Does any human ever knowingly and willingly reject God?

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You expect people to watch a 2 hour long You-Tube video ‘question’ because the debate ‘might be pertinent to the thread?’

Uh, tell you what. YOU just watched it, right? Why don’t you take about a dozen of the ‘salient points’ for either side, present them, and tell us your opinion of which one had the best factual support.

I don’t need to watch somebody’s opinion (even if it coincides with mine) about whether the Church ‘is’ or ‘is not’ a force for Good. I know the answer. It is. I’ve listened for FAR more than ‘2 hours’ worth of time to counterarguments and they haven’t swayed me yet. I suppose somebody who finds the Church the Evil Empire (sorry, Yankees fans) wouldn’t be swayed by a mere 2 hour presentation either, unless they absolutely had never, ever, EVER been exposed to real facts, which I find hard (but not impossible) to believe. So it would be nice if you (having watched it) gave us some idea of points, on either ‘side’ which you found compelling, new, worthwhile, or whatever.
Ok. I don’t expect anyone to watch it.

You said you don’t need anyone’s opinion, you know the answer. Far enough.
If anyone did want to watch it it may present to them people who reject God.

Hi Fran,

At the risk of turning this thread into something about homosexuality, which I do not want,I am going to go ahead and apply the premises I have already stated.

There is a place in heaven for everyone, everyone that chooses to be with God. God always forgives, remember? The “place” is there, the question is will they choose it? That is what brings us right back into this thread, does anyone ever knowingly and willingly reject God? Well, no, not in my observations.🙂

Did we ever finish Judas? The next question would be, “why could he not accept God’s forgiveness?” My suggested answer was, “Because he could not forgive himself”. Did that explanation work for you, or was it insufficient? Why, or why not?

(That last question reminded me of my teaching days:))

God Bless.
You ARE confusing One Sheep.

First you say God forgives everyone. Then you say:

“There is a place in heaven for everyone, everyone that chooses to be with God. God always forgives, remember? The “place” is there, the question is will they choose it?”

Okay. Now. What would one have to do to choose heaven and to be with God??

See O.S., no more examples from anyone. Because you reject each and every one. Because everyone EXCEPT YOU understands that God can be knowingly and willingly rejected.

I’m wondering why it is that YOU don’t understand this?

Why are you so confused O.S. What do YOU want??

p.s. Please answer the highlighted question.
Maybe this debate would be pertinent to the thread, it is 2 hours long…
I’ve just watched it.

The theme/question is “Is the catholic church a force for Good in the world”
There’s something very strange about that debate…

On the one side, two very vocal and educated british atheists. One a journalist, the other an actor.

On the other, a nigerian archbishop and a conservative MP.
Was there no other archbishop available? One from the UK? One from Europe? One who could manipulate the english language as well as the two atheists?
The conservative MP… just sounds strident and out of place.

Just in terms of presence, there’s a clear advantage for one side.
2 hours of weak arguments easily bashed by the other side is no fun.
Ola’ pocaracas, (hey, it’s a start)
Olá, Olá! 🙂
You are presenting here exactly what this thread is meant to address. A monster? Well, “monster” is the word we use to describe what we see as inhuman, of which such seeing/perception is a function of the conscience. We condemn an action, and the perpetrator is automatically dehumanized in the mind. A cannibal? Cannibalism is mostly cultural, but the killing of outgroup members is a human thing, the outgroup members are not valued. So, the killing is of no consequence in their minds. And then, why waste all that food?

Now, let’s take the example of, say, the guy that went into that Amish school and blasted a bunch of kids, then killed himself. Is that a pretty close example to what you are talking about? Either way, there is an answer to the question:

Why did he kill the children? What did he want?
Yes, the inhuman monster, in a human guise. Can such a human be forgiven?
Why are they like that?
Are they not knowing something? Or are they knowing something extra? Or are they knowing something very skewed?
Is being convinced of something which is not accurate a form of “not knowing”?

What do they want?
Revenge? against society?
Exactly. Rejection of God is not the same as rejection of belief in God.
Good to know! 🙂
My faith has more to do with the experience of God in a carnation or in seeing a mother with a small child. It’s not a head-thing, it is more of a relationship with creation itself.
Sounds good…
I see all those, but cannot posit a god in them.
I actually cannot do it. Can you believe it? I can imagine it… imagine your view where an underlying entity is controlling all of its creation… but I can’t take it as a serious description of the reality around us.
I am unable to believe and have faith like you do.

