Thank you Fran!
Now, let’s look at that projection business again, shall we?
Do you love only the people that accept you?`
Now there’s a loaded question! So let me ask you:
What kind of love do you mean?? For the sake of time, I’ll answer.
Yes. I “love” only the people that accept me.
Now getting a bit deeper: I love everyone. I love humanity in general. You know the many quotes of space travellers seeing the earth from up there. One big planet, one big family. That’s where I’m at. I love all races. I see people more on the basis of whether or not they have some kind of divinity in them. I’m white. I’d rather be with a black woman who loves the Lord, than with a white woman who won’t acknowledge Him.
Now isn’t that generous of me?? Sorry I had to use that example.
So, although I love everyone, I don’t LIKE people whom I deem not to be nice, or who do not treat me well. Whether they accept me or not is a bit off topic. Who cares if not everyone accepts me. I could still like them.
Now this kind of goes back to God loving everyone, doesn’t it? Think of this. HIS righteousness is greater than mine! He judges on a smaller scale! Jesus said if you hate your brother you have already killed him. He’s more demanding! So, yeah, though He loves everyone, He does have His conditions, IF we are to go and be with Him.
I’m not projecting here, One Sheep. I know my theology.
I think David said it, but God wants to save everyone, in all the uses of the word “save”. Remember, Fran, we have the freedom to say “no” to God, and that is why we neither say that “all go to heaven” even if God would rather it be that way nor do we say “God sends someone to hell” because God sends no one there, it is their choice.
So, there are no conditions on God’s love, as David said. Salvation, whether it means salvation from slavery in this life or from alienation in the next, requires choice on the part of the individual. As Granny says, we have free will. What I am observing, though, is that people never knowingly and willingly make bad choices. All bad choices have lack of awareness and/or blindness as a crucial factor.
Do you mean King David or davidv? Just kidding.
Of course God wants to save everyone. But does everyone want to be saved?
If we are to choose, we are choosing a condition. Please study up on this. I teach bible study and there’s a fundamental misunderstanding here. The rest of your comments are too basic and rudementary and I feel like we’re trying to get beyond that.
I would like to say that, yes, people do make bad choices knowingly:
A pack of cigarettes:
(or something like that, I don’t smoke)
Is smoking anyway not an informed decision to smoke and take the chance of getting sick?? I mean, do we have no will at all?
What about if the child tortures his father and hangs him on a cross? Yet, there was not disowning; there was forgiveness.
It’s the other way around One Sheep. The Father put the Son on the cross. Or, He did it to Himself if you believe in the Holy Trinity. God Hmself redeemed us from sin and sins.
“Father forgive them for they know not what they do.”
WHAT didn’t they know? WHO was He speaking of?
Hey, I can’t answer ALL the questions! I don’t mind working, but you’re going to have to pitch in too! And, I’ll bet you know the answers.
Off to Lucca. Take care of yourself.
God bless you