Do you think Trump was protected by God - to save the USA?

Well, I don't know if I should say where I am at on this issue of possible Divine Intervention.

I was wanting other people's thoughts on the matter, but I have made up my mind. I will go ahead and say it

I saw God intervening. If Trump had not turned his head slightly as he did, and WHEN he did, he would be GONE.

So some other person elsewhere said something like: Oh, Trump thinks God intervened for him, but I guess not for the man who was killed?

I responded by saying that no one can figure God out (or something to that effect). AND the guy who was killed could have been prepared quite well to meet Jesus. He went to "church" every Sunday (not sure if P or C church, and yeh, I know, there is only one Church)

It makes sense that God would spare a man who is trying to save/restore/rehabilitate his country, and much of what Trump stands for is the same as what Jesus stands for: peace, being one of those things-- LIFE being another.
I do indeed believe Trump was protected by Almighty God, I'm not going to try and plumb the reasons, but there had to be divine intervention. He reports that he felt something "squeezing" him, and I have to wonder if it was his guardian angel (or possibly St Michael the Archangel) nudging him out of the way just enough to avoid anything except a minor flesh wound. I read a report that a priest gave him a statue of St Michael, which he keeps on his nightstand.

I pray that Mr Trump receives the grace to convert to Catholicism, which is far from impossible or even improbable. Not to be crude, but he and Melania appear to live in a Josephite marriage as it is, and from all indications he is validly married to Marla Maples (IMO the most attractive of his three putative wives), so he probably doesn't have any marriage issues to resolve. Charlemagne had an even more complicated marriage and fathering situation.
I do indeed believe Trump was protected by Almighty God, I'm not going to try and plumb the reasons, but there had to be divine intervention. He reports that he felt something "squeezing" him, and I have to wonder if it was his guardian angel (or possibly St Michael the Archangel) nudging him out of the way just enough to avoid anything except a minor flesh wound. I read a report that a priest gave him a statue of St Michael, which he keeps on his nightstand.

I pray that Mr Trump receives the grace to convert to Catholicism, which is far from impossible or even improbable. Not to be crude, but he and Melania appear to live in a Josephite marriage as it is, and from all indications he is validly married to Marla Maples (IMO the most attractive of his three putative wives), so he probably doesn't have any marriage issues to resolve. Charlemagne had an even more complicated marriage and fathering situation.
I don't get it.. Why do you say Trump has no marriage issues... while listing his marriage issues? LOL

I'm not sure the TRUE Catholic Church would validate his marriage to Maples? But I don't know much about that kind of thing.. don't know what a josephite marriage is either
The following is not scientific, but when I look at that photo... the one where he is seemingly looking upward (right b4 being escorted off the stage by security), I feel (again, when looking at that photo) God's presence.. and like He is telling us all through that image (and through the whole ordeal) that He is watching out for.. not only Trump but all of America.

The Virgin Mary is the patron of the Americas
I don't get it.. Why do you say Trump has no marriage issues... while listing his marriage issues? LOL

I'm not sure the TRUE Catholic Church would validate his marriage to Maples? But I don't know much about that kind of thing.. don't know what a josephite marriage is either

I phrased that clumsily. What I meant was that Trump is not in a position where he would be living conjugally with a woman who is not his wife in the Eyes of God.

Ivana is deceased, so whether her marriage to Trump was valid or not, is beside the point. Marla is still living, so (a) if Trump and Ivana were validly married, then there was no marriage to Marla, or (b) if Trump and Ivana were not validly married (Ivana was Catholic), then both Marla and Trump were free to marry one another, neither was Catholic, therefore their marriage would be presumed valid.

If (a) were the case, then Melania and Trump's marriage could easily be convalidated by the Church (Melania is Catholic), as Ivana is deceased, and if (b) were the case, it really wouldn't matter, as I seriously doubt Melania and Trump are intimate anymore (a Josephite marriage is a celibate one), and they seem to live separate lives (while Trump was President, Melania and Barron lived with her parents in suburban Maryland).

The Catholic Church, "true" or otherwise, would have no need to validate Trump's marriage to Marla, as neither one was Catholic and it was therefore putatively valid, if he and Ivana were not married in the Church (see above). So far as I am aware, Marla had no previous marriages.

TLDR, if Trump became Catholic, there would be no obstacle to his receiving confirmation, the Eucharist, or the sacrament of penance, as long as he did not live conjugally with Melania, in the event his marriage to Melania couldn't be convalidated.
Not being Catholic, it can be a valid marriage, even if not Sacramental. Dr. Anders spoke to this the day before.
Not being Catholic, it can be a valid marriage, even if not Sacramental. Dr. Anders spoke to this the day before.
Yes, that's what I meant, I am assuming that Trump was baptized as an infant, Marla, presumably baptized at some point in her life (whether she was when she and Trump married, I can't say), therefore even at the very least, they would have a natural marriage, and if both were baptized at the time of the marriage, a sacramental one.

Non-Catholics are not bound by canonical form for marriage, and if they were free to marry at the time of the wedding, it is presumed to be valid unless proven otherwise.
It makes sense that God would spare a man who is trying to save/restore/rehabilitate his country, and much of what Trump stands for is the same as what Jesus stands for: peace, being one of those things-- LIFE being another.
Two things. One, Jesus died for those things and two, it is antichrist that is associated with miraculous events in eshatology.

2Thess2:9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with how Satan works. He will use all sorts of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie,

Hence it will always be risky to start speculating on miracles to affirm our political agenda.
Well, I don't know if I should say where I am at on this issue of possible Divine Intervention.