This, to me, is the reason why arguments like Pascal’s Wager fail. At best, I can pretend belief… but no god should accept that.
Thanks pocaracas, all good stuff.
Sometimes, I feel like we should get a thread with no defined topic - just a general discussion where we expose our ways of looking at the world as a whole and also how we interpret some special details which arise from the conversation. A sharing of experiences, of information, of interpretation, of curiosities… how your belief in the existence of god shapes your interpretations… and how my lack of such belief shapes my interpretation. Of course, all members of the forum would be welcome… Always with the caveat that each individual’s should be taken as just that - individual view. I know that atheists are like a herd of cats… I assume catholics also have their individual differences, even if the main stuff is all alike.
Maybe this debate would be pertinent to the thread, it is 2 hours long…
I’ve just watched it.

The theme/question is “Is the catholic church a force for Good in the world”
Hi Simpleas,

So, I listened to part of the first retort. So, which party are you saying may be knowingly and willingly rejecting God, the fellow delivering the retort against the Church, or the examples of all the people for which JP II apologized for ? (silence on the slave trade, torture, etc etc.)
You ARE confusing One Sheep.

First you say God forgives everyone. Then you say:

“There is a place in heaven for everyone, everyone that chooses to be with God. God always forgives, remember? The “place” is there, the question is will they choose it?”

Okay. Now. What would one have to do to choose heaven and to be with God??
Good Morning Fran,

Do to choose? I’m confused by your question… A choice is a “do”. A person chooses God. She says “yes”. Would you turn down someone who says “yes” to you? Let’s take it a step further, if a person said “no” to you, and you loved her, would you not do everything in your power to show her a better choice? And if your power was infinite, that would be a great deal of power!

God is always waiting for us, he always understands us, he always forgives us.

Pope Francis

Do you see the simplicity of the words? There are no conditions. Always. Always.
See O.S., no more examples from anyone. Because you reject each and every one. Because everyone EXCEPT YOU understands that God can be knowingly and willingly rejected.
I’m wondering why it is that YOU don’t understand this?
Why are you so confused O.S. What do YOU want??
I am not confused in my own view of God. I find your questions a little confusing though.🙂 Fran, you haven’t answered when I explained how the woman who wants an abortion and Judas did not knowingly and willingly reject God. So please, either counter my explanation, find my error, or concede that you cannot come up with how they are still K&WRG.

It is an observation, Fran. Explain the error in my observation, please? Do you see how patient I am?

And note: there have been several posters who simply provided their own observations in agreement to my own and left. So please, for all of us, explain my error concerning Judas or the woman.


Oh yeah: What do I want? I want everyone to forgive everyone they hold anything against. I want global reconciliation. Big goals, eh?
Olá, Olá! 🙂
Yes, the inhuman monster, in a human guise. Can such a human be forgiven?
Why are they like that?
Are they not knowing something? Or are they knowing something extra? Or are they knowing something very skewed?
Is being convinced of something which is not accurate a form of “not knowing”?

Yes, such a human can be forgiven. It starts with understanding, and making a lot of painful admissions. I can honestly tell you that I could do all the most horrible things you can think of and tell you why I would do it, where my “knowingly and willingly” would fall short. Understanding is a matter of transcending one’s “shadow”, one’s conscience. It involves some painful objectivity.

Are they not knowing something? Yes, absolutely. Are they knowing something extra? Well, if that is the case, the relevant “knowing” if a falsehood. Yes, being convinced of something inaccurate is definitely “not knowing”, right? The people who hung Jesus were convinced that Jesus was a monster (of sorts). He was dehumanized/demonized in their minds.
What do they want?
Revenge? against society?
It is best to go with our “guesses” because these guesses go directly to the part of ourselves that we may resent. For example, how do you feel about the human compulsion to punish what we see as wrong?

Revenge may have been part of the motive, see the last line:

Taking revenge against God, would that be because he perceived that God instilled in him a desire to molest children? This was a man with some serious problems, serious disorder.

Did you know that there is a case where a brain tumor caused a person to want to be intimate with children? It is very bizarre. They extracted the tumor, and the drive went away. Later, he began looking at child porn again. The tumor had grown back.

