fox News marching the masses up to the gateways of hell.
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Yes, repetition is one of the simplest and most effective forms of mind control.
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Yes, they use a lot of techniques to program people to think a certain way. They have a virtual monopoly on public opinion, or at least, have the greatest amount of power to influence and form public thought as they wish. Thankfully, that is starting to slowly change as people see them for the bias, slandering propaganda machine they are. Thanks to alternative sites and sources of information made more available by the internet.
The best and most trustworthy news is presented by local journalists–the same people we see and interact with all around town–at churches, schools, events (concerts, festivals, etc.), and our own neighborhoods.

Local journalists have a lot to lose if they present an obviously-biased story with sketchy facts and timelines, either in print media or on the radio and television stations. Their job depends on the good-will of local merchants and private individuals who donate sponsorship money or who buy ads. If they offend too many of the locals with obviously-biased stories and skewed facts, they will lose their sponsors and endanger the survival of their media platform and their own jobs.

So they are careful not to do any of the condescending smirking or snickering, or use a superior voice tone, or write in hyperbole, because they will be called out for it by their neighbors.

At the same time, they must present a complete and truthful story with a verifiable set of facts, or they will be publicly challenged (letters to the editor, citizen viewpoint presented on TV, call-in radio shows, public protests, etc.) by people in their community who are knowledgeable about the facts.

Small cities like ours have a diverse group of citizens. This means that the local journalists have to tell the stories in ways that don’t favor a specific political party, economic viewpoint, age, financial status, color, sex, religion, or race. This makes for a much more balanced news story that covers more of the facts and issues. Also, many of the local journalists will point out ways that the story affects locals, if it does.

An example would be the recent stories about the farmer’s situation with the tariffs. We have seen quite a few stories on local television and in the local papers that include lengthy interviews with real farmers who are active leaders of various local and state farmers" organizations. If we listen only to the national news, we would assume that the farmers are all going to starve while wealthy President Trump dilly-dallies with prostitutes. But the local farmers’ groups seem to have less gloomy view of what’s happening, and point out that there are plenty of countries that want to buy their produce. They actually seem upbeat about what’s happening, and don’t seem to think they’re going to need the assistance package offered by the President. (This morning, there was a story about a local farmer with soybeans that are as tall as he is! Soybeans! Wow! And just yesterday I was out driving with a friend and pointed out a field of giant soybeans!)

I’m guessing that farmers in other parts of the country that have been devastated by flooding and other disasters might have a different POV–again the value of listening to local news.
No, what people call “news” today is cable entertainment. They only get viewers if they keep the rhetoric and drama at 11. If it is on commercial cable TV it is entertainment, it is not journalism.

The commercial networks like Fox and CNN love when there is division and hate, that pays their bills. Alex Jones and Rush Limbaugh, they are entertainers not journalists.

Spend time watching journalism, watch/read non-commercial stuff. PBS has some good news programs, you will learn more watching hour of C-span than you will watching a full day of Fox News.
I think CNN and MSNBC have finally caught up to Fox News in terms of scumbag journalism. I don’t trust any tv news outlet anymore
What’s with that Tucker guy on Faux News, the one that use to wear a bow tie? He is constantly cutting people off, he asks a question and never lets them answer…even my conservative friends agree, sometimes folks you really do want to hear someones answer. I think there was more enjoyment watching Jon Stewart before he retired from the Daily Show, more truth too…haha…
You can find Stewart’s takedown of Carlson on YouTube. It’s legendary. Carlson just ain’t that smart – he couldn’t keep up with Stewart.
What’s hilarious about CNN, MSNBC, and the late-night talk show hosts is that they want nothing more than to see the President impeached, but if he is impeached, an even more conservative and certainly more principled President would be in office. In that case they’d not only not have their policies being enacted, but they also have no jokes to tell.
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Absolutely, but you can’t watch any station for more than 5 minutes before there is political play.
I’ve been getting more and more disgusted with the “news” coverage on the cable news channels. Last night I was channel surfing and came across “PBS News Hour.” It reminded me very much how the nightly network news shows used to be. Only a couple of stories mentioned Trump. I almost expected to see Walter Cronkite appear. Makes me wonder how many really important stories we are missing as the cable news networks spend hours analyzing every brainless Tweet that the Trump makes.
Our president is trying to use a technique that if you keep saying a stupid thing over and over, it becomes more believable. Of course the news is not “fake”. President “I use the best words” cannot even use simple words accurately.

The news is sometimes biased, with MSNBC and FOX being the biggest offenders. The news is sometimes inaccurate. It might even be parodied, like on SNL. It is not “fake”. That term is just used because altering the public perception of reality is the nature of any con artist and liar. I have found CNN to be the best of the major networks, but still, local reporting does the best of keeping out bias here.

I will say that nothing on any talk show or round table type of program is trustworthy, but strictly speaking, that isn’t news. Those programs, both liberal and conservative, are all about appealing to their base and stirring up anger and division for ratings.
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I believe that the MSM uses techniques such as selective reporting and careful use of adjectives to suggest to the viewer how they should feel and think about what’s going on

Outlets generally don’t lie or they would be easy to call out. They color the world through their worldview by pretending to be neutral but not actually being neutral.

Journalists who have opinions aren’t the problem. Everybody has opinions. Journalists who pretend not to have opinions are a problem.
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For example—opposition to legal abortion is called “anti-choice” or “abortion rights foes”.

Well golly, who wants to be against making choices or the foe (word with negative connotations) of anything?

Occasionally they will outright lie, like calling frozen embryos “potential life”, but they can get away with it because most people are low-information when it comes to embryology.
The 2016 election really did a number on news reporting, IMHO. CNN is terrible now. FOX and the network news just as bad. I used to rely on NPR for my morning news but it has taken a total left slant. Even the tone of the reporters’ voices drip sarcasm and exasperation with Trump and conservative/Republican causes. They clearly have quotas for how many gay-friendly and transgender friendly and pro-abortion clips they have to present.
I stopped watching TV completely and I skim a variety of sites’ headlines for news. That’s about it. I don’t trust any of it fully.
I think you are listening to a little too much media driven propaganda
I wonder what happens to idealistic young people, especially Christians, who enter the journalism profession determined to seek out and tell the truth with no bias? Do they get sent down to the sub-basement and assigned to re-organize one hundred years of fragile paper files and convert them to computer records?
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I agree. This “profession” as Bob Knight succinctly put it is now “one step above prostitution.”
As if the MSM’s romance with left-wing ideas and politics was not already evident before the 2016 election, the election of President Trump just brought the walls all the way down. The fact that so many anchors and reporters were visibly upset during election night is great proof of their shock as the opposing candidate lost.

The funny thing is, the left’s condescending tone and constant mockery of conservatives as dense and uneducated is one of the main factors leading to President Trump’s victory. But instead of learning from their mistakes, they have just doubled-tripled-and quadrupled down on insulting anybody with conservative or religious views.
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