Do you think fake news is used on CNN and msnlsd? to deceive and control?

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As for Mexico paying, there are many ways that can happen.
You are right, but then we are back to the problem with selective statistics. Obama delivered on his promise for a healthcare bill, whatever you may think of it. The fact is, most people in the past running for president knew what the limitations of the office were. They made promises, sure, and sometimes were able to follow through with them, sometimes not, and sometimes looked to blame others for that failure. In this President Trump is little different than predecessors. Promise made, broken, changed, and failed can be cherry-picked for rhetoric all day long.
That is not what Vladimir Putin said. If what you say is true, then why is the investigation, under President Trump, pointing more to his campaign? Fake news? Deep State? Excuse will always about where leadership is lacking.
I honestly feel that almost ALL MSM and independent media sources twist and turn every news piece into an opinion piece with the goal of telling us how to think instead of letting us come to our own conclusions.

I don’t trust any of them.
Obama to Putin…thinking he was off camera whispers…“we will talk more about this after the election.” An election gen didn’t even win yet.

We all know the whole Russia Trump thing another Saul Alinsky tactic. It’s getting old.
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As for Mexico paying, there are many ways that can happen.
You are right, but then we are back to the problem with selective statistics. Obama delivered on his promise for a healthcare bill, whatever you may think of it. The fact is, most people in the past running for president knew what the limitations of the office were. They made promises, sure, and sometimes were able to follow through with them, sometimes not, and sometimes looked to blame others for that failure. In this President Trump is little different than predecessors. Promise made, broken, changed, and failed can be cherry-picked for rhetoric all day long.
When Obama came to office he had a super majority in congress. Dems could do whatever they wanted. They knew Republicans couldn’t do a thing to stop anything… Dems outnumbered them in both houses to the degree of having a "SUPER" majority.

Trump doesn’t have that advantage.


with that Democratic party super majority, we got Obama care. NOT one Republican voted for it. Republicans couldn’t do anything about it anyway. If every Republican voted no, they still didn’t have the votes to do anything. Bottom line, Obama care was a disaster. All the Insurance companies bailed from it.


in 8 yrs under Obama, we went from $10 Trillion deficit to $20 trillion. What did we get for it?
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Economy - inherited an economy with momentum… deserves SOME credit, but not his boom. Same for jobs
Respectful opinion >>Do not miss understand>>>> not taking sides either!!! Just seeking out truths!!

But all on video>>he was told by another, before he became Pres

By Last administration, the new Pres Elect >> He would need a magic wand, did he not?

He told the audience was told>> Companies are not coming back, did he not?

He ask the audience >>How is he going to create jobs>>> does he have a magic wand?

Wages are not going up>> this is the way of the future now, did he not say that to the audience?
Well guess what>> Pres elect >
He did accomplished all that he was told >>>he could not ever accomplish, did he not?
Even thou now Pres Elect was >> told those days are gone >
He even asked the audience>>>>Does he have a magic wand?
Well the Pres elect is the > magic wand needed>> and has accomplished>> all he was told could never be done, is this true?.
Even the audience was told>>> those days are all over, right>>Asking the audience >>Does he have a magic wand?
He’s bringing and brought Companies back from over seas, did he not?
He has created millions of new jobs, did he not?
He increased wages and attained bonuses, did he not?
He has brought back auto companies and open up the steel mills once again?

Well yes he has a magic wand>He is that magic wand>.proved them all wrong?

Not taking sides, but seeking out truths.
Peace 🙂
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He’s bringing and brought Companies back from over seas, did he not?
He has created millions of new jobs, did he not?
He increased wages and attained bonuses, did he not?
He has brought back auto companies and open up the steel mills once again?
Nope. He (Trump) had nothing to do with it. It’s like me taking credit when it rains!
Motives are backing every news outlet. Every human soul on earth has a bent / bias. So there’s nothing new there. It’s old News 😉

They ought call CNN/MSN/Fox, etc. ,etc., Old News. Just because there’s a new occurrence of the same old thing, doesn’t even make New. But the same old, same old…news.