Do you understand the killer? Can you forgive him? Or is there something lingering, more resentment to address? After all, when we say someone is a monster, we are expressing some resentment, right?
Sounds good…
I see all those, but cannot posit a god in them.
I actually cannot do it. Can you believe it? I can imagine it… imagine your view where an underlying entity is controlling all of its creation… but I can’t take it as a serious description of the reality around us.
I am unable to believe and have faith like you do.
This, to me, is the reason why arguments like Pascal’s Wager fail. At best, I can pretend belief… but no god should accept that.
I had to look it up. Are you addressing the tradional epistemic argument?

I speak from the position of someone who humbly can only speak for himself, thus my moniker in this forum. Yes, for me there is somewhat a traditional aspect, but only because of the experience of beauty and in contemplative prayer. No proof whatsoever in a scientific sense. Is faith good for me? Yes, because the journey has led to an inner reconciliation, a transcendence of my mind. In addition, though you seem to pooh-pooh an afterlife, I really want to see some folks again, and when we want something badly, we can believe almost anything. I make no apologies for that apparent justification for self-delusion. Again, that is only part of it. Faith sustains me today, in the here and now, and I have bought into Jesus’ vision of the Kingdom, beginning with forgiveness, and His forgiveness of the unrepentant from the cross is a huge thing for me.

But I go back to Life of Pi. When absolutely nothing can be scientifically proven, why not pick a better story? I am seeing that you have picked a better story, and that’s all okay, so have I.🙂

The bit about the details of the “wager”? Pascal was a genius, I know that, but when one of the possibilities is “infinite punishment”, well, I have a different view of God. I disagree with Pascal on that count, but I do believe that there is a place in Catholicism for belief in “infinite punishment” (the “first alternative”, do you remember the alternatives I presented in the middle age of this thread?) because it is very “organic”. It is a view that is a logical conclusion for a person who believes in heaven as “reward”, and that there ought to be a place of punishment. This is exactly the way our conscience operates. After all, one organically concludes, the worst of behaviors deserves the worst of punishment, right? And “those monsters cannot possibly be going to the same place I am.”

This is the way our conscience operates. When we do good, we get a shot of “happy” neurotransmission, there is a bit of elation. When we do bad, we get a shot of the opposite (we feel guilt). It is hard-wired. So, naturally the human is going to perceive an eternal punishment or eternal reward if they believe in some sort of afterlife.
Sometimes, I feel like we should get a thread with no defined topic - just a general discussion where we expose our ways of looking at the world as a whole and also how we interpret some special details which arise from the conversation. A sharing of experiences, of information, of interpretation, of curiosities… how your belief in the existence of god shapes your interpretations… and how my lack of such belief shapes my interpretation. Of course, all members of the forum would be welcome… Always with the caveat that each individual’s should be taken as just that - individual view. I know that atheists are like a herd of cats… I assume catholics also have their individual differences, even if the main stuff is all alike.
até tarde:)
Oi! Tudo bem?

Yes, such a human can be forgiven. It starts with understanding, and making a lot of painful admissions. I can honestly tell you that I could do all the most horrible things you can think of and tell you why I would do it, where my “knowingly and willingly” would fall short. Understanding is a matter of transcending one’s “shadow”, one’s conscience. It involves some painful objectivity.

Are they not knowing something? Yes, absolutely. Are they knowing something extra? Well, if that is the case, the relevant “knowing” if a falsehood. Yes, being convinced of something inaccurate is definitely “not knowing”, right? The people who hung Jesus were convinced that Jesus was a monster (of sorts). He was dehumanized/demonized in their minds.
You know that the monster will usually not allow for any understanding… like your example, after killing everyone, he just killed himself. well, bollocks! Why didn’t he just start with that?
It is best to go with our “guesses” because these guesses go directly to the part of ourselves that we may resent. For example, how do you feel about the human compulsion to punish what we see as wrong?

Revenge may have been part of the motive, see the last line:

