Do you/would you carry a concealed firearm to Mass?

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Most shootings happen because of
  1. Drugs
  2. Domestic violence
  3. Gangs
  4. Gun control
  5. Gun-free zones
Avoid those things and avoid drama and your chances of getting shot tumble.
You forgot to mention; most shootings happen because people have guns. Americans live in fear of each other, and fear is an absence of love.

If we obeyed the greatest commandments, there would be no shootings.
Do you support the military? do you think the military should have guns and know how to shoot? Why do you put your faith in the USA military?
God Bless You

Thank you for reading.
Ok, the military should have guns, but politicians seem to delight in unjust wars.
On Long Island, New York, A Catholic priest and I believe two parishioners were killed during mass by a gunman. He was tackled by an off duty police officer if I remember correctly.

It happened in 2003
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I do not own a Gun. So for me no I would not carry a concealed firearm to Mass. I just do not fell the need to own one. That being said…you have not lived if you have never fired a 50 cal…
I would like to see better gun control and more outreach to the mentally ill and support for families in turmoil.

But we have alway had all these things and mass shootings were never this frequent. More is involved.

“The theories of the French sociologist Emile Durkheim may give us a deeper understanding of how certain cultural factors contribute to mental illness. In a classical study he found that suicides were much more frequent in individualistic societies, which are characterized by a lower degree of social integration, compared to more collectivistic societies. A person who is poorly socially integrated has a high risk of becoming a lone wolf, which may be a more common problem attributable to individualistic societies. Mass murderers are often isolated individuals that over time have built up aggression towards to the society they feel disconnected from.”

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There are a LOT of families on the brink, isolated and with poor or no social supports or safety nets. And it’s not just the poor, either.

Sometimes the parents are lacking social skill, and don’t make friends, sometimes they wind up in a neighborhood where all the cliques are established and not taking new members, or a neighborhood where nobody reaches out, ever. Or they work weird hours at variance with everybody else.
Then throw in some stressor, like a struggling child, or an illness, or job loss or too many griefs in too short a time.

The problem with official social outreach is that if feels punitive and judgy. A family that is already buckling down and trying their best to get through the day will not feel too great if some social workers show up at the door to “fix” them. There’s a pretty good risk of making things worse.

I know this is off topic for the thread…
Jesus instructs his followers to carry swords.
And what did Jesus say when the sword was actually used?
"He said to them, ‘But now one who has a money bag should take it, and likewise a sack, and one who does not have a sword should sell his cloak and buy one.’ " (Luke 22:36).
Mat 26:52 Then Jesus saith to him: Put up again thy sword into its place: for all that take the sword shall perish with the sword.
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"He said to them, ‘But now one who has a money bag should take it, and likewise a sack, and one who does not have a sword should sell his cloak and buy one.’ " (Luke 22:36).
This seems to a selective translation.

This verse comes under the section “Scripture Must Be Fulfilled in Jesus” and is always taken out of context. Just as it has been taken out of context here. Is this not what we accuse Protestants of doing?

The Section in it’s entirety:
Scripture Must Be Fulfilled in Jesus
Luk 22:35 And he said to them, ‘When I sent you without bag, and scrip, and sandals, did ye lack anything?’ and they said, ‘Nothing.’
Luk 22:36 Then said he to them, ‘But, now, he who is having a bag, let him take it up, and in like manner also a scrip; and he who is not having, let him sell his garment, and buy a sword,
Luk 22:37 for I say to you, that yet this that hath been written it behoveth to be fulfilled in me: And with lawless ones he was reckoned, for also the things concerning me have an end.’
Luk 22:38 And they said, ‘Sir, lo, here are two swords;’ and he said to them, ‘It is sufficient.’
Those who interpret Luke 22:35,36, as a precept of our Saviour’s imposing a duty upon his disciples, or a counsel concerning the proviting arms which they might use for the protection and defence of themselves, will not only find a difficulty to reconcile their notion of it to several other precepts, and the will of God declared by the apostles’ practice, who never went about by force and arms to defend themselves in the first plantation and propagation of the gospel; but also to reconcile it to the last words of our Saviour, who said, when his disciples told him they had two swords, It is enough; which he would never have said, if he had intended any such thing; for two swords was much too little to have conquered that multitude of adversaries which the disciples of Christ were to meet with. Our Saviour doth doubtless speak in a figure, and all that he intends amounts but to this: Hitherto I have been with you, and you have had my special protection; though you went out without a purse or a scrip, yet you have wanted nothing; though you went without a sword, yet none did you any harm. But the time is now come, when the posture of your affairs will be much altered; your friends will be few, your enemies many, therefore you stand concerned to make as good preparation as you can do in those things that are consistent with the general precepts that I have given you. The tragedy will begin with me; for what is written of me must now be accomplished, Isaiah 53:12, He was numbered with the transgressors. I must be brought before magistrates as a common malefactor, and hanged on a cross between two thieves. And the things concerning me shall shortly have an end: you will next come upon the stage, and therefore prepare what in you lieth for the performance of your part.
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More commentary:
Luke 22:35-38. Coming danger, peculiar to Lk. There is danger ahead physically as well as morally. Jesus turns now to the physical side. What He says about a sword is not to be taken literally. It is a vivid way of intimating that the supreme crisis is at hand = the enemy approaches, prepare!
Buy a Sword (22:36b)

The hard part of this passage to understand is Jesus’ directive to purchase a sword. The noun “sword” is Greek machaira, "a relatively short sword or other sharp instrument, ‘sword, dagger.’ "[3] This isn’t a soldiers long sword, but a small sword, the handgun of the ancient world. The problem we have is that elsewhere Jesus decries violence. Does he mean this literally or figuratively? We’ll examine that in a moment.

First, let’s see what he does say:

“If you don’t have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.” (22:36b)

“Cloak” (NIV) or “garment” (KJV) translates the Greek noun himation, “outer garment,”[4] a garment of prime importance to travelers to keep them from the chill of the night. Notice how emphatic this clause is. Marshall says: “A garment for wear at night was an utter necessity; to give it up for a sword implies that dire circumstances are at hand… The saying is a call to be ready for hardship and self-sacrifice.”[5]

Why, then, is a sword of more importance than keeping warm at night? We have two choices:

1.Jesus means for his disciples literally to carry a sword on their journeys for protection.

2.Jesus is speaking figuratively and doesn’t really mean for his disciples to be armed on their journeys.

Many commentators see Jesus’ command to obtain a sword as figurative rather than literal. Schlatter says,
“Jesus was not speaking of increasing their weapons. But just because He was not thinking of their weapons, the disciples needed the courage which regards a sword as more necessary than a cloak, and which will surrender its last possession but cannot give up the fight.”
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