CNN/MSN are very progressive leaning news agencies. MSN sometimes will lend to some Conservative mouthpieces. Fox, is strange symbiotic relationship of Conservatism. It’s Conservative base is in fact marketed viewership. They take to the contrast to make it worth watching their station. It’s like the necessity of a Villain in a story. It’ gives good sentiments about and for the hero.

I muse, though. How much time do people spend time watching, reading the news versus Prayer, or going to Mass? Or those who are not Catholic, go to their worship or prayer service?

If you spend more time reading the news than say going to Adoration, then there displays the problem. It isn’t fake news, old news, new news, good news, or bad news. It’s putting one’s heart where their treasure is in vain. And will rust, and be eaten away by moths.

The News cannot, and will not save anyone. Except for Christ Who still works saving souls.

So I filter out the news in saying with the Angel before the Presence of Christ: I pray for those who do not adore, who do not love, and who do not believe.

That should be a main and essential, most attention to. Christ Himself.

People want to tune to the world. And give their hearts to the world in conviction than to Christ Himself. People give sports, news, entertainment, their religiosity. They do not love God with all their mind, heart, strength, and will. But to the TV.

I muse, the Russians invented the TV. We talk about the collusion of the Russians? 🙂 Yet, the device we dive ourselves into everyday about the Russians is the device that we’re using everyday.
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We all know the whole Russia Trump thing another Saul Alinsky tactic. It’s getting old.
Who is "we?’ I remember Trump saying he could shoot a man and not lose a single voter. Is that the we to which you refer, because it sure isn’t me. I really do not know.
Trump doesn’t have that advantage.
He has a majority in both houses. Presidents have done far more with less. His problem is that he is not a leader. If he wasn’t he would not make such lame excuses for failures and blame others for them. This lie about news being fake is just one more shifting of the blame, shooting the messenger. He is the one who touted himself as a shrewd negotiator. He cannot handle having a majority, finding enough common agreement?

The Bible warns us of the danger of a leader who cannot manage his own house. This is why I will prefer any leader with a moral compass over someone like Donald Trump.
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Nope. He (Trump) had nothing to do with it. It’s like me taking credit when it rains!
Respectfully, opinion only, pondering 🤔 nor did Trump have anything to do long before he took elected office with>>>> thousands of American Companies, that moved their Companies over seas, even thou they were given the >>>$1 Trillion dollar s>+ >Largest Wealthy Tax Cut, plus Wealthy Tax Loop Holes, to create new jobs, etc>> yet still moved their companies over seas and 25 million lost their jobs, did they not? 😥

Even thou the next Elected Official was given $1 Trillion dollars to create new jobs and create new infrastructure, which did not happen either,did it, correct?

Which one can point you to the video >>present elected official stated during the campaign>
Laughing with a chuckle telling his audience, did he not >>all on video?
He stated those companies are not coming back and how is he going do that?
How is he going to do that, create new jobs, increase wages, stating those days are gone?
What does he have a magic wand?
Well guess what? Did the > New Elected Official have a magic wand, and the magic wand was>> Trump?
He started doing so immed. >>upon taking office, did he not also?

Having nothing in the game, but not taking sides either>>>> just seeking out truth, the truth is taking place, right in front of everyone eyes and the world Leaders are even now greatly paying attention and learning from maybe?

Lowest Unemployment in History?
American Companies returning right?
New job creations, new businesses, smaller businesses hiring and expanding, right?
Nation infrastructure is being built?
Lowest people on food stamps in all walks in life in all areas?
Wages have gone up and bonuses given?

Do not>>miss understand either>>>>>I admired the last administration greatly>> 🙂>
but also give credit where credit is do and hope the very best for All Nations on earth and great health and prosperity for the>> Greatest Nation on earth. ❤️
Any Nation from beginning of ancient times, History records, if they have a Good King or Ruler >.its citizens will prospers,were well cared for, protected, those who had a good wise King or Ruler, correct?

The Nation’s that did not have a good wise King or Ruler, but served self instead>.failing to care, provide for all its own citizens, their Nation did not prosper, its people suffered greatly, nor were they protected, right?