Taking revenge against God, would that be because he perceived that God instilled in him a desire to molest children? This was a man with some serious problems, serious disorder.
Some people are messed up… monsters… can we understand them? maybe… some…
Can we forgive them? Depends on what triggered the monstrosities…
Like you said… if it’s caused by a tumor, then it was beyond the person’s ability to control it…
However, if, like some say, our brains are deterministic, then he really didn’t have a choice… however, the concept of choice becomes a bit muddled. But it does make understanding them a bit more realistic.
I had to look it up. Are you addressing the tradional epistemic argument?
Yes, that very same one.
I thought it was common knowledge to everyone on an online forum dedicated to religion. 😉
I speak from the position of someone who humbly can only speak for himself, thus my moniker in this forum.
You’ll notice I like to be rather specific on that topic… sometimes, I say “some people”, meaning that I know of others who hold that view and I may or may not be included; and then, sometimes, I say “I”…erm… meaning me.
Yes, for me there is somewhat a traditional aspect, but only because of the experience of beauty and in contemplative prayer. No proof whatsoever in a scientific sense. Is faith good for me? Yes, because the journey has led to an inner reconciliation, a transcendence of my mind. In addition, though you seem to pooh-pooh an afterlife, I really want to see some folks again, and when we want something badly, we can believe almost anything. I make no apologies for that apparent justification for self-delusion. Again, that is only part of it. Faith sustains me today, in the here and now, and I have bought into Jesus’ vision of the Kingdom, beginning with forgiveness, and His forgiveness of the unrepentant from the cross is a huge thing for me.

But I go back to Life of Pi. When absolutely nothing can be scientifically proven, why not pick a better story? I am seeing that you have picked a better story, and that’s all okay, so have I.🙂
Good. Keep it close. It’s precious.
That belief helps you succeed, helps you be a better person.

Personally, I don’t know how much better I could be… I take humanity at face value, try to see the good in everyone, but be wary of those who may take advantage of that.
The usual…
The bit about the details of the “wager”? Pascal was a genius, I know that, but when one of the possibilities is “infinite punishment”, well, I have a different view of God. I disagree with Pascal on that count, but I do believe that there is a place in Catholicism for belief in “infinite punishment” (the “first alternative”, do you remember the alternatives I presented in the middle age of this thread?) because it is very “organic”. It is a view that is a logical conclusion for a person who believes in heaven as “reward”, and that there ought to be a place of punishment. This is exactly the way our conscience operates. After all, one organically concludes, the worst of behaviors deserves the worst of punishment, right? And “those monsters cannot possibly be going to the same place I am.”

This is the way our conscience operates. When we do good, we get a shot of “happy” neurotransmission, there is a bit of elation. When we do bad, we get a shot of the opposite (we feel guilt). It is hard-wired. So, naturally the human is going to perceive an eternal punishment or eternal reward if they believe in some sort of afterlife.
That’s reminiscent of what I wrote yesterday(?) about us humans wanting such an afterlife to be real… so much that, at some point, some people must have claimed that it was indeed a real thing… and now people still believe it is a real thing… people want to believe… like Fox Mulder (now that X-files are coming back…)
até tarde:)
See you (sending you the full version of this bit as a PM)
There’s something very strange about that debate…

On the one side, two very vocal and educated british atheists. One a journalist, the other an actor.

On the other, a nigerian archbishop and a conservative MP.
Was there no other archbishop available? One from the UK? One from Europe? One who could manipulate the english language as well as the two atheists?
The conservative MP… just sounds strident and out of place.

Just in terms of presence, there’s a clear advantage for one side.
2 hours of weak arguments easily bashed by the other side is no fun.
Well an archbishop is a good educated person, but I do think that the language barrier didn’t help him to give clear answers. I thought the MP did rather well in responding to the claims by the atheists.

Hi Simpleas,

So, I listened to part of the first retort. So, which party are you saying may be knowingly and willingly rejecting God, the fellow delivering the retort against the Church, or the examples of all the people for which JP II apologized for ? (silence on the slave trade, torture, etc etc.)
Pretty much the two gentleman against the church. Although you don’t need to believe in Catholicism to believe in God, they knew much about what the church teaches and are very much against it in this day and age.
They were quite good at showing up how slow the church can be when there is need to correct a wrong done by it’s own ministers.
They brought the past up a lot, which to some doesn’t seem relevent nowadays, but one does wonder why the church was so “strict” in not allowing freedom of speech.
What fry say’s at the end in his conclusion about Jesus, if he turned up today he would not get over the threshold of a church (words to the effect) may have been true of the past, but I think with pope Francis’ teachings and people being more welcoming in some parishes, he got that wrong.
Pretty much the two gentleman against the church. Although you don’t need to believe in Catholicism to believe in God, they knew much about what the church teaches and are very much against it in this day and age.
So, the first question is, “why are they against the Church?”. If they are seeing the Church as an “evil” institution, then they are believing a falsehood, right? Belief of a falsehood is not “knowingly” rejecting God.
They were quite good at showing up how slow the church can be when there is need to correct a wrong done by it’s own ministers.
They brought the past up a lot, which to some doesn’t seem relevent nowadays, but one does wonder why the church was so “strict” in not allowing freedom of speech.
Yes, one wonders today. Like, why can’t people talk about women being priests on this forum? I’m still open-minded about it, but even my open-mindedness gets shouted down. People’s belief systems are so tightly held - its like people for the law, instead of law for the people. Before Pope Francis, I remember a bishop in Australia was reprimanded for wanting to have a dialog about married priests. Ridiculous. Priests were allowed to be married for at least the first 1000 years of Church history.
What fry say’s at the end in his conclusion about Jesus, if he turned up today he would not get over the threshold of a church (words to the effect) may have been true of the past, but I think with pope Francis’ teachings and people being more welcoming in some parishes, he got that wrong.
I did not see much of the video, it is comments from Fry like that which indicate that he does indeed know something of the love of Christ, but he is rejecting the Church as representing or promoting Jesus in a real way. Again, I don’t see this as K&WRG, do you? If so, in what way?
Oi! Tudo bem?