I was wanting other people's thoughts on the matter, but I have made up my mind. I will go ahead and say it

I saw God intervening. If Trump had not turned his head slightly as he did, and WHEN he did, he would be GONE.

So some other person elsewhere said something like: Oh, Trump thinks God intervened for him, but I guess not for the man who was killed?

I responded by saying that no one can figure God out (or something to that effect). AND the guy who was killed could have been prepared quite well to meet Jesus. He went to "church" every Sunday (not sure if P or C church, and yeh, I know, there is only one Church)

It makes sense that God would spare a man who is trying to save/restore/rehabilitate his country, and much of what Trump stands for is the same as what Jesus stands for: peace, being one of those things-- LIFE being another.
Now you know what "triggered" is.
I'm 99% certain you are wrong. And I'm rarely 99% certain of anything..
Then why did you ask the question?

Those of us who see this level of hero-worship for the pernicious action that it is simply won't be able to accept your narrative of divine intervention.
Then why did you ask the question?

Those of us who see this level of hero-worship for the pernicious action that it is simply won't be able to accept your narrative of divine intervention.
Not to "white knight" here, but whether Trump was spared by divine intervention --- and I think he was --- is a different matter from positing the purpose for which he was spared. Maybe it was to convey divine blessing for Trump's campaign, or maybe it was just because it was in the best interests of Trump's soul (which may be in grave jeopardy) for this to be "not his time to go". As to the brave man who shielded his family and ended up getting killed, from all indications he was an honorable family man and a faithful Christian (not going to get into whether he had left the Catholic Church for a Protestant body, I don't have enough information to know one way or the other), so maybe it was "his time to go".
Officials watched the "troubled loner" wander around the building for TWO HOURS. Those charged with an individual's safety, were neither secret nor did they serve. Their failure is both cultural and systemic.
Officials watched the "troubled loner" wander around the building for TWO HOURS. Those charged with an individual's safety, were neither secret nor did they serve. Their failure is both cultural and systemic.
So much about all of this that is unexplained.
Not to "white knight" here, but whether Trump was spared by divine intervention --- and I think he was ---
Some of the world's most brutal dictators have survived multiple assassination attempts. Was that also a case of divine intervention?

The truth is that there's no point in speculating on God's ways. Or you might simply consider that just because somebody was "divinely spared" doesn't automatically mean that they're divinely slated "to save the USA," to quote the thread title.

In the meantime, listen to Trump's attitude toward the disabled, as exemplified by wishing his own nephew's death, and tell me precisely how this man comes even close to representing Catholic teaching on life issues.
With this mentality, he's endangering our country, not saving it.
Some of the world's most brutal dictators have survived multiple assassination attempts. Was that also a case of divine intervention?

The truth is that there's no point in speculating on God's ways. Or you might simply consider that just because somebody was "divinely spared" doesn't automatically mean that they're divinely slated "to save the USA," to quote the thread title.

In the meantime, listen to Trump's attitude toward the disabled, as exemplified by wishing his own nephew's death, and tell me precisely how this man comes even close to representing Catholic teaching on life issues.
With this mentality, he's endangering our country, not saving it.

I cannot say. They very well could have been.

And I was clear that just because Trump may have been saved by divine intervention, that does not necessarily mean that he was spared with the intention of allowing him to be elected.

As to life issues, Trump is far from perfect, but he does have the legacy of having nominated three Supreme Court Justices who were the deciding factor in overturning Roe v Wade, something that Harris wants to reverse by enacting laws to codify abortion rights. Even Ruth Bader Ginsburg maintained that Roe was a flawed decision. His flaws, some of them very serious, notwithstanding, Trump is IMO by far the lesser of two evils. And Kamala Harris visited an abortion clinic and much publicity was made of it. I really have to doubt that Biden would have been that brazen.

I really don't think Trump favors abortion, he is just yielding to the realpolitik that there is not a nationwide consensus on abortion that does not admit of exceptions.
I cannot say. They very well could have been.

And I was clear that just because Trump may have been saved by divine intervention, that does not necessarily mean that he was spared with the intention of allowing him to be elected.
Apologies - I was muddling your responses with the OPs posts. Recall that this thread takes the assumption that Trump was spared by God to "save the USA." But Trump's remarks about his disabled relative embody all that is evil about our culture of death . . . and they're in no way indicative of a man who's going to "save" us.

As to the rest, the lesser of two evils is still evil. And it's ridiculous that Catholics feel compelled to select a candidate based on which one will potentially yield a lower corpse count.

I'm done with it. If the Republicans want to earn my vote, they can run a better candidate. Ditto the Democrats. I'm sick of - and done with - wasting my conscience at the polls.
Apologies - I was muddling your responses with the OPs posts. Recall that this thread takes the assumption that Trump was spared by God to "save the USA." But Trump's remarks about his disabled relative embody all that is evil about our culture of death . . . and they're in no way indicative of a man who's going to "save" us.

As to the rest, the lesser of two evils is still evil. And it's ridiculous that Catholics feel compelled to select a candidate based on which one will potentially yield a lower corpse count.

I'm done with it. If the Republicans want to earn my vote, they can run a better candidate. Ditto the Democrats. I'm sick of - and done with - wasting my conscience at the polls.

It would violate my conscience not to mitigate the evil with the less-bad choice.

The mainstream media is on a sugar high right now over Kamala Harris. This may pass.