Ours has something similar, where they give out DVD tracts to parishioners. I know they had a meeting once and listened to one of the tracts, but I’m not fully sure what they do with it yet. But, it’s for long time Catholics to know more about their own faith - it’s usually conversion stories.Our RCIA program at St. Joseph’s in Modesto is wonderful. We use the teaching tools developed by Barbara Morgan, et.al. and regularly, as a group, attend the Bosco Conference at Steubenville. However, we are also considered the ‘odd ducks’ in our Diocese, which is too bad. We expect people to go through the RCIA PROCESS (not a program) and discern along the way if they can accept the teachings of the Holy Mother Church.
As for the Rites that are sometimes held during Sunday Mass, my experience has been that if it is done correctly the Parish is given more of a sense of how incredibly special it is to enter the Church. We have had many people come to us and want to be sponsors because they have watched the Rites.
We also have a year round program. We have so many people coming to us to be Catholics we have to do this - and I think it is because of the Adoration Chapel.