You know that the monster will usually not allow for any understanding… like your example, after killing everyone, he just killed himself. well, bollocks! Why didn’t he just start with that?
What an excellent question! Why didn’t he start with that? Well, I think to myself, if I were in his mental state, why would I molest, then plan to kill myself afterward? First of all, to understand him I am eliminating the value of the children. To him, their value was insignificant, their value was in the way he could manipulate/destroy them to satisfy his need for control or revenge. He did the killings out of revenge and probably control issues, that was his goal, that’s it. He was set out to “settle the score” in some way, but did not want to live the aftermath. The revenge became the sole purpose of his life.

Have you got a better answer? Or, does that answer fall short?
Some people are messed up… monsters… can we understand them? maybe… some…
Can we forgive them? Depends on what triggered the monstrosities…
Like you said… if it’s caused by a tumor, then it was beyond the person’s ability to control it…
However, if, like some say, our brains are deterministic, then he really didn’t have a choice… however, the concept of choice becomes a bit muddled. But it does make understanding them a bit more realistic.
Ah, but that is exactly what this thread is about, to understand all the possibilities of what could trigger the monstrosities! Once we have gone through every possibility, we are done. The list is finite, it actually does not take long, I promise. It seems like an impossible task, because we are talking about going into the unknown, and an unknown by nature is an infinite unknown. But I stand to witness that the list is finite.

So, what might have triggered the monstrosity that you could not understand/forgive?
Good. Keep it close. It’s precious.
That belief helps you succeed, helps you be a better person.
Personally, I don’t know how much better I could be… I take humanity at face value, try to see the good in everyone, but be wary of those who may take advantage of that.
The usual…
Yes, it helps me be a better person. Perfection is a long way off, I don’t give enough to those who are disadvantaged. I’m doing more now, though.

ate’ tarde, a carro



e si, tutto bene, todo esta bien. El espanol es cercita, verdad? Es mi segundo idioma. Ellos dicen, "El portugues es el espanol con un “sh”. Otras dicen “con un thpptf”. 🙂
What an excellent question! Why didn’t he start with that? Well, I think to myself, if I were in his mental state, why would I molest, then plan to kill myself afterward? First of all, to understand him I am eliminating the value of the children. To him, their value was insignificant, their value was in the way he could manipulate/destroy them to satisfy his need for control or revenge. He did the killings out of revenge and probably control issues, that was his goal, that’s it. He was set out to “settle the score” in some way, but did not want to live the aftermath. The revenge became the sole purpose of his life.

Have you got a better answer? Or, does that answer fall short?
I guess we’ll have to live with that one…
Ah, but that is exactly what this thread is about, to understand all the possibilities of what could trigger the monstrosities! Once we have gone through every possibility, we are done. The list is finite, it actually does not take long, I promise. It seems like an impossible task, because we are talking about going into the unknown, and an unknown by nature is an infinite unknown. But I stand to witness that the list is finite.