You will know them by their fruits?

Peace: 🙂
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Just look at the 2 parties and their platform on life. That is what they believe. That is how they vote.
The Republican Party, virtually every one of their candidates/elected persons, support abortion. They fully support aborting for the sins/crimes of the father, aborting because a baby will not be perfect, aborting because the mother has a physical or mental or emotional health concern. This is the reason I left the Republican party.

They dress these policies up in the language of “incrementalism” and are able to sell it to good hearted people.

Then there is the support for the immoral death penalty, the use of torture, cutting of vital assistance to those who are disabled, old, to children, to our environment, that is not the sort of pro-life platform that I can get behind
The Republican Party, virtually every one of their candidates/elected persons, support abortion. They fully support aborting for the sins/crimes of the father, aborting because a baby will not be perfect, aborting because the mother has a physical or mental or emotional health concern. This is the reason I left the Republican party.
Respectfully opinion only, pondering 🤔 Totally disagree with all one has stated. Not true all republicans support abortion, is it?
This Pres does not support abortion at all, why he has serious issues with LGBT wanting to stop funding etc set up instead a new policy and health programs, does he not?
And not all Republican Candidates running>> supported abortion either, can just google such as>> Republican Candidate running for Pres>> Rich Santorum is one of them who is against abortion.

But what is interesting respectfully toward some>>Some Dem stating their personal Faith, which within their own Church, its strong belief, condones >>>>>> abortions?
,>>>yet theses Dems are they not out there>>> fighting for abortion, like wanting abortion up to 9 months even, as stated by one running Dem candidate?

Not my choice, to do so, abortion>>My CC strongly against, condones, nor am I judging >>others personally choices either!!! " For whom am I to judge">>unquote

But simply disagree fully with your statements, stating all Republicans are for abortion.
Evangelicals are Republican voters they are not for abortion, oh my where did you get such info?

Reported many many many >>RCC voted for Republican Pres also>>>because he was against abortion, did they not?.

Where do you get your sources and where do they come from?

Asking, who were those Dems. that stated abortion can take place up to 9 months even?
Just google it, seek out truths who stated such?

Peace 🙂
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Might be time for the Trump arguments to go to another thread. The discussion is no longer about the title for the most part.
Might be time for the Trump arguments to go to another thread. The discussion is no longer about the title for the most part.
Sorry EricF>> Totally agree with you and sorry I did not mean to go off topic, just was reading others replies, I should of looked up at the Title topic. But I am trying EricF to delete my post 🙂, how can I do so, thanks EricF.
No worries. The topic at hand and President Trump are closely linked for sure.
Just look at the 2 parties and their platform on life. That is what they believe. That is how they vote.
The Republican Party, virtually every one of their candidates/elected persons, support abortion. They fully support aborting for the sins/crimes of the father, aborting because a baby will not be perfect, aborting because the mother has a physical or mental or emotional health concern. This is the reason I left the Republican party.

They dress these policies up in the language of “incrementalism” and are able to sell it to good hearted people.

Then there is the support for the immoral death penalty, the use of torture, cutting of vital assistance to those who are disabled, old, to children, to our environment, that is not the sort of pro-life platform that I can get behind
Now let’s talk reality, NOT personal opinions and talking points.

Re: abortion
Re: all issues, and the particular candidates positions / state

that said,

The party not the individual representative, in either House or Senate, determines where a vote ultimately goes.

BTW, do you know how many convicts have been executed over the years?

In almost the same window of time, compare the 2 statistics, abortion vs capital punishment.
Quite a disparity in proportion…agreed?
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Where did I say “all republicans are for abortion”? Having some difficulty reading the strange punctuation in your post.

I said that the party is for many offenses against life, including abortion.

My research comes from primary sources, reading transcripts, reading both politicians and party platforms. For example:

Mr Santorum has stated publicly that he does support some abortions:

Rick Santorum: Exception for rape & incest ok, even though they take a life…

Source: PA 2006 Senate Debate, Tim Russert moderator , Sep 3, 2006
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