So, what might have triggered the monstrosity that you could not understand/forgive?
The lack of consideration for the lives of others, first hand. He could just stand there in front of those kids, have his way and not care about the consequences… to himself?.. well, it seems he already knew he was going to die… to the kids, he simply didn’t care.
Reminds me of Freddy Krueger - the monster that haunted many of my childhood nights…
Yes, it helps me be a better person. Perfection is a long way off, I don’t give enough to those who are disadvantaged. I’m doing more now, though.
Is that what constitutes “better”? giving to the disadvantaged?
ate’ tarde, a carro



e si, tutto bene, todo esta bien. El espanol es cercita, verdad? Es mi segundo idioma. Ellos dicen, "El portugues es el espanol con un “sh”. Otras dicen “con un thpptf”. 🙂
oh, you…
Si, español es cercita (whatever cercita means… I’m guessing “close”).
Don’t tell them this, but spanish sounds a lot like arabic: habla habla habla habla 😛
People usually claim that portuguese sounds a bit like russian.

I guess we’ll have to live with that one…
Good Morning,

Hey, no reason to “go with it”. The question is, can you see yourself in his shoes, being that blind, carrying out those deeds? If not, there is more ground to cover.
The lack of consideration for the lives of others, first hand. He could just stand there in front of those kids, have his way and not care about the consequences… to himself?.. well, it seems he already knew he was going to die… to the kids, he simply didn’t care.
Reminds me of Freddy Krueger - the monster that haunted many of my childhood nights…
The way I see, it is more than “he did not care” about the kids. It was more like he saw some benefit in their destruction. Here is time for a “painful admission”. Have you ever hated a person or group of people so much that you saw good in their destruction? Your mind may not allow you to go there, because there are some protection mechanisms not allowing this to surface. The admission is easier when we can answer the question concerning an antagonist in a movie, “the bad guys”. Did you want all the “bad guys” to die? Can you admit that the “dehumanization” happens in the mind? We are not the only species, there is evidence of it in chimpanzees. And of course, intraspecies murder is common in many mammals. To murder, our mind must first block out all empathy. It is an automatic occurrence in the mind.

Yes, I admit that it is very difficult to think of those little girls as “bad guys”, but something in his mind was not in order, for sure.
Is that what constitutes “better”? giving to the disadvantaged?
Yes, that is my “better” at this point.
oh, you…
Si, español es cercita (whatever cercita means… I’m guessing “close”).
Don’t tell them this, but spanish sounds a lot like arabic: habla habla habla habla 😛
People usually claim that portuguese sounds a bit like russian.
Do I hear a hint of some ingroup/outgroup thinking?🙂 Some day my wife and I want to walk El Camino, and go to Portugal, we can compare the tongues there. The Spanish I know as an employer, and from growing up as a minority in a mostly-Mexican-immigrant area of California. They are wonderful people, as are all of my Portuguese-immigrant friends (via Canada) who have done very well here.

BTW: the characterization of the Portuguese v. Spanish sound was told to me by the Portuguese immigrants (in humor). Mexican immigrants never hear any Portuguese spoken. We speak a lot of Spanish, and hopefully they eventually learn English.

ate’ logo!🙂
Good Morning Fran,

Do to choose? I’m confused by your question… A choice is a “do”. A person chooses God. She says “yes”. Would you turn down someone who says “yes” to you? Let’s take it a step further, if a person said “no” to you, and you loved her, would you not do everything in your power to show her a better choice? And if your power was infinite, that would be a great deal of power!
If you cannot K&W reject God, then you cannot K&W accept God. So how do you K&W accept God? That was my question. By accepting Him in your heart O.S. And if you accept God in your heart you have knowingly accepted Him and are on your way to heaven. Of course, this means you can also knowingly NOT accept Him. Have you heard of ying and yang?

If a person said Yes to me. Good. If a person said No to me I’d send my only begotten Son to them so He could explain the concept to them. Upon hearing No after He hung on a cross for that person, I’d give up on him. Unless they changed their mind at some future date, prior to their death.

So my power may be infinte, but so is the person’s capability to say No. And if you say it to an infinite power - all the worse.
God is always waiting for us, he always understands us, he always forgives us.
Pope Francis
Do you see the simplicity of the words? There are no conditions. Always. Always.
Maybe you make things too simple O.S. You’re agreeing with an atheist on many ideas. Do you not think it’s a bit dangerous to be spreading the idea that God accepts everything and we should spend our days trying to explain things to people based on our own beliefs? Is this what christianity is all about?

Isn’t the whole idea of speaking to an atheist the hope that maybe something will sink in and they could learn to KNOWINGLY AND WILLINGLY ACCEPT GOD? (that’s not screaming as I’ve learned on this internet, it’s accenting important words).
I am not confused in my own view of God. I find your questions a little confusing though.🙂 Fran, you haven’t answered when I explained how the woman who wants an abortion and Judas did not knowingly and willingly reject God. So please, either counter my explanation, find my error, or concede that you cannot come up with how they are still K&WRG.
It is an observation, Fran. Explain the error in my observation, please? Do you see how patient I am?
And note: there have been several posters who simply provided their own observations in agreement to my own and left. So please, for all of us, explain my error concerning Judas or the woman.
Oh yeah: What do I want? I want everyone to forgive everyone they hold anything against. I want global reconciliation. Big goals, eh?
Global reconciliation is a noble goal. My brother’s wife decided God called her to be a peacemaker, like in the beatitudes, about 10 years ago. It caused much strife in our family. I think she misunderstood God. She has since calmed down, maybe due to age and maturity. I certainly hope you’ve not misunderstood God.

So now, before I go, I’d like to say that I’ve always said I don’t fully understand the forgiveness concept. But I know that I can only forgive those who have hurt me in this christian concept. I can’t forgive Mary down the block because she hurt Betty. Betty will have to do that. And if I don’t forgive someone, I know it hinders God somehow, but it certainly does not hinder Him from forgiving that person and getting them to heaven.


And heaven is not a reward O.S. It’s a continuation of life down here. You yourself said that the Kingdom of God starts here. A correct christian concept. So let’s see:
Hitler is going to continue his life - will it be with God?
Ted Bundy is going to continue his life - will it be with God?
Mr. Dawkins is going to continue his life - will it be with God?
Mary is going to continue her life - will it be with God?

How does one go to be with a God they don’t knowingly accept?

It does seem that you’re saying that I should forgive everyone as God forgives everyone. My christian religion teaches me that God doesn’t forgive everyone. Only those that have repented and are willing to convert. Repent: Change direction - from away from God towards God.

And re putting God in a box. Here’s how out of the box He is for me:
There’s this big giant book. Each of us has a chapter in it. We’re all part of a big something. There’s this power that encompasses all. It’s a good power. But, lo and behold, there does seem to be an evil power too. Can it be that there are two Gods? Can the other power be called satan? Who can understand it all?

But a choice must be made to follow one or the other of those two powers. Yes. A choice must be made. A knowing choice. Because if it’s not knowing, it can’t be a choice. And most of us here have a brain capable of making that choice. Even if there is some piece of informaton missing, as you would say.

You say the God of the O.T. is the same as the God of the N.T., so please check out:

Numbers 15:27-31
Is defiantly the same as knowingly? I think so.

Deuteronomy 30:15-18
Joshua 24:14-15
Jeremiah 25:4-7
Isaiah 55:6
Mathew 7:13-14
Mathew 27:3-5
Mark 16:16
John 3:16
John 8:44
John 12:48
Acts 22:16
Romans 1:18
Romans 6:23
Romans 8:2
2 Corinthians 6:9-11
2 Timothy 4:3

Now the list could go on. It is so apparent from reading scripture that proof texts should not even be necessary.

The list is not for you because your mind is made up, and you know scripture, but for anyone following along whom you have confused with this idea of yours- which I THINK is that God just forgives everyone as we should forgive everyone because we’re all missing some piece of information.

So we’re imperfect and will not be forgiving everyone. But God is perfect and He will forgive IF we ask for it, knowingly.

Picking up where I left off on post #524.😃
This is the way our conscience operates. When we do good, we get a shot of “happy” neurotransmission, there is a bit of elation. When we do bad, we get a shot of the opposite (we feel guilt). It is hard-wired. So, naturally the human is going to perceive an eternal punishment or eternal reward if they believe in some sort of afterlife.
A person doesn’t look at life that way as far as I am concerned, considering I’ve lived over 60 years and know myself and friends and family.😛 OneSheep, the way you think is not the same way I think. I may at times have a bad hair day. I don’t equate doing a bad thing when I eat a extra slice of my favorite piece of cake nor do I feel quilt for doing so. I just exercise a bit more the next day. Makes me feel great. And I must say I don’t spend much time on the “internet” because I’m enjoying running around doing my own thing(s) outside of the internet. 😃

You take care Dearie. Remember life is worth living! 👍
So, the first question is, “why are they against the Church?”. If they are seeing the Church as an “evil” institution, then they are believing a falsehood, right? Belief of a falsehood is not “knowingly” rejecting God.

Yes, one wonders today. Like, why can’t people talk about women being priests on this forum? I’m still open-minded about it, but even my open-mindedness gets shouted down. People’s belief systems are so tightly held - its like people for the law, instead of law for the people. Before Pope Francis, I remember a bishop in Australia was reprimanded for wanting to have a dialog about married priests. Ridiculous. Priests were allowed to be married for at least the first 1000 years of Church history.

I did not see much of the video, it is comments from Fry like that which indicate that he does indeed know something of the love of Christ, but he is rejecting the Church as representing or promoting Jesus in a real way. Again, I don’t see this as K&WRG, do you? If so, in what way?
I don’t think they are seeing the Church as an “evil” institution, they just don’t like the control it has over peoples lives. Like not allowing people to think for themselves in some situations in life, that a fear has to be installed into people, a threat of eternal damnation if they don’t live as they are told.

Well some people would say that they have an intelligence and are pretty clued up on what the church says, but they willingly and knowingly reject the church and God by using their own thinking on how they will conduct their own lives.

I think they may say they K&W do this, because they don’t need the comfort of knowing God, and they may not believe in a creator at all, so they aren’t rejecting a creator, just a man made religion.
I don’t think they are seeing the Church as an “evil” institution, they just don’t like the control it has over peoples lives.
What control does the Church have over peoples lives? Everyone has the freedom of will disregard anything and everything that the Church teaches.
Like not allowing people to think for themselves in some situations in life, that a fear has to be installed into people, a threat of eternal damnation if they don’t live as they are told.
What thinking does the Church do for anyone? Everyone is free to think anything they want, including whether there is an afterlife to worry about.
Well some people would say that they have an intelligence and are pretty clued up on what the church says, but they willingly and knowingly reject the church and God by using their own thinking on how they will conduct their own lives.

I think they may say they K&W do this, because they don’t need the comfort of knowing God, and they may not believe in a creator at all, so they aren’t rejecting a creator, just a man made religion.
What if there really is a creator, and they reject him? How is this the rejection of a man made religion.
Good evening,
Good Morning,

Hey, no reason to “go with it”. The question is, can you see yourself in his shoes, being that blind, carrying out those deeds? If not, there is more ground to cover.
No, I can’t…
Something terribly wrong must have been going on in that mind…
I do know that it is possible to have your moral center disconnected… do you know the tale of Phineas Cage?
He lost a piece of his brain in an accident, survived, but wasn’t the same person…
The way I see, it is more than “he did not care” about the kids. It was more like he saw some benefit in their destruction. Here is time for a “painful admission”. Have you ever hated a person or group of people so much that you saw good in their destruction? Your mind may not allow you to go there, because there are some protection mechanisms not allowing this to surface. The admission is easier when we can answer the question concerning an antagonist in a movie, “the bad guys”. Did you want all the “bad guys” to die? Can you admit that the “dehumanization” happens in the mind? We are not the only species, there is evidence of it in chimpanzees. And of course, intraspecies murder is common in many mammals. To murder, our mind must first block out all empathy. It is an automatic occurrence in the mind.

Yes, I admit that it is very difficult to think of those little girls as “bad guys”, but something in his mind was not in order, for sure.
I can see monsters, like ISIS, as providing some benefit from their death…
But normal people going about their normal peaceful lives?.. I just can’t wrap my head around that…
Do I hear a hint of some ingroup/outgroup thinking?🙂
It’s ingrained! 😛
But it’s mostly as a joke 😉
Some day my wife and I want to walk El Camino, and go to Portugal, we can compare the tongues there. The Spanish I know as an employer, and from growing up as a minority in a mostly-Mexican-immigrant area of California. They are wonderful people, as are all of my Portuguese-immigrant friends (via Canada) who have done very well here.

BTW: the characterization of the Portuguese v. Spanish sound was told to me by the Portuguese immigrants (in humor). Mexican immigrants never hear any Portuguese spoken. We speak a lot of Spanish, and hopefully they eventually learn English.
hehe… that will be a nice trip… you do it! 🙂
Now, you should be aware that the mexican spanish is a bit different from Spain’s version… specially if you “camino” goes through Santiago de Compostela, you’ll hear Galego which is a curious mix between portuguese and spanish.

Your portuguese friends only speak spanish or english, because that’s what they have to speak… portuguese people can usually pick up a new language quite easily… spanish is mostly the same with a slightly different accent… and that isn’t difficult. English is now everyone’s second language… everyone, except the native english speakers.
ate’ logo!🙂
Até amanhã!
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